Bp. Strickland shares his experience of the TLM. (From: Mass of the Ages)
Simon North
I applaud him for the commencement of his eye-opening regarding the Ancient Mass. What worries me is that too many do not understand that this well-meaning bishop doesn't know what he doesn't know. There's nothing melodious about the "Ordinary Form" (his use of that word indicates how far behind the curve he really is). The prayers of the Montinian Mass are both different and deficient when compared …More
I applaud him for the commencement of his eye-opening regarding the Ancient Mass. What worries me is that too many do not understand that this well-meaning bishop doesn't know what he doesn't know. There's nothing melodious about the "Ordinary Form" (his use of that word indicates how far behind the curve he really is). The prayers of the Montinian Mass are both different and deficient when compared to those prayed in the Mass of the Ages. I'm not certain just how much he realizes that this fact has contributed mightily to the heresies rampant and unabated throughout the post-conciliar Church.
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