Letter of Covington Bishop John Iffert explaining why he removed the faculties of the TLM priests pastoring Our Lady of Lourdes in Park Hills, KY
So everyone in that Diocese should join the Missionaries of St John the Baptist. The TLM priests are "allowed" to conduct ministry for them. Hope they have enough pews.
Ban the Novus Ordo! A liturgy that focuses on man rather than God is worse than irrelevant!
Jeffrey Ade
@alexamarie If you read the letter, the progressivist Bishop called their preaching "errors." However if you sturdy Attila Gumare's Eli, Eli, Lama Sabacthani Series on Progressivism and Vatican II you find that the preaching of the priests to be Catholic. The Novus Ordo Bishops hate Catholicism, plain and simple and they are completing their mission to stamp it out! God bless you! Our lady of Fatima …More
@alexamarie If you read the letter, the progressivist Bishop called their preaching "errors." However if you sturdy Attila Gumare's Eli, Eli, Lama Sabacthani Series on Progressivism and Vatican II you find that the preaching of the priests to be Catholic. The Novus Ordo Bishops hate Catholicism, plain and simple and they are completing their mission to stamp it out! God bless you! Our lady of Fatima, pray for us!
If in its design,( and this is a matter of historical fact admitted by its authors), it suppressed the Catholic Faith so as not to be a stumbling block to our enemies, then in effect have they not introduced a less ordered Rite of Mass? When you wilfully reduce order you are in effect introducing disorder. Can God bless this disordering?
John A Cassani
I have to believe that the bishop was likely misinformed about some of what the priest preached. I’ve never heard anyone call the Novus ordo “irrelevant,” though it is very frequently called “irreverent.” The liturgical reform was probably not carried out with hatred towards traditional Catholics, but was carried out with evident disdain for tradition itself. Traditionis custodes was certainly …More
I have to believe that the bishop was likely misinformed about some of what the priest preached. I’ve never heard anyone call the Novus ordo “irrelevant,” though it is very frequently called “irreverent.” The liturgical reform was probably not carried out with hatred towards traditional Catholics, but was carried out with evident disdain for tradition itself. Traditionis custodes was certainly promulgated with hatred towards traditional Catholics, especially priests. It seems to me possible that someone with poor communication skills was involved in this episode.
I hear the TLM is the symphony of the Mass. Why are they against it?
Erzherzog Eugen
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@Lisi Sterndorfer