
Cardinal Receives Cross of Ashes from a Token Woman

Cardinal Marx received the ash cross on Ash Wednesday in Munich's Liebfrauendom from a certain Ilaria Igliani, an artist who only graduated from the Munich Academy of Fine Arts in 2022. To this, Igliani …More
Cardinal Marx received the ash cross on Ash Wednesday in Munich's Liebfrauendom from a certain Ilaria Igliani, an artist who only graduated from the Munich Academy of Fine Arts in 2022.
To this, Igliani even spoke the correct formula: "Remember man that you are dust and will return to dust." Comment on social media, "The circus continues."
Position-swapping is a carnival custom. But since it's carnival all year round at the Council Church, it's safe to assume that the Academy of Fine Arts will soon be exhibiting sculptures created by Marx.
Picture: Erzbistum München, #newsBdrwjteyrr
Sancte Teotónio
It always has a camera to capture the moment.
Rand Miller
I guess he's demonstrating he can't be accused of clericalism, you know, that awful sin of a hierarchical Church.
Cardinal Marx has spoken in favor of women's ordination.