Windmill Lane
Windmill Lane

Bishop Huonder Has Died

How old was the good bishop? May he rest in peace. How lovely to die in the octave of Easter.
Windmill Lane

Divine Wrath: Decadent Ireland Destroys Itself

I will offer tomorrow’s rosary for your country, all the Irish children killed in utero and for your bishops who are ravening wolves. Jesus, have mercy on us!More

I will offer tomorrow’s rosary for your country, all the Irish children killed in utero and for your bishops who are ravening wolves. Jesus, have mercy on us!
Windmill Lane

Sodoma-and-Gomorra Funeral In New York Cathedral

Nothing will be done, for it is the Ape Church. Dolan will be summoned to Rome for accolades and photo-op with Bergoglio.
Windmill Lane

After 500 Years: The Monks Are Back

Let’s be positive. God Keep the monks! May their prayers convert frosty Norwegian hearts to the One True Faith!
Windmill Lane

US Bishop, 51, Dies Suddenly In His Sleep

Ditto to that Scapular.
Just wondering…was he “jabbed”.? Hope a quality-grade autopsy is done. Is “widowmaker” the jab?More
Ditto to that Scapular.

Just wondering…was he “jabbed”.? Hope a quality-grade autopsy is done. Is “widowmaker” the jab?
Windmill Lane

Francis' Bitch for the CDF: Quotes From Fernández' “Art of Kissing”

Kenjiro, I see that you have been taken into the cult of personality around Bishop Strickland. Did you know he is on record for loving and promoting Amoris Laetitia? That encyclical opens the door to sodomy. It is rank heresy and a danger to souls. Bishop Strickland made a grave error. He must recant.
Windmill Lane

Francis' Bitch for the CDF: Quotes From Fernández' “Art of Kissing”

Bishop Strickland PROMOTES AND ADMIRES Amoris Laetitia. Go back and read his fawning over that heresy. Amoris Laetitia opens the door to sodomy. Even Bishop Strickland had been had by Francis.
Windmill Lane

Francis' Bitch for the CDF: Quotes From Fernández' “Art of Kissing”

Don’t be naive. Nothing will happen. Nothing to see here…
Windmill Lane

Unvaccinated Cardinal Burke Left Hospital

God Keep Cardinal Burke. St Raymond of Penafort, pray for Cardinal Raymond Burke!
Windmill Lane

Things Jesus NEVER Said..

Windmill Lane

Cardinal Burke Out Of Coma: Expected to Leave Intensive Care

God Raise Up Cardinal Burke! Lion for the Faith. St Raymond of Penneforte pray for Cardinal Burke!
Windmill Lane

Cardinal Burke Out Of Coma: Expected to Leave Intensive Care

It isn’t. But it’s descriptive. No harm done.
Windmill Lane

Again! Does Anyone Wonder Why Churches Are Burning All Over the West?

I pray the Scottish-Poles will rebuild it.
Fun fact: Did you know the Scottish dispora includes 200,000 Catholic Scots to Poland fleeing draconian Protestant measures persecuting them? Settled around Tarnow, Krakow. Now totally absorbed into the Polish culture.More
I pray the Scottish-Poles will rebuild it.

Fun fact: Did you know the Scottish dispora includes 200,000 Catholic Scots to Poland fleeing draconian Protestant measures persecuting them? Settled around Tarnow, Krakow. Now totally absorbed into the Polish culture.
Windmill Lane

Francis' Kristallnacht Has Started

Catholics must not obey this illegitimate dictate coming out of the “Ape Church”in Rome. If your bishop is loyal to Bergoglio and the “Ape Church” find another diocese. Or align yourself to the SSPX.
Windmill Lane

Priest, Hiking with 60 Boys, Falls from Mountain Path, Dies

Eternal Rest be granted unto him O, Lord…
I don’t get the cartoon. Can someone explain it?More
Eternal Rest be granted unto him O, Lord…

I don’t get the cartoon. Can someone explain it?
Windmill Lane

Francis Jokes: Brazilian Commentator Protests Too Much

In this rare instance I think Bergoglio’s joshing is kinda cute. You know he himself imbibes.
Windmill Lane

The blood of murdered unborn children cries to God from abortion-tainted vaccines and medicines

I hope our Tradition-minded hierarchy heed this very holy man.
Windmill Lane

Irish Priest Ready to Go to Jail For Celebrating Mass

What a manly man. In the style of St Joseph.