Krystian N.
The last apostle of Fatima. Interview with fr Paul Kramer. Amazing Stuff! October 2023.More
The last apostle of Fatima. Interview with fr Paul Kramer. Amazing Stuff! October 2023.
Maria delos Angeles shares this
The Third Secret of Fatima speaks of a pope who will be completely under the devil. According to what Fr Paul Kramer is saying here, "It reveals that there will be a heretic who will be an anti-pope. He will be a putative pope. Not a valid pope." The last apostle of Fatima. Interview with fr Paul Kramer. Amazing Stuff! October 2023.
Maria delos Angeles
Thank you @Live Mike
Aso here: Talk show Host Art Bell interviews Fr Malachi Mart…
[ Fr Malachi Martin had read the Third Secret of Fatima ].
Perhaps Mr. Martin said at last something about his private role as a Jewish influence agent in the Holy Church delivering you - a naive folk, the Vatican II revolution. No? Not at all? A pity.
Maria delos Angeles
@LiveJohnV.R.S. I am sure you have been following the wrong version of events. I am sure Fr Martin came under a lot of attack when he released his book, "The Jesuits".
@Maria delos Angeles
I am following the truth. As for "The Jesuits" - the strange thing is: Martin wrote about Arrupe who became the Jesuit General when Fr. Malachi left them and started to receive grants from Guggenheims for his literature. However, he did not write anything about Fr. Augustine Bea - a well known Jesuit under whose presidency (in the so-called Secretariat for the Christian Unity …More
@Maria delos Angeles
I am following the truth. As for "The Jesuits" - the strange thing is: Martin wrote about Arrupe who became the Jesuit General when Fr. Malachi left them and started to receive grants from Guggenheims for his literature. However, he did not write anything about Fr. Augustine Bea - a well known Jesuit under whose presidency (in the so-called Secretariat for the Christian Unity - most curiously taking care of receiving Jewish lobbyists) he was doing his worst to destroy the Church from within.
Maria delos Angeles
Did he write about Cardinal Bea in Windswept house as German Jesuit cardinal? Who's Who? A Key to Malachi Martin's Windswept House
Bazsó-Dombi Attila shares this
In fact this is about the errors of Russia spreaded, not the communism: dominancy of secularized state over the Church!
Patriarch Nikon
NYPL, Slavic and Baltic Division
The Schism, or Raskol, was provoked chiefly by Patriarch Nikon (1608–1681), a complex figure whom Tsar Aleksei had appointed patriarch in 1652. The split divided the Russian Orthodox Church into two sects: those who remained faithful …
In fact this is about the errors of Russia spreaded, not the communism: dominancy of secularized state over the Church!

Patriarch Nikon
NYPL, Slavic and Baltic Division

The Schism, or Raskol, was provoked chiefly by Patriarch Nikon (1608–1681), a complex figure whom Tsar Aleksei had appointed patriarch in 1652. The split divided the Russian Orthodox Church into two sects: those who remained faithful to the official church; and the Old Believers, who broke away.

Nikon, a leader in the religious and moral revival that the era witnessed, had great influence over the tsar and even attempted to break with tradition by asserting the superiority of the church over the state. With this power, he sought to return Russian Orthodox practices—for instance, the use of the word alleluia, the making of the sign of the cross, the direction of church processions, and the correction of errors in translations of Church service books—to conform to the Greek Byzantine practice.
The opposing groups believed that such reforms were heretical. Known as the Old Believers, they included prosperous peasants and merchants; eventually some were characterized by fanaticism and xenophobia. The conflict was officially resolved when Tsar Aleksei grew weary of Nikon’s arrogance and banished him. Ironically, the Council of 1666 legalized Nikon’s reforms, but reinstated the state’s dominance over the church. The Council also anathematized the Old Believers, thereby pushing them into the ranks of religious and political dissidence.

Russia Engages the World - NYPL
Live Mike
Many thanks for this @Krystian N. !