
Curia Archbishop Retweets Pornography

Pro-gay Curia Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia retweeted on July 16 a picture of a naked man, a naked woman and four naked children. It is a promotion of a broadcast featuring the Roman film director Alessandro …More
Pro-gay Curia Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia retweeted on July 16 a picture of a naked man, a naked woman and four naked children.
It is a promotion of a broadcast featuring the Roman film director Alessandro D'Alatri. The original tweet has been deleted since, but Paglia’s retweet still exists.
Paglia is the chancellor of the wrecked Roman Institute for Marriage and Family and the president of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Among other homosexualist activities, he became notorious for commissioning a homoerotic mural in his former cathedral in Terni (below).
Picture: Pixelated Screenshot LifeSiteNews.com, #newsZmcpvablxh
Here is another pro-LGBT priest
Eric M
What a sicko!
Wichita Knight
I looked up the original picture and found nothing pornographic, or even risque. Criminy, have none of you ever given an infant a bath?
F M Shyanguya
😲 😡
What Paglia retweeted was not pixelated.
Our Lady of Sorrows
The powers that be can censor truth at the touch of a button, but leave child porn untouched, why is that?