Susana P Caldwell

Exclusive: Motu Proprio "Habebamus Papam"

Early Easter Monday, Vatican sources leaked to the final text of a Motu proprio that Pope Francis will publish during this Easter week. It is his 30th motu proprio and is entitled "Habebamus …More
Early Easter Monday, Vatican sources leaked to the final text of a Motu proprio that Pope Francis will publish during this Easter week.
It is his 30th motu proprio and is entitled "Habebamus Papam". As it is already in the process of being translated, the text that was sent to, will not undergo any further changes.
"Habebamus Papam" introduces modifications in the way the Supreme Pontiff will be addressed in the future.
It refers to Pope John Paul II, who spoke of the need for the papacy to be more open to ecumenical efforts in his encyclical "Ut Unum Sint" (That They May Be One), published on 25 May 1995.
In that document, the late pope invited leaders and theologians of other Christian traditions to engage in dialogue about how the papal office, in its role of service to unity, could be exercised in a way that better reflects the reality of Christian pluralism.
Francis insists that, after almost 30 years, it's time for the words of this canonised pope to be followed …More
Ave Crux
This IS satire, correct? I found it blood-chilling.
@Susana P Caldwell Mind the date (April 1)