Frank Lopez Frankis
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Novus Ordo Bishop APOLOGISES For Priest for Proclaiming Catholic Faith

Kerry Bishop Ray Browne, Ireland, has apologised for Father Seán Sheehy because he proclaimed the Catholic doctrine at last Sunday's Mass in Listowel (video below). Sheehy noticed that no one talks …More
Kerry Bishop Ray Browne, Ireland, has apologised for Father Seán Sheehy because he proclaimed the Catholic doctrine at last Sunday's Mass in Listowel (video below).
Sheehy noticed that no one talks about sin anymore although it is rampant. He spoke about abortion and handing out condoms to teenagers to promote promiscuity.
“We see it in this lunacy of transgenderism, the sinfulness of sex between two men or two women. That is sinful. That is mortal sin. People don't seem to realise it [...]. We need to listen to God about it, because if we don't - then there is no hope for those people,” he said.
He explained that “sin is destructive, is detrimental and will lead us to hell.” Sheehy also expressed the pious belief that heaven is "full" of converted sinners and concluded that everyone will find out on the day of death that this is not invented by him but what God is saying.
As a reaction, miserable Bishop Browne claimed that he’s aware of a deep upset and “hurt” caused by the homily (…More
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The Devil in the Body? TikTok Priest Without Mass Wine

There-Is-No-Devil and Homosex-Is-No-Sin Father Matthieu Jasseron (Sens Diocese, France, ordained in 2019) has produced a new 14-seconds-video. It shows him in an alb and stole with a …More
There-Is-No-Devil and Homosex-Is-No-Sin Father Matthieu Jasseron (Sens Diocese, France, ordained in 2019) has produced a new 14-seconds-video.
It shows him in an alb and stole with a perplexed look, while he holds a chalice in his left hand and an almost empty bottle of Mass wine in his right.
The loud noise of an opening door interrupts the scene and a floosy, dressed as a nun with mini skirt and displaying her naked legs rushes in. She holds a bottle with wine in her hands.
A voice says, “Ding dong,” and Jasseron, looking at the floosy and her bottle, expresses satisfaction and, at the same time, rebukes her with his forefinger.
Ipcha comments on Twitter, “Nothing new under the sun,” and attaches the cover of Myriam Deniel-Ternant’s "An erotic history of the Church. When the men of God had the devil in their bodies."
we dont like to see this garbage
Laura Yunque
Disgusting, revolting blasphemy
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Francis: “Be Disciples Of Buddha”

Francis welcomed on May 28 a Buddhist delegation from Mongolia on a first official visit to the Vatican. He lied to them claiming that Christ “rejected every form of violence.” However, recently Francis …More
Francis welcomed on May 28 a Buddhist delegation from Mongolia on a first official visit to the Vatican. He lied to them claiming that Christ “rejected every form of violence.” However, recently Francis was unsure about arming Kiev since the Ukrainians have "to defend themselves."
Christ was not a proponent of [hypocritical] non-violence which favours those in power. He made a whip out of cords to force the dealers out of the temple (John 2). Francis went on putting Christ on the same level with Buddha, the founder of a false religion when he said that “Jesus and Buddha were peacemakers and promotors of nonviolence.”
Francis added that all of us should "be 'disciples' of the 'Masters' of non-violence."