Angelici Ordinis
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The New Church issues one of their fake excommunications against a group of faithful and orthodox Catholic monks in Scotland.

Excommunicated Hermits Fight Back

The three Westray hermits - Father Stephen de Kerdrel, Sister Colette Roberts and Brother Damon Kelly - reacted on December 28 to their Christmas "excommunication" by Argyll and Isles Bishop Brian …More
The three Westray hermits - Father Stephen de Kerdrel, Sister Colette Roberts and Brother Damon Kelly - reacted on December 28 to their Christmas "excommunication" by Argyll and Isles Bishop Brian McGee.
They call it “heartless,” and stress that “it hardly shows the spirit of mercy so extolled by Pope Francis.”
The three do not retract anything of their summer declaration through which they withdrew their obedience from Francis and severed communion with the Holy See.
Now, they accuse McGee and his fellow bishops of throwing the flock to the wolves by not confronting Francis who encourages Communion for adulterers, preaches that the wicked are "annihilated," and that God "wills all religions," and allows Pachamama sacrifices.
They call Francis “the great betrayer of the Faith” and a “satanic Pied Piper" who wishes to change the Church according to his ideology.
The hermits warn the bishops that their "terrible silence at this Abomination of Desolation" will call down fire from Heaven …More
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Savonarola was also not a heretic and did not have to be burned at the stake.