
Bishops Participate in Promoting Homosex Fake Marriage

The anti-Catholic Association of United States Catholic Priests (AUSCP) held its annual assembly in Minneapolis on June 21-24.

At least, three bishops participated: John Wester (Santa Fe), Richard Pates (Crookston) and William Wack (Pensacola). LepantoIn.org wrote that at the assembly the controversial New Ways Ministry promoted homosex fake marriage.

Father Peter Daly, a member of the AUSCP’s Leadership Team, is also a member of the Board of Directors of New Ways Ministry. When challenged by a reporter at the assembly concerning propaganda for homosex “marriage,” Daly responded that he “promotes charity” - as if disrespecting God's commandments could be called "charity."

Pamphlets distributed during the AUSCP assembly advertised transvestitism, forcing Catholic businesses to hire self-professed homosex ideologists, and promoting homosexuality and transvestitism among young people.

Mary Elizabeth Deluduka shares this
the headline should read:
"Luciferian Bishops Participate in Promoting Homosex Fake Marriage"
Headline "Bishops Participate in Promoting Homosex Fake Marriage" is misleading.More
the headline should read:

"Luciferian Bishops Participate in Promoting Homosex Fake Marriage"
Headline "Bishops Participate in Promoting Homosex Fake Marriage" is misleading.
My dear clergy you can not serve two masters ,You are all smiles now but, one day you have to face our Lord Jesus Christ .Do you believe in Him ?