alex j
alex j

The Miraculous Life of Little Nellie of Holy God

Little Nellie of Holy God was a beautiful soul; Such an inspiration to our children. It's a pity more attention wasn't given to John Donovan in telling her story! 🙏 🙏 🙏
alex j

Where is the Crisis? At the Head of the Church – Cardinal Sarah

@Lalanz >>Christ on a number occasions, made reference to the difference between the way man viewed things and the way God viewed things, ergo, it follows that we should be cautious in making dogmatic statements such as ".....not the fake versions......" Lucia herself, informed Pope John Paul that his second consecration was acceptable to Heaven. In her words, " Yes it has been done as Our Lady …More
@Lalanz >>Christ on a number occasions, made reference to the difference between the way man viewed things and the way God viewed things, ergo, it follows that we should be cautious in making dogmatic statements such as ".....not the fake versions......" Lucia herself, informed Pope John Paul that his second consecration was acceptable to Heaven. In her words, " Yes it has been done as Our Lady asked, -Letter of 8 November 1989- She went on to say, " Hence any further discussion or request is without basis." [cite, " Fatima in Lucia's own words".] In respect to Fr. Gruner [ R.I.P.] he died unreconciled with the Church. One last comment, Russia is, by any measure we might apply, one of the most Christianized, countries in the world. ' '
alex j

Francis, “I’ve Had Many Doubts, Many”

I have many doubts about "His Holiness"[?]
alex j

Peronism. The next one told the opposite and Francis also agreed

@Lalanz >>Christ on a number occasions, made reference to the difference between the way man viewed things and the way God viewed things, ergo, it follows that we should be cautious in making dogmatic statements such as ".....not the fake versions......" Lucia herself, informed Pope John Paul that his second consecration was acceptable to Heaven. In her words, " Yes it has been done as Our Lady …More
@Lalanz >>Christ on a number occasions, made reference to the difference between the way man viewed things and the way God viewed things, ergo, it follows that we should be cautious in making dogmatic statements such as ".....not the fake versions......" Lucia herself, informed Pope John Paul that his second consecration was acceptable to Heaven. In her words, " Yes it has been done as Our Lady asked, -Letter of 8 November 1989- She went on to say, " Hence any further discussion or request is without basis." [cite, " Fatima in Lucia's own words".] In respect to Fr. Gruner [ R.I.P.] he died unreconciled with the Church. One last comment, Russia is, by any measure we might apply, one of the most Christianized, countries in the world. ' '
alex j

Fr. Nicholas Gruner and the need to obey the 3rd secret

@Lalanz >>Christ on a number occasions, made reference to the difference between the way man viewed things and the way God viewed things, ergo, it follows that we should be cautious in making dogmatic statements such as ".....not the fake versions......" Lucia herself, informed Pope John Paul that his second consecration was acceptable to Heaven. In her words, " Yes it has been done as Our Lady …More
@Lalanz >>Christ on a number occasions, made reference to the difference between the way man viewed things and the way God viewed things, ergo, it follows that we should be cautious in making dogmatic statements such as ".....not the fake versions......" Lucia herself, informed Pope John Paul that his second consecration was acceptable to Heaven. In her words, " Yes it has been done as Our Lady asked, -Letter of 8 November 1989- She went on to say, " Hence any further discussion or request is without basis." [cite, " Fatima in Lucia's own words".] In respect to Fr. Gruner [ R.I.P.] he died unreconciled with the Church. One last comment, Russia is, by any measure we might apply, one of the most Christianized, countries in the world. ' '
alex j

Fr. Nicholas Gruner and the need to obey the 3rd secret

@Lalanz >>Christ on a number occasions, made reference to the difference between the way man viewed things and the way God viewed things, ergo, it follows that we should be cautious in making dogmatic statements such as ".....not the fake versions......" Lucia herself, informed Pope John Paul that his second consecration was acceptable to Heaven. In her words, " Yes it has been done as Our Lady …More
@Lalanz >>Christ on a number occasions, made reference to the difference between the way man viewed things and the way God viewed things, ergo, it follows that we should be cautious in making dogmatic statements such as ".....not the fake versions......" Lucia herself, informed Pope John Paul that his second consecration was acceptable to Heaven. In her words, " Yes it has been done as Our Lady asked, -Letter of 8 November 1989- She went on to say, " Hence any further discussion or request is without basis." [cite, " Fatima in Lucia's own words".] In respect to Fr. Gruner [ R.I.P.] he died unreconciled with the Church. One last comment, Russia is, by any measure we might apply, one of the most Christianized, countries in the world. ' '
alex j

Vatican Instruction: Interdiction to Kiss Francis' Ring [Except For Half-Naked Males]

There you have it folks, a real Pope who fully understood the importance of being the Pope for all, faithful and non faithful. Why Pope Pius X11 is as yet, not deemed a saint, [surely he is one in heaven,] speaks volumes of the modern understanding of the title saint.
alex j

Setting the table (Irish Dancing?)

@Irish and Catholic >> The best Irish Jokes I came a cross were from the Irish themselves. Lighten up my friend. Love Hal Roach. He's my favourite Irish comedian.
alex j

The Only Divorce-Free City in the World

@charisma>>Thanks for the info.
alex j

Francis Uses Devil to Cast out Gay Devil

A complete idiot!!!
alex j

Jugend hüpft vor Allerheiligstem

What a load of rubbish! Begone Satan!!!
alex j

The Only Divorce-Free City in the World

alex j

Martyr Cardinal Pell Prohibited By the State From Celebrating Mass

@CatMuse>>The death camps of the Nazi's had a vastly different population of inmates to that of a 'normal prison.' The most hated inmates in a normal prison and which is true of most prisons in the western world, are "child abusers." That is exactly why Cdl. Pell is in protective custody. For prison authorities it is not a matter of guilt or innocence but one of minimising any physical harm from …More
@CatMuse>>The death camps of the Nazi's had a vastly different population of inmates to that of a 'normal prison.' The most hated inmates in a normal prison and which is true of most prisons in the western world, are "child abusers." That is exactly why Cdl. Pell is in protective custody. For prison authorities it is not a matter of guilt or innocence but one of minimising any physical harm from other prisoners.
alex j

Martyr Cardinal Pell Prohibited By the State From Celebrating Mass

@Don Reto Nay >>On reflection, the answer to your question as to 'why incarcerated priest in Austria are allowed to celebrate Mass' may be because Austria is predominantly Catholic, where as Australia is predominantly Protestant.
alex j

Was there a conspiracy against Cardinal George Pell?

If one accepts the narrative that Cdl. Pell could not have committed the alleged offences because the Cathedral sacristy was too busier a place for any such untoward behaviour to occur, then we are left with a number of questions not least of all, the motive of the complainant, the motive[s] of the Victorian Police, what testimony was persuasive enough for a jury to agree upon a unanimous verdict,…More
If one accepts the narrative that Cdl. Pell could not have committed the alleged offences because the Cathedral sacristy was too busier a place for any such untoward behaviour to occur, then we are left with a number of questions not least of all, the motive of the complainant, the motive[s] of the Victorian Police, what testimony was persuasive enough for a jury to agree upon a unanimous verdict, the media's role in moulding public opinion, etc. No judicial system is perfect, however, the Presiding Judge, in this case, went out of his way to ensure, as humanly possible, that the Cardinal had a fair trial. For example, much of the crucial evidence was heard in camera- only Jury, Judge and Barristers in the court- From my perspective, it would be prudent to await the appeal hearing before declaring the martyrdom or the evilness of the Cardinal.
alex j

Was there a conspiracy against Cardinal George Pell?

And if Cdl. Pell had stayed in the Vatican claiming asylum, what of public opinion then???
alex j

Cardinal Müller: Media "Lie Firmly in Hands of Enemies to Christianity"

@LOLA125>Sorry to be the person to strongly dispute any claims of messages from OBL to one Christina Gallagher of County Mayo, Ireland. My family and I were living in County Mayo at the time Christina Gallagher was gaining national prominence. My eldest daughter was, at that time, employed as a writer of catholic news, by a local paper in Mullingar. Clearly Gallagher was news but it didn't take long …More
@LOLA125>Sorry to be the person to strongly dispute any claims of messages from OBL to one Christina Gallagher of County Mayo, Ireland. My family and I were living in County Mayo at the time Christina Gallagher was gaining national prominence. My eldest daughter was, at that time, employed as a writer of catholic news, by a local paper in Mullingar. Clearly Gallagher was news but it didn't take long for my daughter to discover the phoniness of Gallagher. I could list a litany of unsubstantiated claims made by her and her spiritual adviser. Suffice to record that she was housewife of modest means-very few people in Mayo have any wealth other than a small family farm- at the time of the first alleged apparition. Within a period of around twelve months, Gallagher had brought a house for her daughter then went on to buy herself a mansion of a house in Dublin's up market area complemented with a brand new Mercedes Benze in the driveway. Contrast that with her religious persona of wearing a Franciscan type gown, kneeling with head thrown back as though in a trance, spending up to 45 minuets saying the rosary. My daughter was privy to Gallagher "fleecing" her 'inner circle' of eight adherents to the tune of one million Euro's so. as she claimed, to full fill OBL's request for 'Houses of Prayer' to be built in America. That of its self is suspect, given every church is a 'House of Prayer'. One humorous incident, which for me illustrated the whole stupidity of her claim as a messenger of OBL, occurred when a bus load of pilgrims from Northern Ireland, arrived at the 'House of Prayer' [ the original ] at Achill Isle. County Mayo. They were informed by Gallagher's spiritual adviser that the 'Holy Water',that was on tap, was the purest Holy water in Ireland. Before leaving the Northern Ireland pilgrim's eagerly filled bottle and flasks up with the 'purest Holy water' in Ireland.....You guessed it. They all came down with gastro problems during the trip back home.
alex j

National underwear day/no pants subway ride

Complete idiot!!!
alex j

Martyr Cardinal Pell Prohibited By the State From Celebrating Mass

physiological should read psychological
alex j

Martyr Cardinal Pell Prohibited By the State From Celebrating Mass

@Don Reto Nay. My knowledge of prison regulations pertaining to another country, is minimal.