pater pauperum
Padre Michael Rodriguez: LUCHAR POR LA VERDADERA MISA - La validez No es suficiente (Tradición Católica)Mehr
Padre Michael Rodriguez: LUCHAR POR LA VERDADERA MISA - La validez No es suficiente (Tradición Católica)
Santa Maria Francisca de las Cinco Llagas y su experiencia con el PurgatorioMehr
Santa Maria Francisca de las Cinco Llagas y su experiencia con el Purgatorio
Sermons for Salvation: 3 Types of Sinners, Which One are You - ICKSP: Institute of Christ the King Sovereign PriestMehr
Sermons for Salvation: 3 Types of Sinners, Which One are You
- ICKSP: Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest
Padre Michael Rodriguez: El modernismo destruye la santa fe, destruye el sacramento del matrimonio, distorciona la Verdad Divina.... Tradición Católica.Mehr
Padre Michael Rodriguez: El modernismo destruye la santa fe, destruye el sacramento del matrimonio, distorciona la Verdad Divina.... Tradición Católica.
Life at Saint Thomas Aquinas Seminary - FSSPX USAMehr
Life at Saint Thomas Aquinas Seminary - FSSPX USA
Alex A
@Sean Johnson Yeh, you think? The Resistance movement is based solely on the tantrum of Bishop Williamson. It has no authority other than that claimed …Mehr
@Sean Johnson Yeh, you think? The Resistance movement is based solely on the tantrum of Bishop Williamson. It has no authority other than that claimed by Williamson himself. In all good charity, Williamson and all his supporters, have placed themselves outside of the legitimate Church, and are there, because of the very pernicious sin of pride.
Sean Johnson
Not unexpectedly, not a word about the crisis in the church, combating modernism, or Vatican 2. This is the post-2012 branded (toothless) SSPX which …Mehr
Not unexpectedly, not a word about the crisis in the church, combating modernism, or Vatican 2. This is the post-2012 branded (toothless) SSPX which modernist Rome can live with. But the salt has lost its savor some time ago. The old SSPX now survives only in the Resistance.
2 weitere Kommentare
Padre Michael Rodriguez: Las modas, la modestia y la salvación - Tradición CatólicaMehr
Padre Michael Rodriguez: Las modas, la modestia y la salvación -
Tradición Católica
Live the Catholic Tradition - fsspxMehr
Live the Catholic Tradition - fsspx
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Philothea - Wir müssen uns von der Anhänglichkeit an läßlichen Sünden reinigen / Hl. Franz von Sales
kyriake teilt das
Andech´s elevation of the Three Host Monstrance - At the pontifical vespers on June 20, 2010, the Gothic monstrance with three hosts is ceremoniously brought from the Holy Chapel over the gallery to …Mehr
Andech´s elevation of the Three Host Monstrance - At the pontifical vespers on June 20, 2010, the Gothic monstrance with three hosts is ceremoniously brought from the Holy Chapel over the gallery to the upper high altar. While Abbot Johannes begins the adoration, the monstrance is raised using a lifting mechanism. On the upper altar you can see the early Baroque Degler Madonna, the second image of the Virgin Mary in the pilgrimage church, and on the lower altar sits the late Gothic Madonna, which is the most venerated by pilgrims today
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Who are the monks of Norcia?
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