UPDATE FROM ISRAEL - THE VAXED ARE SICK AND DYING. Israel boasted about being one of the first countries on earth to have the majority of their citizens vaxed. They are now one of the first countries …More

Israel boasted about being one of the first countries on earth to have the majority of their citizens vaxed. They are now one of the first countries openly reporting that the vax is killing people, while making tens of thousands sick with severe health problems.
Carmine3 shares this
Hugh N. Cry
Is it the un-vaxed who will face the onslaught and persecution from the cabal/antichrist post purge? If so, at least they are the ones with fortitude, discernment, and ability to resist.
Servant Of Divine Mercy
The consensus from independent journalists, bishops like Vigano, insiders, doctors and scientists are saying that it will be the unvaccinated that will be persecuted with blame for the deaths of the people who took the lethal jabs and when the governments reintroduce more lockdowns and restrictions they will blame it on the unvaccinated a bit like what the Jews experienced under Hitler. The vaccinated …More
The consensus from independent journalists, bishops like Vigano, insiders, doctors and scientists are saying that it will be the unvaccinated that will be persecuted with blame for the deaths of the people who took the lethal jabs and when the governments reintroduce more lockdowns and restrictions they will blame it on the unvaccinated a bit like what the Jews experienced under Hitler. The vaccinated have already been persecuted by the venom in these vaccines that will destroy their insides til they die and become transhuman by being easy slaves to the New World Order Antichrist Globalists. Either way there will be PAIN on both sides but if one dies for Our Lord Jesus Christ by not being contaminated by the ways of the world and their Luciferian Governments and be totally faithful to Jesus til the end then one has nothing to fear but be filled with joy departing from this short life into Heaven for all Eternity.
Michael Pant shares this
Facts Not Lies
This is representative of why no intelligent group puts all of its faith into one (untested, invalidated, unneeded, and undocumented) drug.
As is stated in the video several times... they have no unvaxed for comparison. And that was evidently the goal. To obscure the clear red arrow to the jab.More
This is representative of why no intelligent group puts all of its faith into one (untested, invalidated, unneeded, and undocumented) drug.

As is stated in the video several times... they have no unvaxed for comparison. And that was evidently the goal. To obscure the clear red arrow to the jab.
Facts Not Lies
If the doctors and politicians feel this jab is so good... have them take it and the (out of protocol) "boosters". If they are healthy in 7 years. Cool, it may be OFFERED for those who WANT it.
Leave the healthy alone!More
If the doctors and politicians feel this jab is so good... have them take it and the (out of protocol) "boosters". If they are healthy in 7 years. Cool, it may be OFFERED for those who WANT it.

Leave the healthy alone!
Too bad, they turned on their own people! 'They' think only of themselves. God is love, these globalists are hateful and evil! How hard to be Christlike; "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
They have already taken the boost