Italian Lover
Another opinion: "Candace ... cosied up to Pearl Davis so publicly after she went on a podcast to denigrate the church and the blessed mother. Aligning yourself so publicly to an enemy of the Church …Mehr
Another opinion: "Candace ... cosied up to Pearl Davis so publicly after she went on a podcast to denigrate the church and the blessed mother. Aligning yourself so publicly to an enemy of the Church and the Virgin Mary, and then getting baptised into that same church mere weeks later speaks FRAUD to me – a wolf in sheep clothing – words and actions not aligning."

The Catholic Conversion Of Candace Owens and Other Celebrities

So, the misguided red piller, Candace Owens, actually recently became Catholic. PS – for a baptism, especially given her status and wealth …
Jayjayem Gee
Possibly to get the Catholic vote...of which so many now are lost...but God knows her heart alone...
I've liked some of the things she's said on her show in the past such as exposing the whole BLM racket - but other times, she's very strident in her …Mehr
I've liked some of the things she's said on her show in the past such as exposing the whole BLM racket - but other times, she's very strident in her views, even if they have been pointed out to have been wrong. Two examples: her defense of both Kanye West & Andrew Tate. Sure both of these black men made some salient points about modern culture, but they're far from good role models to emulate. Instead they are still enthralled to the "thug life" celebrated by many in our society. Back to Candace - I sure hope this conversion is legit for the sake of her soul and not a stunt to provoke her critics like Ben Shapiro.
Italian Lover

Here’s Why You Should Visit the Colosseum of Rome

The Colosseum is the quintessential symbol of Rome, representing the city’s incredible history as the heart of the Roman Empire. Once the greatest …
Italian Lover
The whole text is a verbal logorrhea that only ecclesiastical functionaries with a penchant for box-ticking and no grasp of reality will get drunk on.

"The Church Occupied": Article on the Synod by Jean-Pierre Maugendre

The Church Occupied There was a time when preachers loved to inflame the hearts of their flocks by evoking the one, holy, catholic, …
Lisi Sterndorfer
"The Church Occupied" The "people of God having", it seems, "set out on the road", the essential thing is to "walk together". But in what direction?…Mehr
"The Church Occupied"
The "people of God having", it seems, "set out on the road", the essential thing is to "walk together". But in what direction? History doesn't say. The whole text is a verbal logorrhea that only ecclesiastical functionaries with a penchant for box-ticking and no grasp of reality will get drunk on. Who, after all, has seen the crowds that the Instrumentum laboris describes as "the path on which the people of God advance with enthusiasm"? To date, the only crowds we've seen are those at the Pentecost pilgrimage to Chartres, where it's not clear that the Church's synodality is a major concern.
... this text, which we are told is not a magisterial text, will undoubtedly create more confusion than consolidation in the faith. It's hard to see African bishops opening up to the demands of the LGBT lobby! As for the denunciation of clericalism, it brings a yellow smile to the faces of all those who observe the relentless battle waged by many bishops, first and foremost …
Italian Lover

Was Sie nicht über das Kollosseum wussten

Das Kolosseum ist ein elliptisches Gebäude, 189 Meter lang und 156 Meter breit, mit einer Fläche von 24.000 Quadratmetern und einer Höhe von über 48 Metern. Es hat etwa 80 Eingänge und bietet Platz …Mehr
Das Kolosseum ist ein elliptisches Gebäude, 189 Meter lang und 156 Meter breit, mit einer Fläche von 24.000 Quadratmetern und einer Höhe von über 48 Metern.
Es hat etwa 80 Eingänge und bietet Platz für 50 Tausend Zuschauer.
Gebaut wurde es in etwas mehr als fünf Jahren: von 75 bis 80 nach Christus.
Ursprünglich bekannt als das flavische Amphitheater (gebaut von Vespasian und Titus der flavischen Dynastie). Der Name "Kolosseum" hat sich erst im Mittelalter eingebürgert: wahrscheinlich, weil es sich in der Nähe der Statue des "Riesen" von Nero befindet.
Die Legende war einst ein heidnischer Tempel, in dem er den Teufel anbetete. Und am Ende jeder Zeremonie fragten die Priester die Anhänger: "Colis Eum?" ("Liebst du ihn?").
Um mehr als 50.000 Zuschauer aufnehmen zu können, war ein kompliziertes System von Ein- und Ausgängen erforderlich. Nicht weniger als sechsundsiebzig Tore öffneten sich in den Sitzbereich, wobei jeder Eingang für Plebs (Bürger) eine Wertmarke für den Eintritt erforderte …Mehr
Italian Lover
I believe that the young people who turn to the Church today are looking for Catholic tradition and identity: they are looking for a faith that is ardent, assumed, and proud!

Conservatives Cannot Be Ideologically Dependent on the Left: An Interview with Fr. Matthieu Raffray

In a de-Christianized and anti-clerical France, it is not good form for a clergyman to be in the …
Malki Tzedek
So true, however, I flinch at any mention of 'pride' right now in our culture. The young want to be 'all in' and invested in something which gives their …Mehr
So true, however, I flinch at any mention of 'pride' right now in our culture. The young want to be 'all in' and invested in something which gives their lives meaning beyond this secular plane. They will readily dedicate themselves to that which is genuine, and this will give them every satisfaction they could ever desire. They recognize the 'Real' when they encounter Him.