Ryan A MacDonald
Ryan A MacDonald

Francis in the Dock by Archbishop Carlo María Viganò. By Fr. Gordon J. MacRae

Back in December 2008, before His Eminence Cardinal Avery Dulles died, he wrote to Father MacRae in prison: "Some day your story and that of your fellow sufferers will come to light and will be instrumental in a reform. Your writing, which is clear, eloquent, and spiritually sound, will be a monument to your trials." I find the evidence for that right here in this fine article. Father MacRae writes …More
Back in December 2008, before His Eminence Cardinal Avery Dulles died, he wrote to Father MacRae in prison: "Some day your story and that of your fellow sufferers will come to light and will be instrumental in a reform. Your writing, which is clear, eloquent, and spiritually sound, will be a monument to your trials." I find the evidence for that right here in this fine article. Father MacRae writes the bold truth with no political bent, and not even a hint of bitterness in his articulate voice. There is Truth here and it is very much needed.
Ryan A MacDonald

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Some Older Songs — Beyond These Stone Walls

"spinmeister" should not be considered a reliable or truthful source in this matter. He hides his true identity. His name is Damien Fisher, and he is a reporter for an online news venue in New Hampshire. He also hides his conflicts of interest. Among them is the fact that he is the husband of Simcha Fisher who works for the Diocese of Manchester as a columnist for Parable magazine which is published …More
"spinmeister" should not be considered a reliable or truthful source in this matter. He hides his true identity. His name is Damien Fisher, and he is a reporter for an online news venue in New Hampshire. He also hides his conflicts of interest. Among them is the fact that he is the husband of Simcha Fisher who works for the Diocese of Manchester as a columnist for Parable magazine which is published by Bishop Peter A. Libasci who has been antagonistic toward Father MacRae.

Nonetheless, "spinmeister" is aptly named. I have studied the Father MacRae case thoroughly and have never seen or heard of any evidence. NH law (RSA 632-a-6) requires no evidence for a sexual assault trial beyond the accusation itself. So no evidence whatsoever was admitted at trial. Evidence of fraud was suppressed. An FBI Special Agent Supervisor who also investigated this case thoroughly concluded, "In my three-year investigation of this matter, I found no evidence that MacRae committed these crimes or any crimes." The Wall Street Journal has been investigating this matter over the last 18 years and has published four major articles on it concluding that the case against Father MacRae was a fraud.
Ryan A MacDonald

New Hampshire Corruption Drove Father MacRae's Conviction. By Claire Best

I have been following Claire Best's writing at Medium.com where she publishes regularly. What people are seeing in this post appears to be the culmination of a scandal she has been unveiling piece by piece over many months. I have had mixed reactions. When I first read her articles my response was "This can't be true." Then as the scandal story deepened, I told myself, "This can't ALL be true." Then …More
I have been following Claire Best's writing at Medium.com where she publishes regularly. What people are seeing in this post appears to be the culmination of a scandal she has been unveiling piece by piece over many months. I have had mixed reactions. When I first read her articles my response was "This can't be true." Then as the scandal story deepened, I told myself, "This can't ALL be true." Then after reading this monster of an exposé, I accepted that this must be true. All the supposed gatekeepers are in this story. It is comprised of judges, the politicians who appointed them, attorneys general who became them, rank and file prosecutors, clearly corrupt police, and a statewide news media more interested in the weather than in what its corrupt government is up to. We like to think that this sort of thing cannot happen, but it has happened many times in many places. We would all love to see this exposed but the people who would do the exposing are all in the story. A Purple Heart goes to Claire Best. She is just the sort of whistleblower the corruption in this country needs. Ms. Best is on a par with Miranda Devine, who exposed the Laptop from Hell in spite of many efforts to silence her.
Ryan A MacDonald

False Abuse Accusations: Priest Commits Suicide

It must be comforting for "spinmeister," aka Damien Fisher, to anonymously sit in judgment on the rest of the world.
Ryan A MacDonald

Maximilian Kolbe in My Cell. By Father Gordon J. MacRae

The person posting as "spinmeister" appears to be a New Hampshire news reporter named Damien Fisher but posting under a fake name. He is covering up for a police officer who spearheaded the MacRae case but is now accused of a wide range of corruption including falsification of evidence, destruction of exculpatory evidence, and offering money to new accusers to bolster his case. It seems that in New …More
The person posting as "spinmeister" appears to be a New Hampshire news reporter named Damien Fisher but posting under a fake name. He is covering up for a police officer who spearheaded the MacRae case but is now accused of a wide range of corruption including falsification of evidence, destruction of exculpatory evidence, and offering money to new accusers to bolster his case. It seems that in New Hampshire, journalistic ethics take a back seat to "spin."
Ryan A MacDonald

Drinking from the Saucer. By imprisoned Father Gordon J. MacRae

The person posting as "spinmeister" appears to be a New Hampshire news reporter named Damien Fisher but posting under a fake name. He is covering up for a police officer who spearheaded the MacRae case but is now accused of a wide range of corruption including falsification of evidence, destruction of exculpatory evidence, and offering money to new accusers to bolster his case. It seems that in New …More
The person posting as "spinmeister" appears to be a New Hampshire news reporter named Damien Fisher but posting under a fake name. He is covering up for a police officer who spearheaded the MacRae case but is now accused of a wide range of corruption including falsification of evidence, destruction of exculpatory evidence, and offering money to new accusers to bolster his case. It seems that in New Hampshire, journalistic ethics take a back seat to "spin."
Ryan A MacDonald

Maximilian Kolbe in My Cell. By Father Gordon J. MacRae

I identified this reporter's bias and conflicts of interest in an easily found article entitled "A Reporter’s Bias Taints the Defense of Fr Gordon MacRae." And, again, I post comments using my own name. It takes integrity to stand by what you write.
Ryan A MacDonald

Maximilian Kolbe in My Cell. By Father Gordon J. MacRae

This is patently ridiculous. If what "spinmeister" claims is true then why on earth would prosecutors offer this priest one year in prison? I believe I have run into "spinmeister" before. I believe he is actually a biased New Hampshire reporter who does not have the integrity to comment using his own name.
Ryan A MacDonald

Maximilian Kolbe in My Cell. By Father Gordon J. MacRae

"spinmeister" is aptly named. I have studied the Father MacRae case thoroughly and have never seen or heard of any evidence. NH law (RSA 632-a-6) requires no evidence for a sexual assault trial beyond the accusation itself. So no evidence whatsoever was admitted at trial. Evidence of fraud was suppressed. An FBI Special Agent Supervisor who also investigated this case thoroughly concluded, "In my …More
"spinmeister" is aptly named. I have studied the Father MacRae case thoroughly and have never seen or heard of any evidence. NH law (RSA 632-a-6) requires no evidence for a sexual assault trial beyond the accusation itself. So no evidence whatsoever was admitted at trial. Evidence of fraud was suppressed. An FBI Special Agent Supervisor who also investigated this case thoroughly concluded, "In my three-year investigation of this matter, I found no evidence that MacRae committed these crimes or any crimes." The Wall Street Journal has been investigating this matter over the last 18 years and has published four major articles on it concluding that the case against Father MacRae was a fraud.