
Belgium: Archbishops Must Pay Compensation to Woman "Denied" Deacon Training

@John A Cassani Because they WILL BE DISRUPTIVE. I should know. At the theology school I attended women were allowed to "audit' pastoral formation classes for men studying for the priesthood, but were always belligerent that they were denied Holy Orders by an oppressive patriarchal Church. It got so bad that one professor who was a member of a religious community had extracurricular sessions in his …More
@John A Cassani Because they WILL BE DISRUPTIVE. I should know. At the theology school I attended women were allowed to "audit' pastoral formation classes for men studying for the priesthood, but were always belligerent that they were denied Holy Orders by an oppressive patriarchal Church. It got so bad that one professor who was a member of a religious community had extracurricular sessions in his nearby monastery just to get away from those gals. Of course, he was reported to the administration for sexist behavior.

The one in the long is Tyler Cherry, Biden's new communications director. It's not Halloween but his …

You've heard of the old saying: "Personnel is policy!" This is Biden's idea of america!

"What's past is prologue."

@The Wandering Recluse When I was in seminary in the 80s they were termed "thinking Catholics" - because we were told all those traditional & conservative Catholics were stupid/ignorant for actually believing in the "pre-Vatican 2" religion 🤪 🥱

JERRY GOODE @MrJerryGoode BREAKING : U.S. NASA Astronauts Barry "Butch" Wilmore and Suni Williams are …

China? I thought Elon Musk's SpaceX was going to get them. Guess our government would rather deal with an enemy state than a capitalist entrepreneur.

Francis Makes Monsignor Gänswein a Nuncio

Didn't he have a trad past? Was he an infiltrator?

Francis Makes Monsignor Gänswein a Nuncio

Franco was better for Spain than Francis is for the Church!

Tucker Carlson tells Alex Jones abortion is a demonic ‘offering to the spirit world’ - LifeSite

@Father Karl A Claver you must have the counsel of really good priests. Sadly, some I have come in contact with just look at abortion as a mild tragedy - i.e. that's it's unfortunate that a woman would be forced to resort to it and we need to show them support and accompany them in their choice. And that's the best opinion. I know one priest who was visibly angry when the Supreme Court overturned …More
@Father Karl A Claver you must have the counsel of really good priests. Sadly, some I have come in contact with just look at abortion as a mild tragedy - i.e. that's it's unfortunate that a woman would be forced to resort to it and we need to show them support and accompany them in their choice. And that's the best opinion. I know one priest who was visibly angry when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. He said that he thought we were beyond that and need to stop obsessing over abortion!! Taking his cues from Francis. 😱 😲

This is an auxiliary Bishop of Boston

One may feel for his loss of a relative , BUT... The T-shirt touting a movie starring a known sexual pervert? Optics? Lord have mercy!

British activist Tommy Robinson has been arrested by Canadian undercover police after giving a speech

From Wikipedia: "Tommy Robinson, is a British anti-Islam campaigner, convicted criminal, and one of the UK’s most prominent far-right activists. He was a political advisor to former UK Independence Party." Don't let that "convicted criminal" line phase you. He's just another man who the globalist left abhor. All charges seem to revolve around passport violations and saying mean things in public …More
From Wikipedia: "Tommy Robinson, is a British anti-Islam campaigner, convicted criminal, and one of the UK’s most prominent far-right activists. He was a political advisor to former UK Independence Party." Don't let that "convicted criminal" line phase you. He's just another man who the globalist left abhor. All charges seem to revolve around passport violations and saying mean things in public and on social media.

'Latin mass excluded most people who could not speak Latin from an understanding of the very system …

I hear you. I was in middle school in the 60s and I vividly remember being excited about getting to learn Latin the next year. I even recall helping one of the teachers shelve Wheelock's Latin Grammar the last day of school knowing I'd be taking the class in the fall. Over the summer, the school board canceled the course and replaced it with something stupid like "creative writing" where students …More
I hear you. I was in middle school in the 60s and I vividly remember being excited about getting to learn Latin the next year. I even recall helping one of the teachers shelve Wheelock's Latin Grammar the last day of school knowing I'd be taking the class in the fall. Over the summer, the school board canceled the course and replaced it with something stupid like "creative writing" where students wrote plays & skits. 🥺 😲

'Latin mass excluded most people who could not speak Latin from an understanding of the very system …

Another example of the accursed "turn to the subject" of modernism - people thinking the Mass is all about THEM. It's a prayer addressed to GOD first and foremost! It's about ultimate reality not our petty preferences.

Rome blocks ordinations of seminarians in French community that offers Latin Mass, superior says - …

@Father Karl A Claver Yes. I too, like many others, had a strange foreboding when he came out on the loggia in 2013. 😲 Something wasn't right.

This is England. What have they done to you

I've always thought I'd like to visit the UK and experience it's rich history. But at this rate, it's turning into some 3rd world country that I have no desire to see.

It’s time for the Knights of Columbus to recall, replace, or destroy various parish materials they …

YES!! I wince every time I pass a display like this we have at our parish. Note that some of the booklets have more traditional art. Keep those.

‼️Warning Signs‼️

This meme is not too far off from reality - one of the "ladies" on that dreadful show The View opined that Harrison Butker was dangerous because he "practices the Latin Mass"!!! They don't even know how to speak about Catholic worship.

Pope Francis has lost control of his liberal revolution

Quote from article: "It is whispered that Francis himself privately revels in this prospect [the Church splitting], viewing it as a way to rid the Church of its sexual obsessions and return it to a grassroots approach that puts power in the hands of local priests. Certainly, in his efforts to please everyone, he has given up on trying to impose a cohesive, universal morality. At this point, if the …More
Quote from article: "It is whispered that Francis himself privately revels in this prospect [the Church splitting], viewing it as a way to rid the Church of its sexual obsessions and return it to a grassroots approach that puts power in the hands of local priests. Certainly, in his efforts to please everyone, he has given up on trying to impose a cohesive, universal morality. At this point, if the Germans or others do opt to split irreversibly with Rome, who is Pope Francis, of all people, to judge?" Interesting that the liberals at Politico like leftists elsewhere believe Francis to be "trying to please both sides" and NOT bringing the revolution fast enough!

Nuns of the Roman Rite Expand to England

It's telling that one group that the government is denying permanent resident status is Catholic women seeking entrance into traditional contemplative monasteries. Guess if they were young men from Muslim countries, they'd sail through immigration procedures!

Red alert!

What happened to the Catholic countries of Spain, Italy, Poland & Lithuania? They're doing worse than the secular or historically Protestant nations of Europe. 😱