
Statement on the Motu Proprio «Traditionis Custodes» - By Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

ON JUL 22, 2021 Many faithful – laity, ordained and consecrated – have expressed to me the profound distress which the Motu Proprio «Traditionis Custodes» has brought them. Those who are attached to …More
ON JUL 22, 2021
Many faithful – laity, ordained and consecrated – have expressed to me the profound distress which the Motu Proprio «Traditionis Custodes» has brought them. Those who are attached to the Usus Antiquior(More Ancient Usage) [UA], what Pope Benedict XVI called the Extraordinary Form, of the Roman Rite are deeply disheartened by the severity of the discipline which the Motu Proprio imposes and offended by the language it employs to describe them, their attitudes and their conduct. As a member of the faithful, who also has an intense bond with the UA, I fully share in their sentiments of profound sorrow.
As a Bishop of the Church and as a Cardinal, in communion with the Roman Pontiff and with a particular responsibility to assist him in his pastoral care and governance of the universal Church, I offer the following observations:
1. In a preliminary way, it must be asked why the Latin or official text of the Motu Proprio has not yet been published. As far as I know, the Holy …
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Cardinal Burke hasn't broken Canon Law or cited a fabricated "necessity" for doing so. Thus, his position is not the same as Abp. Lefebvre's @Ave Crux
Ave Crux
Cardinal Burke hasn't needed to make an heroic act of resistance to Modernist destruction as Archbishop Lefebvre did -- when he was the only Traditional Bishop in the entire world along with Bishop de Castro Mayer; because Archbishop Lefebvre's actions saved the Traditional Mass and our Patrimony for the ages,..and for Cardinal Burke.
By Lefebvre's actions he compelled Rome to make provision for …More
Cardinal Burke hasn't needed to make an heroic act of resistance to Modernist destruction as Archbishop Lefebvre did -- when he was the only Traditional Bishop in the entire world along with Bishop de Castro Mayer; because Archbishop Lefebvre's actions saved the Traditional Mass and our Patrimony for the ages,..and for Cardinal Burke.

By Lefebvre's actions he compelled Rome to make provision for what the modernist hierarchy previously refused to allow for 2 decades -- 20 years.

And this, after repeated overtures by SSPX (all premised by Rome on SSPX making an unconditional surrender to the errors of Vatican II -- which they could never do in conscience).

This was an unspeakable abuse of power.....locking up our Patrimony and refusing to give it freedom and pride of place.

Lefebvre made possible the Traditional Latin Mass which Cardinal Burke is today able to offer (for now).

It is only because Archbishop Lefebvre forced their hand that they finally "gave permission" (hardly needed) for an Institution dedicated to the TLM. Before he acted, they continually postponed his requests for Bishops as his death approached.

Knowing their treachery as he did, from having been at the 2nd Vatican Council, and his ongoing, ignored petitions for Bishops, he saw clearly they were waiting for him to die, and then shut down the SSPX, just a Francis in trying to shut down the TLM -- and the ordination of young priests who wish to offer it -- at this very moment.

And Cardinal Burke is stating here the precise principle upon which Archbishop Lefebvre based his decision:

"The fullness of power (plenitudo potestatis) of the Roman Pontiff is the power necessary to defend and promote the doctrine and discipline of the Church. It is not “absolute power” which would include the power to change doctrine or to eradicate a liturgical discipline which has been alive in the Church since the time of Pope Gregory the Great and even earlier." Cardinal Burke

I know, my family and I lived it all....SSPX was all we, our friends and family had, Our parishes were abandoning the Faith and the Masses were circuses (Ref: Cardinal Burke who agrees). We will be eternally grateful to Archbishop Lefebvre and feel certain he will one day be canonized as a present day Saint Athanasius.
Disobeying the Pope, breaking Canon Law and getting excommunicated isn't "an heroic act of resistance" and there wasn't any "need" for Abp. Lefebvre to do so in the first place. The truth is, his faith failed him. Other traditionalist groups trust in God and still manage to get their priests ordained without placing themselves outside The Church.
...and no, Abp. Lefebvre's disobedience didn't …More
Disobeying the Pope, breaking Canon Law and getting excommunicated isn't "an heroic act of resistance" and there wasn't any "need" for Abp. Lefebvre to do so in the first place. The truth is, his faith failed him. Other traditionalist groups trust in God and still manage to get their priests ordained without placing themselves outside The Church.

...and no, Abp. Lefebvre's disobedience didn't "save the Traditional Mass". There were Catholic priests not part of his society who WERE still saying the Latin Mass and there are Catholic priests who aren't SSPX who ARE still saying the Latin Mass. You're just trying to re-write history to justify an act of outright schism.

You SSPX guys are always trying to "legitimize" your founder with one gimmick like this after another. It shows that you, yourselves realize how far outside The Church you've placed yourselves and you're trying, as always, to have it both ways. Pretending not to be schismatics so you can sucker in real Catholics while behavning in daily practice, exactly like the schismatics you were, are, and always shall be.

This is just another example of it. Just one problem... Cardinal Burke remains loyal to The Church and submissive to The Pope. Arhchbishop Lefebvre did not. Cardinal Burke may be a determined adversary of Francis' policies but he obeys the chain of command. Archbishop Lefebvre did not just as he didn't trust God to provide for his society after he was gone.. No, he had to "fix" things while he was alive because he didn't trust God would do so and he went about it the same way Martin Luther did.

Denying an Archbishop the right to ordain his flunkies isn't an "unspeakable abuse of power" and it isn't "locking up our Patrimony". It's Vatican politics, to be sure, but that's part of The Church and always has been.

The Patrimony of the Catholic Church belongs to The Church and those loyal to her, not to law-breaking schismatics who go their own way.

..and all the Big Bold Text Blocks aren't going to change that.

"Knowing their treachery as he did, from having been at the 2nd Vatican Council, and his ongoing, ignored petitions for Bishops,..."

Worth reminding everyone that "Saint Lefebvre" spent twenty years abiding by Vatican Council II reforms without any especial moral outrage.

His "heroism" happened only when he didn't get what he wanted. Behaving like a spoiled child isn't "heroism" and The Church doesn't canonize people for that either.

So no, Cardinal Burke isn't stating "the precise principle upon which Archbishop Lefebvre based his decision".

Lefebvre's principle was a simple one. "If I can't get what I want by obeying , then I'm just going to get what I want by breaking it."

That's the logic of every criminal.

Sadly, Cardinal Burke himself is forgetting one thing. Pope Francis hasn't denied priests the right to celebrate the Latin Mass nor has he eradicated any liturgical discipline. What Francis has done is authorize Bishops to do so and made it clear he strongly approves of them doing just that..

Francis is rivalling satan himself in cleverness. At least the devil made Jesus a straight offer: "All these will I give thee, if falling down thou wilt adore me." (Matthew 4:9)

Francis does the Prince of Lies one better. He offers the bishops nothing. But those who fancy themselves as future Cardinals will gladly "adore Francis" and implement his policies hoping to gain his favor.

"(Ref: Cardinal Burke who agrees)."

No, he doesn't. Cardinal Burke hasn't said the SSPX was all you, your friends and family had. You did.

He also didn't say your parishes were abandoning the Faith and the Masses were circuses. You did. Quit shoving your words in Cardinal Burke's mouth and a schismatic Archbishop's "position" under his name.

Cardinal Burke is not Archbishop Lefebvre. His position is different, his way of coping with modernism is different, his views are different.

This is a shameless attempt to legitimize the schismatic Lefebvre by associating him with a loyal Catholic Cardinal. Using Cardinal Burke in this fashion is nothing less than a disgusting agenda-driven sham.
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Ave Crux
This paragraph in Cardinal Burke's statement was precisely the position of Archbishop Lefebvre. Archbishop Lefebvre will one day be vindicated and canonized for having stood against the flood of Modernists in the Church in order to use their non-absolute authority to attempt to destroy our rightful Patrimony as Catholics:
15. But can the Roman Pontiff juridically abrogate the UA? The fullness of …More
This paragraph in Cardinal Burke's statement was precisely the position of Archbishop Lefebvre. Archbishop Lefebvre will one day be vindicated and canonized for having stood against the flood of Modernists in the Church in order to use their non-absolute authority to attempt to destroy our rightful Patrimony as Catholics:

15. But can the Roman Pontiff juridically abrogate the UA? The fullness of power (plenitudo potestatis) of the Roman Pontiff is the power necessary to defend and promote the doctrine and discipline of the Church. It is not “absolute power” which would include the power to change doctrine or to eradicate a liturgical discipline which has been alive in the Church since the time of Pope Gregory the Great and even earlier. The correct interpretation of Article 1 cannot be the denial that the UA is an ever-vital expression of “the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.” Our Lord Who gave the wonderful gift of the UA will not permit it to be eradicated from the life of the Church.
Francis equates the Pauline Missal with the acceptance of VII. Who is willing to demonstrate that missal is anything like the Liturgy Council Fathers asked for? If not, let's get back to the drawing board, Holy Father.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Cardinal Burke questions Francis’ authority to eliminate the Traditional Latin Mass, asked if he could “juridically abrogate” the Traditional Latin Mass. The July 16 motu proprio Traditionis custodes, he said, “places restrictions” on the Traditional Mass “which signal its ultimate elimination.”
He argued that “the fullness of power (plenitudo potestatis) of the Roman Pontiff is the power …More
Cardinal Burke questions Francis’ authority to eliminate the Traditional Latin Mass, asked if he could “juridically abrogate” the Traditional Latin Mass. The July 16 motu proprio Traditionis custodes, he said, “places restrictions” on the Traditional Mass “which signal its ultimate elimination.”
He argued that “the fullness of power (plenitudo potestatis) of the Roman Pontiff is the power necessary to defend and promote the doctrine and discipline of the Church,” but “is not ‘absolute power’ which would include the power to change doctrine or to eradicate a liturgical discipline which has been alive in the Church since the time of Pope Gregory the Great and even earlier.”
Werte shares this
Cardinal Burke has weighed in, with what is probably the longest and most thorough episcopal statement so far:
atreverse pensar
You also are the part of the problem
Christopher Jay Kimsey
The distress should only be if it is not truly Catholic teaching. Whim & democracy do not govern the Church. Only Christ does.