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Carol H
la verdad prevalece: (1) The anti-pope of St. Catherine of Siena's time was indeed an anti-Pope as there was already a true Pope on the throne. (2) You fail to make the distinction between the man and his Divine Office and you invert your position to ours: A pseudo religion where the visible Church, dogmas, and the authority of the hierarchy are considered dispensable is your position, not mine (…More
la verdad prevalece: (1) The anti-pope of St. Catherine of Siena's time was indeed an anti-Pope as there was already a true Pope on the throne. (2) You fail to make the distinction between the man and his Divine Office and you invert your position to ours: A pseudo religion where the visible Church, dogmas, and the authority of the hierarchy are considered dispensable is your position, not mine (3) You have no right in either scripture, tradition, or Church Law to declare the Pope is not the Pope. (4) Rejecting the Papacy is a devil's tool. So who is the servant? (5, 6,7) In acknowledging the Papacy, while resisting the abuses, I am living my faith as set down by the Church Fathers and their example. Question: Why is it that those who want to have an emotional rant block everyone else from speaking? 🤔
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@davegaetano7118; St Catherine of Siena did not hesitate to speak her mind about the anti-pope crisis of her day. St Catherine of Siena did not sit around and wait for the cardinals (or the bishops) to resolve the problem. Rather, in no uncertain terms she told those cardinals that they had installed Satan on the throne of Peter. (She even went so far as to tell them that they deserved to be tortured …More
@davegaetano7118; St Catherine of Siena did not hesitate to speak her mind about the anti-pope crisis of her day. St Catherine of Siena did not sit around and wait for the cardinals (or the bishops) to resolve the problem. Rather, in no uncertain terms she told those cardinals that they had installed Satan on the throne of Peter. (She even went so far as to tell them that they deserved to be tortured for what they had done.)
la verdad prevalece
The stepchildren of Bergoglio's sect have joined Bergoglio in his rebellion against God and the Church. They accept that this impostor claims that people can be saved without Christ and without the Church. But the only thing they are not allowed to do is to be separated from Bergoglio. This is called the religious imposture of the antichrist. A pseudo religion where God, the Church, dogmas, and …More
The stepchildren of Bergoglio's sect have joined Bergoglio in his rebellion against God and the Church. They accept that this impostor claims that people can be saved without Christ and without the Church. But the only thing they are not allowed to do is to be separated from Bergoglio. This is called the religious imposture of the antichrist. A pseudo religion where God, the Church, dogmas, and hierarchy are not necessary, only Bergoglio's pseudo papacy. These stepchildren who despise their own mother the Church and persecute true Catholics treat Bergoglio as an untouchable idol, a pseudo messiah, a golden calf, a super man who can defy the laws of God and the Church and they continue to defend him tooth and nail.
The “lawless one,” the only man who is above God and who is exempt from obeying God’s laws and who can change the Church at will. Does this remind you of anything? The rebellious Lucifer who wanted to be like God.
la verdad prevalece
@brhenry Jesus Christ taught us that impostors will come in His name and will deceive many and that we would recognize them by their fruits. The point is that we Catholics have the right to defend the Church from this predatory wolf and destroyer of souls.
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la verdad prevalece
@brhenry Our situation is worse because none of the anti-popes was a heretic but today we are facing a servant of the Devil.
la verdad prevalece
We read that the last test of the Church will shake the faith of many. It is precisely a test that we must all pass in terms of fidelity to God. We see how many are failing and, instead of defending the laws of God and the Church, they have joined Bergoglio's rebellion and have joined the enemy's side and have abandoned the Church.
la verdad prevalece
@bactid: It's ironic that they (bergoglians) call you (us) Luther when Francis (Bergoglio) honored him with a statue and stamp.
la verdad prevalece
@bactid: È ironico che loro (i bergogliani) ti chiamino (noi) Lutero, quando Francesco (Bergoglio) lo ha onorato con una statua e un francobollo.
la verdad prevalece
1)Bergolio teaches that God "wills the diversity of religions" so those who wish to remain obedient to him must consent to his teaching that God willed Vigano's actions.
2) Bergolio teaches that no one can seperate themselves from the Church, so those who wish to remain obedient to him must obey his teaching that Vigano is not separated from the church.More
1)Bergolio teaches that God "wills the diversity of religions" so those who wish to remain obedient to him must consent to his teaching that God willed Vigano's actions.

2) Bergolio teaches that no one can seperate themselves from the Church, so those who wish to remain obedient to him must obey his teaching that Vigano is not separated from the church.
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la verdad prevalece
"Can. 748 §1. All persons are bound to seek the truth in those things which regard God and his Church and by virtue of divine law are bound by the obligation and possess the right of embracing and observing the truth which they have come to know."
la verdad prevalece
Following that same false argument of Eric, we would have had 3 or 4 popes serving at the same time in the list of popes because none of the anti-popes could have been judged or removed. Now we only have to do a little Google search to review the apostate, schismatic and heretical past of the false pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio who had already betrayed the True God and the Church in Argentina. Bergoglio …More
Following that same false argument of Eric, we would have had 3 or 4 popes serving at the same time in the list of popes because none of the anti-popes could have been judged or removed. Now we only have to do a little Google search to review the apostate, schismatic and heretical past of the false pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio who had already betrayed the True God and the Church in Argentina. Bergoglio committed perjury by violating the Jesuit oath to illegally rise to the rank of cardinal without professing the Catholic faith and while he persecuted and silenced every priest who questioned his apostate acts.
Maria delos Angeles
These dudes are confused too: they do not know what to make of it (US Grace Force):- WW3 - Vigano' - Prophecy Abounding: What IS Our Calling?
Sean Johnson
If Viganò’s position is correct, people like Carol will be punished by declaring fidelity to a counterfeit institution. Meanwhile Eric Simmons (whoever that is) is incorrect: We the people cannot render a juridical judgment against the pope (duh!), but we can most certainly note his heresies and reject the blasphemous notion tgat our Lord could allow His Vicar to be an instrument of perdition. The …More
If Viganò’s position is correct, people like Carol will be punished by declaring fidelity to a counterfeit institution. Meanwhile Eric Simmons (whoever that is) is incorrect: We the people cannot render a juridical judgment against the pope (duh!), but we can most certainly note his heresies and reject the blasphemous notion tgat our Lord could allow His Vicar to be an instrument of perdition. The Church is not an American democracy, and emotionalism is not an argument.
Carol H
It cannot be a blasphemous notion if it has not been definitely defined. Also God HAS allowed Pope Francis to be in Office for more than eleven years. And whether you believe he was validly elected or not, he has been ruling as Pope and recognised by the Universal Church as Pope for all that time (which, according to St. Alphonsus and others, makes him the Pope regardless). Again, you can privately …More
It cannot be a blasphemous notion if it has not been definitely defined. Also God HAS allowed Pope Francis to be in Office for more than eleven years. And whether you believe he was validly elected or not, he has been ruling as Pope and recognised by the Universal Church as Pope for all that time (which, according to St. Alphonsus and others, makes him the Pope regardless). Again, you can privately suspect the Holy Father of formal heresy - and I use the word suspect for you have no authority or competence to confirm - however to spout off as if it were true and condemn and insult all those that do not hold with your private opinion, is schismatic behavior. I also would like to clarify my opening statement: even if down the track, the Pope was formally declared a manifest heretic by the Church, this does not excuse Archbishop Vigano for jumping the gun. I simply meant, speaking figuratively, that IF his position was correct, why worry, God would sort it out.
Sean Johnson
The implication is that undeclared blasphemy ceases to be blasphemous. That’s a logical fallacy.
Carol H
I said it had not been defined upon so therefore it does not constitute as a blasphemy. What is in your head does not make it so.
Sean Johnson
The implication is that undefined blasphemy ceases to be blasphemous. Thats a logical fallacy.
Carol H
Don't twist my words. It's not necessarily blasphemy just because you say so. Keep it in context to what you wrote. You said it was a blasphemous notion that Our Lord could allow His Vicar to be an instrument of perdition (rather strong words but I understood where you were coming from). Yet for eleven years Our Lord has allowed this Pope to reign. St. Alphonsus states that regardless if a Pope …More
Don't twist my words. It's not necessarily blasphemy just because you say so. Keep it in context to what you wrote. You said it was a blasphemous notion that Our Lord could allow His Vicar to be an instrument of perdition (rather strong words but I understood where you were coming from). Yet for eleven years Our Lord has allowed this Pope to reign. St. Alphonsus states that regardless if a Pope was invalidly elected, if he is accepted by the universal Church as Pope and has reigned a significant time as Pope, he is Pope. This brings us back to the starting point: how is it a blasphemous notion that this bad Pope is still Pope if our Lord has allowed it?
Carol H
IF Archbishop Vigano's positon is correct, then God will have him re-instated or formally validated. Meanwhile, Eric Sammons is correct; we the people cannot judge the head of the Church. We can privately suspect it, but we cannot make it a dogma. That is to put ourselves into a schismatic mind-frame, if not into actual schism. Listen carefully to the core point of this gentleman - Catholoic …More
IF Archbishop Vigano's positon is correct, then God will have him re-instated or formally validated. Meanwhile, Eric Sammons is correct; we the people cannot judge the head of the Church. We can privately suspect it, but we cannot make it a dogma. That is to put ourselves into a schismatic mind-frame, if not into actual schism. Listen carefully to the core point of this gentleman - Catholoic Esquire -speaking. He emphasizes "we have a conscience" - "we must do the work...reach our own conclusions" and the Pope "is obviously a heretic" and "it's annoying" when "we are compared to Martin Luther" who claimed the same. Tradition and the Father's of the Church dictate that in the name of prudence and unity, only an authority who has the authority to replace one Pope for another - can declare on the head of the Church. The Church is not an American democracy and emotionalism is not an argument.