Rabbi: Christ Will Come Shorty After September 2021 Rabbi Alon Anava who is based in Tzfat, Galilee, recently shared a calculation revealing a significant window of opportunity for an imminent arrival …More
Rabbi: Christ Will Come Shorty After September 2021
Rabbi Alon Anava who is based in Tzfat, Galilee, recently shared a calculation revealing a significant window of opportunity for an imminent arrival of Christ. Anava presented his theory in a 50-minute lecture entitled “Is the end of the world near? Torah secret that reveals what’s coming!” It was published on YouTube in mid-November.
Adam” Is the Point of Departure
As a point of departure, Anava used the name of Adam, the first man in paradise. He said that the name “Adam” was an acronym, meaning, a word formed from the first letter of other words. According to Anava, in the case of “Adam,” A stands for Adam, D stands for David, the king of Juda, and M stands for Messiah. Anava explains that according to the Kabbalah which believes in reincarnation, Adam, King David and the Messiah share the same soul.
King David Is in the Middle
Anava explains that the role of King David is to connect Adam, at the beginning of history, with the …More
Till Dennis
Am I the only person who notices how deliberately insulting this piece is? The Rabbi is referring to Judaism's messiah, which the host refers to as Christ. Judaism's basic tenets of not gossiping and learning in joy, is described as protestant. Poor Jews.
What about the other "A"?
not in hebrew ADM אדם
Kabbalah News indeed.
Holy Cannoli
Preparation Is the Key
He gives the two Protestant suggestions to refrain from gossip and slander and to learn the Bible in joy and happiness.
Protestant suggestions? Would not those suggestions also apply to Catholics? 🤔
Hava nagila, hava nagila/ Hava nagila ve-nismeha”—“Come, let us rejoice,…More
Preparation Is the Key
He gives the two Protestant suggestions to refrain from gossip and slander and to learn the Bible in joy and happiness.

Protestant suggestions? Would not those suggestions also apply to Catholics? 🤔
Hava nagila, hava nagila/ Hava nagila ve-nismeha”—“Come, let us rejoice, let us rejoice, let us rejoice and be happy.” Those lines closely echo the biblical verse from Psalms 118:24, “This is the day that God has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it,”

A Joyous Holiday Greeting from Our Elder Brothers In The Faith of Abraham