Sancte Teotónio
Sancte Teotónio

Spain: Very Expensive Rosary

We have a saying here: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend!"
Sancte Teotónio

Milei: More Insults for Francis

You are completely delusional. Faithful Catholics would never insult the man they know to be Pope. That's the same thing as insulting Our Lord who is one with the Pope in governing the Church. If Bergolio is Pope, then its a grave sin to insult him.
Sancte Teotónio

Francis Calls Mother of Young Man Who Died After WYD

He could still be alive, if he didn't follow the modernist propaganda party.
Sancte Teotónio

Local Bishop: Garabandal? Niet

Unfortunately, even priests can be deceived, if they are not careful, how much more deceived can be the laity. Most likely they don't have full information and only got the devotion propaganda.
Sancte Teotónio

Cardinal Receives Cross of Ashes from a Token Woman

It always has a camera to capture the moment.
Sancte Teotónio

Failed Vatican II: Spain Loses 40% of Seminarians

Is this approved by the Church? @Geminiano Secundo
Sancte Teotónio

Francis Issues Rescript On Traditionis Custodes, Tightens Screws

Then they have to say that and not just disobey/resist/ignore the man they call the Supreme Pontiff.
Sancte Teotónio

Francis Issues Rescript On Traditionis Custodes, Tightens Screws

If bishops ignore the Pope they are in disobedience.
Sancte Teotónio

Since Vatican II Africa Goes Downhill

You will know them by their fruits!
And this is the bitter fruit.
Sancte Teotónio

Young People Pray the Rosary, Diocese Calls Police

Hopefully this young people will generate big families and even more vocations, so Catholics can be the majority again and expel these apostate false bishops.
If not, at least when the judgment comes, they can show this work (and many others) to our Lord, which will be for their testimony of the faith and most likely condemnation to the protestant "bishop". (unless he converts to Catholicism and …More
Hopefully this young people will generate big families and even more vocations, so Catholics can be the majority again and expel these apostate false bishops.

If not, at least when the judgment comes, they can show this work (and many others) to our Lord, which will be for their testimony of the faith and most likely condemnation to the protestant "bishop". (unless he converts to Catholicism and amends his errors.)
Sancte Teotónio

Posthumous Book: Bishops Reject Catholicism, Seminary Education Has Collapsed

The neo-cons can be even more destructive than the progressives. They are the ones who consolidate the destruction.
Sancte Teotónio

Preacher of Violence on The Way to Novus Ordo “Sanctity”

Seems unlikely, don't forget he has support from the secular governments, both european and american. The masonic sect likes him.
Sancte Teotónio

Preacher of Violence on The Way to Novus Ordo “Sanctity”

Why would he leave? The whole point of his "election" is to move with the revolution. If he decided to leave the revolution now, it would probably be to his own papal funeral. Also, he loves power like a dictator and normally they can only let go when dead.
Sancte Teotónio

Funeral of Benedict XVI: Santo Subito

The only thing i need to know is that those messages are approved by the Church or at least by the local Bishop? Does she have the Bishops authorization to publish the alleged messages?
Its everything i need to know, if not i don't even care.More
The only thing i need to know is that those messages are approved by the Church or at least by the local Bishop? Does she have the Bishops authorization to publish the alleged messages?

Its everything i need to know, if not i don't even care.
Sancte Teotónio

Funeral of Benedict XVI: Santo Subito

Never heard of such thing. Never seen anyone kissing the father's hand after communion. Maybe i am ignorant of that.
Sancte Teotónio

Funeral of Benedict XVI: Santo Subito

@petrus100452 If you believe in Jesus, He warned us of the false prophets, who would make wonders, make "prophecies" and even cast out demons. Those would deceive even the elect. Our security is following church teaching and the infallible teaching of the Popes. If you follow "apparitions" or "visionaires" that are not confirmed by church, you most likely are asking to be deceived. Those visionaires …More
@petrus100452 If you believe in Jesus, He warned us of the false prophets, who would make wonders, make "prophecies" and even cast out demons. Those would deceive even the elect. Our security is following church teaching and the infallible teaching of the Popes. If you follow "apparitions" or "visionaires" that are not confirmed by church, you most likely are asking to be deceived. Those visionaires seem very religious and their "messages" seems very true, but then since they are copycating, it happens that their messages includes their own theological mistakes and that's how we know that they are fake. Since the average catholic is not a theologian (and doesn't have to be), many end up caught in the lie.
Sancte Teotónio

Funeral of Benedict XVI: Santo Subito

Also very weird that the man who was denied communion tried to almost bite off the host from the priests fingers.
Sancte Teotónio

Funeral of Benedict XVI: Santo Subito

For the people who were benevacantist, are they full sede vacantists now? How does that work?
Sancte Teotónio

Benedict Has Inflicted His Greatest Defeats on Himself - Mosebach

Ratzinger with Rhaner at VAT II
BXVI with the Luterans
BXVI giving communion on the handMore
Ratzinger with Rhaner at VAT II
BXVI with the Luterans

BXVI giving communion on the hand