
Wendehals: Ignoranter Mißbrauchsbischof "verbietet" die Zelebration ad orientum (!)

Genau das ist eine der Peinlichkeiten dieses Dekrets

Homosex Dating Apps: Ten Newark Archdiocese Presbyteries Affected

A priest is entitled to a private life, but not a secret life, much less a double life.

Statement on the Motu Proprio «Traditionis Custodes» - By Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

Francis equates the Pauline Missal with the acceptance of VII. Who is willing to demonstrate that missal is anything like the Liturgy Council Fathers asked for? If not, let's get back to the drawing board, Holy Father.

Mons. Carlo Maria Viganò: "Even if all fall away from you, I will never fall away." Matthew 26,33

If your drunk Father pawns your Mother's family silver and tries to hit Her in the face, it is your duty to block his fist.

Big changes in Little Rock on the Old Latin Mass

The first reading this Sunday in the Mass of Paul VI …

Traditionis Custodes: The New Atom Bomb

After 8 years of confusion, Yesterday Francis wrote his first publication that doesn’t have any weaponized ambiguity in it.

The Persecution Has Started: English Monastery Stops Celebrating Roman Mass

We just got China-Churched... Its their way or restrictions, until they see restrictions are not fast enough...

Motu Proprio Abolishing Summorum Pontificum WORSE than expected

Rome hates faithful Catholics. And they are desperate to let you know.

Motu Proprio Abolishing Summorum Pontificum WORSE than expected

Giving the power over liturgy to bishops? The thing is, this new motu proprio restricts bishops' authority in their own dioceses by dictating precisely how they are to allow implementation of the TLM of they choose to do so. It also forbids bishops from permitting new TLM parishes in their dioceses.

Motu Proprio Abolishing Summorum Pontificum WORSE than expected

The lack of mercy shown here toward traditional Catholics, Benedict XVI, and the young laity and clergy drawn to the Latin Mass is stunning.

Motu Proprio Abolishing Summorum Pontificum WORSE than expected

This will create the division that Francis claims to cure through this ill advised and destructive new law.

Motu Proprio Abolishing Summorum Pontificum WORSE than expected

We would do well to remember this day when the Amazonian Rite is promulgated.

Motu Proprio Abolishing Summorum Pontificum WORSE than expected

We now have a greater appreciation for what 1960-70s Catholics experienced, and what ecclesial "autodemolition" looks like.

Mögliche Wende in Kanada: Handelt es sich bei indigenen Kindergräbern um reguläre Friedhöfe?

Der "Genozid" durch die Kirche ist eine Verschwörungstheorie.

München und Berlin streichen den Begriff "Schwarzfahrer" – nicht alle finden das gut

Wann werden die schwarzen Tasten beim Klavier als rassistisch abgeschafft?
Sind eine Minderheit und nur halbe Töne.

Alöttinger Pius-Pater feierte silbernes Priesterjubiläum

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Cum Ave.

Twelve Years Jail for Argentinean Founder

These founders are narcisstic

Venerable Anthony Kowalczk - July 10

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but few think of changing themselves. Leo Tolstoy