Abigail Wandsworth
Many people think the three days of darkness represent three years of antichrist where the sun turns black and the light of the son of man appears in the heavens
Judith Heile
Wouldn't you think she'd have something to say about what is going on in the false Church with the anti-Pope?
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Figuaritivly we could be in the three days of darkness
Time is running out
The Devil is a liar and the truth is not in him. That's the official word from The Son Of God.
Time is relative. The devil may well have another 50 years to create all sorts of evil. We just don't know
Priest gives hope to those who had the vaccine , drink exorcist holy water
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And here in Korea.
Rob Ince
What a great priest. If only we had someone like this here in the UK.
Signs in the sky . Are we seeing these warnings in the heavens ? These link to the miracle of FatimaMore
Signs in the sky .
Are we seeing these warnings in the heavens ?
These link to the miracle of Fatima
Live Mike shares this
Fatima and the Apocalypse Part 3 of 13: The Miracle of the Sun - Fr. Philip Wolfe, F.S.S.P. veritascaritas.com/series/fatima-and-the-apocalypse/More
Fatima and the Apocalypse Part 3 of 13: The Miracle of the Sun
- Fr. Philip Wolfe, F.S.S.P.
Live Mike
Outstanding presentation !
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A sermon that will change your life
Australia is the test site
Exactly. Who is she? Where was this originally posted?
So has Australia turned back toward God? Then it will continue!
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