Mavros Gatos
Mavros Gatos
MTG Annihilates ‘Evil’ Fauci during Covid Hearing: ‘You Belong in Prison’ for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) told Fauci to his face that he “belongs in prison” and …Περισσότερα
MTG Annihilates ‘Evil’ Fauci during Covid Hearing: ‘You Belong in Prison’ for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) told Fauci to his face that he “belongs in prison” and that she knows his testimony was riddled with lies.
“We should be recommending you to be prosecuted … for crimes against humanity,” the Georgia Republican told Fauci.
She also claimed that the former NIH director’s “repulsive, evil science,” led to school children having to endure class with masks, causing detrimental impacts on the kids. Watch:
MTG Annihilates 'Evil' Fauci during Covid Hearing: 'You Belong in Prison' for 'Crimes Against Humanity' - Slay News
See Ahora's posting above. It's very good. Actually, so is this.
Maria delos Angeles
oh how convenient that is mike isnt working. gremlins in the mike
Ένα ακόμη σχόλιο
AI Not Artificial, Secret Scalar Waves used Speech of Dr. Henning Witte on the 2017 From Illusion to Reality Conference in PragueΠερισσότερα
AI Not Artificial, Secret Scalar Waves used
Speech of Dr. Henning Witte on the 2017 From Illusion to Reality Conference in Prague
0. Δρ. Henning Witte - Scalar Waves used in Mind Control - Conference 2014
What is the torsion field and how to use it - Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak Czym jest pole torsyjne i jak z niego korzystać - dr Diana WojtkowiakΠερισσότερα
What is the torsion field and how to use it - Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak
Czym jest pole torsyjne i jak z niego korzystać - dr Diana Wojtkowiak
To jest facet?
Mavros Gatos
The Torus Field με τον Austin Whitsitt The Torus Field with Austin WhitsittΠερισσότερα
The Torus Field με τον Austin Whitsitt
The Torus Field with Austin Whitsitt
Dr Gennady Shipov - Physical Vacuum, Torsion Fields, Quantum Mechanics and Tesla's ExperimentsΠερισσότερα
Dr Gennady Shipov - Physical Vacuum, Torsion Fields, Quantum Mechanics and Tesla's Experiments
Unlocking Zero-Point Energy Experiments show that there is a real possibility that zero-point energy can be harvested to produce electrical power. Zero-point energy is the result of quantum fluctuations …Περισσότερα
Unlocking Zero-Point Energy
Experiments show that there is a real possibility that zero-point energy can be harvested to produce electrical power. Zero-point energy is the result of quantum fluctuations in materials and in the vacuum itself.
This video describes how the energy is harvested, the practical and scientific implications of this, and what the reaction of the scientific community has been so far.
The work is published in the journal Symmetry: "Optical-cavity-induced current." Garret Moddel, Ayendra Weerakkody, David Doroski, and Dylan Bartusiak. Symmetry 13, no. 3 (2021): 517.
Available for download: and in the journal Physical Review Research: "Casimir-cavity-induced conductance changes." Garret Moddel, Ayendra Weerakkody, David Doroski, and Dylan Bartusiak.
Physical Review Research 3, no. 2 (2021): L022007. Available for download: and most recently in the Journal of Scientific Exploration: "Zero-Point Energy: Capturing …Περισσότερα
remember cold fusion craze.
Very interesting.
Ένα ακόμη σχόλιο
Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals shocking use of venom peptides in cosmetics and the food supply... Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals shocking use of venom peptides in cosmetics and the food supply, with NEW SOLUTIONS …Περισσότερα
Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals shocking use of venom peptides in cosmetics and the food supply...
Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals shocking use of venom peptides in cosmetics and the food supply, with NEW SOLUTIONS for foreign protein detoxification
- Venom peptides in medicine, including their use in COVID-19 treatment and cosmetics. (0:01)
- Toxic weight loss drugs made from venomous lizard's venom. (7:27)
- COVID-19 origins and potential cures. (12:45)
- Nicotine as an antidote for various viruses, including COVID-19, with references to scientific research. (17:00)
- Venom proteins and their effects on the human body, with a focus on the Lobelia plant as a potential remedy. (20:21)
- Natural ingredients for detoxifying foreign proteins. (25:33) - Natural remedies for COVID-19, including wormwood and salt intake. (30:07) - Salt, salt licks, and their importance for animals and humans, with a focus on Mucuna Pruriens as an ingredient that (35:18) - Plants' ability to neutralize venom toxins with added …Περισσότερα
from snake venom to carbon nano particles and man didn't land on the moon. 🤪
Nicotine and sunshine...seems to be why NONE of the homeless people I help around my home got covid. ha ha ha.
Israeli soldiers shoot and kill two unarmed Palestinian men in Gaza: Video Advocacy group condemns ‘heinous war crime’, and says Israel appears to ‘kill Palestinians on a whim’.Περισσότερα
Israeli soldiers shoot and kill two unarmed Palestinian men in Gaza: Video
Advocacy group condemns ‘heinous war crime’, and says Israel appears to ‘kill Palestinians on a whim’.
Manly P. Hall: Magnetic Fields of the Human Body "Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and their Functions" was recorded in front of a live audience by Manly Palmer Hall on April 23, 1989 in Los Angeles. …Περισσότερα
Manly P. Hall: Magnetic Fields of the Human Body
"Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and their Functions" was recorded in front of a live audience by Manly Palmer Hall on April 23, 1989 in Los Angeles.
NOTES: In 1911 Dr. Walter Kilner examined the aura with colored filters. Count Alessandro di Cagliostro was the alias of the Italian occultist Giuseppe Balsamo.
Magnetism in the Human Body At age 88, Hall's voice still rings true with the lessons he dedicated his life to teaching to all seekers of wisdom. His 70 year career is a treasure house of essential philosophic and rational thought, and a synthesis of all the great writers, thinkers and dreamers of our collective culture and history. This is part of his legacy, and we are continuing in the tradition, bringing his words into the digital age.
"The Great Mystery of Water" (2008) "The Great Mystery of Water" (2008)Περισσότερα
"The Great Mystery of Water" (2008)
"The Great Mystery of Water" (2008)
Parasitic Science and the Unproven Virus If you want to routinely cull the population, then an invisible virus that you cannot see or prove would be the perfect lie to cover it up.Περισσότερα
Parasitic Science and the Unproven Virus
If you want to routinely cull the population, then an invisible virus that you cannot see or prove would be the perfect lie to cover it up.
Excellent, thank you!
Parasites and the Virus Deception - Dr. Lee Merritt (Reese Report) Parasites and the Virus Deception - Dr. Lee Merritt (Reese Report)Περισσότερα
Parasites and the Virus Deception - Dr. Lee Merritt (Reese Report)
Parasites and the Virus Deception - Dr. Lee Merritt (Reese Report)
"MOM I'M COMING BACK" - Documentary on the Criminal Railway Tragedy in Tempi, Greece [with EN Subs] 📍 On 28 February 2023, a head-on collision occurred between two trains south of the Tempe Valley in …Περισσότερα
"MOM I'M COMING BACK" - Documentary on the Criminal Railway Tragedy in Tempi, Greece [with EN Subs]
📍 On 28 February 2023, a head-on collision occurred between two trains south of the Tempe Valley in Greece, about halfway between the Greek villages of Tempi and Evangelismos in the Thessaly region.
🔺 Anthi Voulgari, after months of research, takes a journey to the cities where the passengers of the fatal train lived, records the testimonies of the survivors as well as the accounts of the victims' families, and follows the progress of the investigations for justice. A day of remembrance for Tempe. One year after the deadly railway tragedy that marked our country. Mourning and sorrow. Unanswered "why?"
👉 Collection of signatures
One year after the accident, the Association of Relatives of the Victims of the 2023 Tempi railway disaster collected signatures through the online platform, with the aim of abolishing immunity for ministers and commencing an inquiry concerning the …Περισσότερα
The Great Mystery of WaterΠερισσότερα
The Great Mystery of Water
Broadcast Circulation
Genesis 1:6: And God said: Let there be a firmament made amidst the waters: and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made a firmament …Περισσότερα
Genesis 1:6: And God said: Let there be a firmament made amidst the waters: and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made a firmament, and divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament, and it was so.
ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD - "Transhumanistic Warfare"Truth, Science And Spirit, Ep 8 - Conversation with Elana FreelandΠερισσότερα
ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD - "Transhumanistic Warfare"Truth, Science And Spirit, Ep 8 - Conversation with Elana Freeland
ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD - My Interview with Alison Steinberg On OANN News On The Fluorescent Faces In C19 Injected And Hydrogel Brain Computer InterfaceΠερισσότερα
ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD - My Interview with Alison Steinberg On OANN News On The Fluorescent Faces In C19 Injected And Hydrogel Brain Computer Interface
The War On Children Documentary "The War On Children" exposes the ongoing battle for control of the next generation and their minds. Until now, only pieces of this war have been exposed but this …Περισσότερα
The War On Children Documentary
"The War On Children" exposes the ongoing battle for control of the next generation and their minds.
Until now, only pieces of this war have been exposed but this groundbreaking documentary puts ALL of the puzzle pieces together to reveal the full battle plan being used by the left to control the future. To win this war you have to understand the tactics your enemy is using to beat you. Then it’s time to go on offense. Are you ready to be the warrior that children need or will you let the global elite control the future and turn our kids into their soldiers?
The War on Children – Documentary
Mary 17
Deeply disturbing