
Frank "Cancels" Frank

Cowards? No way! Here is a photo of the USCCB preparing to leap into action to defend the faith!

Parrhesia Francis Signs Brutal Punishment For Catholic Opus Dei Priest

I hope that all of you who agree with and support Fr. Gbénou will also give a shout-out to App. Lefebvre who tried to speak out as the seed of this insanity was just sprouting.

Francis On Homosexuals: “The Lord Will Save Everyone” (Video)

This may be true but the Vicar of Christ has the duty to speak absolutely unambiguously on such matters.

New York Cardinal Wants to Spend More Time with His … Dog

Have you heard about the Dyslexic, Agnostic Insomniac?
He would lie awake at night wondering if there really was a Dog...More
Have you heard about the Dyslexic, Agnostic Insomniac?

He would lie awake at night wondering if there really was a Dog...

High Ranking US Cleric, Responsible For Homosex Cases, Hooked Up With Men

Why do we need another one? Why not just listen to the original?

Warning: Why Doesn’t Collaborate with Google

What is an example of a smartphone that respects my privacy?

Summorum Pontificum: Francis Is Playing With Fire

You say that like it is a bad thing. ;)

Rabbi: Christ Will Come Shorty After September 2021

What about the other "A"?

Nuncio Strikes Balance After Two Years of Old Latin Liturgy

This is great news!

Gloria.TV News on the 15th of May 2017

Would Rabbi Schiller like to be pope?