
US Bishop, 51, Dies Suddenly In His Sleep

Auxiliary Chicago Bishop Kevin Birmingham, USA, died suddenly in his sleep on the night to October 2 just days before his 52nd birthday. He was the seventh of ten children, and his mother is still alive. …More
Auxiliary Chicago Bishop Kevin Birmingham, USA, died suddenly in his sleep on the night to October 2 just days before his 52nd birthday. He was the seventh of ten children, and his mother is still alive.
Birmingham first studied computer science but then decided to become a priest in Chicago (ordained in 1997). He quickly rose through the ranks of the Church, becoming secretary to Chicago's homosexualist Blase Cupich. In 2020, Birmingham was consecrated a bishop.
Misioneras M Formadora
Secondary effects on mRNA shot….
Wilma Lopez
This was really unexpected.
Darice Henriques
May his soul rest in peace
3rd Order Postulant
He's a Chicago in that grew up in the parish write down the street from where I lived.
Probably was the Widowmaker.
On this day of the feast of the guardian angels I pray that he was led to his rightful eternal rest. Rest in peace, Excellency.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope he didn't suffer from any serious diseases. As shocking as it is, dying in one's sleep when you don't even know it's happening is far more desirable than suffering with a terminal illness for months or years. I'm only 28, and I hope I have another 50-55+ years left, but whenever the time, I hope I have time to make a good confession and be blessed by a traditional priest. I go to confession …More
I hope he didn't suffer from any serious diseases. As shocking as it is, dying in one's sleep when you don't even know it's happening is far more desirable than suffering with a terminal illness for months or years. I'm only 28, and I hope I have another 50-55+ years left, but whenever the time, I hope I have time to make a good confession and be blessed by a traditional priest. I go to confession fairly often, and I hope I don't sin gravely...althoug everyone does sin and needs to confess and repent....regardless as to what heretic, apostate, gay-blesser Pope Francis says/does.
Randall Norman
Kenjiro, I normally enjoy your posts, but you are dead wrong here! Seeing your demise coming at you is far more desirable than death sneaking up on you. Your sentiment is what I would expect from an atheist. We should welcome any sufferings that come our way. Take up thy cross and follow Him! Make a good confession, receive the Viaticum. Offer up your sufferings for the poor souls in Purgatory. Do …More
Kenjiro, I normally enjoy your posts, but you are dead wrong here! Seeing your demise coming at you is far more desirable than death sneaking up on you. Your sentiment is what I would expect from an atheist. We should welcome any sufferings that come our way. Take up thy cross and follow Him! Make a good confession, receive the Viaticum. Offer up your sufferings for the poor souls in Purgatory. Do not be concerned with the fleeting physical sufferings of this world. Prepare yourself for Eternity.
Accept this admonishment as a courtesy, brother. And continue to comment on articles; I'm usually a fan of your remarks.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Randall Norman -Thank you for your great comment directed to me. Much of what you say is true. I suppose I have seen suffering in 2 relatives that I definitly would not want to suffer the same type of thing. One has had cancer 3x and probably will not survive for long..... all this treatment (pointless suffering) when it will end up badly in the end for him anyway. I don't know how his family pays …More
@Randall Norman -Thank you for your great comment directed to me. Much of what you say is true. I suppose I have seen suffering in 2 relatives that I definitly would not want to suffer the same type of thing. One has had cancer 3x and probably will not survive for long..... all this treatment (pointless suffering) when it will end up badly in the end for him anyway. I don't know how his family pays for it all! I'm not a Saint, (of course not!! 🤪), so I don't have such a holy outlook on the idea of suffering for Christ as perhaps you do, or some of our Saints. On the other extreme, sorry if I sound shocking, but I do remember reading about some Saints, who actually caused their own suffering deliberately ( by not eating, not sleeping, engaging in self-torture as a penance) etc. Sick stuff. Really! Who in their right mind would deliberately cause themselves harm, to suffer for Christ? God is not happy with that time of thing. There were some Saints who welcomed suffering and ill health to suffer for Christ....and did not seek medical assistance. That's is not rational either. So, I hope I never have any serious illnesses, but if I do, I will try to bear it patiently for Christ if I was in that position,.....but I would never welcome it, or seek it out. I consider that to be seriously disturbed, even if they were saints.
℣. Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine
℟. Et lux perpetua luceat ei:
℣. Requiescat in pace.
℟. Amen.
Windmill Lane
Ditto to that Scapular.
Just wondering…was he “jabbed”.? Hope a quality-grade autopsy is done. Is “widowmaker” the jab?More
Ditto to that Scapular.

Just wondering…was he “jabbed”.? Hope a quality-grade autopsy is done. Is “widowmaker” the jab?
Pt Murphy
"died suddenly" has become euphemism for vaxxxed into compliance