Eric M
Eric M

Francis Produces Flop Video for Argentinean Diocese

Behold the false prophet of the Apocalypse, vicar of Satan on earth.
Eric M

Curia Archbishop Retweets Pornography

What a sicko!
Eric M

Homeless Take Over Vatican: Urinating During Angelus (Video)

Next time, aim for the bishop dressed in white up in that balcony!
Eric M


Dios guarde y proteja a este sacerdote valiente. Son pocos los miembros de la jerarquía que son leales a la verdad y al único Papa Legítimo, Benedicto XVI.
Eric M

Priest Aggressed On Street In Washington

I've been to those Ignatian Spiritual exercise retreats with the Jesuits. They are designed to destroy your spiritual life for good and turn you into a leftist pacifist. I hope this priest was not teaching this nonsense, and if he was, he deserved the beat down.
Eric M

Scottish Bishops: Mass Won't Return for LONG Time

Thank you, Jesus! No more fake masses in fake communion with Bergoglio! I'm moving to Scotland.
Eric M

Saint Peter’s Runs Out of Money

God is shutting them down because they are the fake church in communion with a fake pope.
Eric M

Father Kevin Robinson sues New Jersey Gov. Murphy over coronavirus lockdown

The priest's mannerisms are a little too effeminate?
Eric M

May 7 Appeal: Did Cardinal Sarah Lie?

The statement has no weight before anyone at this point, because the hierarchy is compromised to the king of the NWO - Bergoglio. Let me know if it make a difference anywhere. I doubt it.
Eric M

Fatima: State Deeply Embarrasses Church

The gap between his two front teeth is as wide as Francis's doors of mercy! 🤭
Eric M

Francis "Helps" Transvestite Prostitutes - But That's Not the Whole Story

Does this mean the Vatican clergy had access to the gay prostitute services on Bergoglio's tab?
Eric M

False: Two Big Errors In ChurchMilitant's Accusations Against PiusX

Wait a minute...what you just wrote makes matters worse. You wrote: "The priest in charge of the camp didn't know about the self-mutilation incident." (the hell why not? how didn't he if a priest knows this guy is a member of the SSPX, would the priest not have vetted him or checked with his previous confreres?) Then you write: "After leaving this position he surfaced in Dickinson, North Dakota, …More
Wait a minute...what you just wrote makes matters worse. You wrote: "The priest in charge of the camp didn't know about the self-mutilation incident." (the hell why not? how didn't he if a priest knows this guy is a member of the SSPX, would the priest not have vetted him or checked with his previous confreres?) Then you write: "After leaving this position he surfaced in Dickinson, North Dakota, where he helped as a sacristan in a church that was served by PiusX only once a month." (why was he allowed there again?) This sicko should have been dealt with long, long, long, before his shuffling around. The more you people try and bury things up, the more embarrassing it is for you. I really feel sorry for all the wonderful and well intended people who belong to the SSPX because they have no idea what evil people like you have covered up for decades.
Eric M

Vatican Refuses Request for Dialogue

Translation: We're not going to back track on the destruction of Church teaching, liturgy and sacraments which we've accomplished since V2 and we're not even willing to talk about it.
Eric M

No Priests: Seminary Produces "Lay Ecclesial Minsters"

Effeminate men do effeminate things.
Eric M

Crazy Germans: The Almighty Is "Death" - Faithful "Overrate" Mass

That all of this is happening under Antipope Bergoglio while some still call him "the pope" is insane.
Eric M

Poland: Crack Down On Masses

There's no hope for the anti-church under the anti-pope. 🤭
Eric M

Cardinal: Francis Pushes Catholics Back Into Catacombs

The difference between Cardinal Zen and Bergoglio is that Zen is a Legitimate Cardinal where Bergoglio is a papal impostor who was NEVER canononically elected. 🤭
Eric M

Coronavirus: Protection against Christ?

This is a complete sacrilege. How stupid our clergy have become truly cries out to heaven.
Eric M

Nuovi scenari nell’epoca del Coronavirus Il Coronavirus è un castigo divino? Considerazioni politiche …

La recente protesta guidata da De Mattei "Acies Ordinata" probabilmente aveva membri infetti da Covid-19. Quali sarebbero stati i loro peccati di cui vengono castigati? Per difendere l'antipapa Bergoglio?
Eric M

Francis Wanted the Churches to Be Closed

You mean anti pope. Bergoglio is not a legitimate pope of the Church because Pope Benedict XVI never renounced the Office "munus" as Church Law requires.