
Summorum Pontificum: Francis Is Playing With Fire

The Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum which liberated the Roman Mass is under attack by reactionary forces who want to abrogate or to dilute. Paix-Liturgique.org (May 31) predicts that in future we may …More
The Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum which liberated the Roman Mass is under attack by reactionary forces who want to abrogate or to dilute.
Paix-Liturgique.org (May 31) predicts that in future we may find ourselves in a situation similar to that which prevailed in the post-Conciliar years, "though under worse conditions for the Church as institution.” The webpage also stresses that in 2021 the Catholics of the Roman Rite are many in numbers, young, convinced and successful.
Today, the Novus Ordo Church has nothing in common with the solid machine it was in the first decades after the Council, Paix-Liturgique.org writes, "She has been bled dry in terms of priests, religious, and seminarians" and "practicing Catholics are getting ever older."
Further, the dioceses lack finances and the recent Covid-measures caused additionally about 30% of the faithful to disappear, “Catholicism has practically vanished from the public square.”
Paix-Liturgique.org reminds of what happened in 1969 when …More
Lisi Sterndorfer
German Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis once said, “We used to pray for the intentions of the Pope and the conversion of Russia. Now we pray for the intentions of Russia and the conversion of the Pope”.
Do not pray for intentions of Russia. Except that gangster Putin did not allowed homo mafia in Russia (which is good) he is no different then any dictator.
Michael Ben Driver
I don't see Mr. Putin so much as "gangster" as I do as someone that is very much nationalist, and loves his country very much. Yes, he has a huge ego, but he is very fit, and an active individual. He is Christian, pro-family, is doing everything he can to increase the birth-rate in Russia and wants to see big families, wants to restrict abortion. He also doesn't allow the perverts access to children …More
I don't see Mr. Putin so much as "gangster" as I do as someone that is very much nationalist, and loves his country very much. Yes, he has a huge ego, but he is very fit, and an active individual. He is Christian, pro-family, is doing everything he can to increase the birth-rate in Russia and wants to see big families, wants to restrict abortion. He also doesn't allow the perverts access to children, or family institutions. And, if you come to Russia to live, you live as a RUSSIAN, Russia does NOT change for YOU! Period! NO - changing the language, culture, society, education, religion, etc to "accomodate" YOU! Instead, YOU CHANGE to FIT IN! Just like it >>>USED TO BE<<< in The USA! Now look at what we have for a "president"! And, our Constitutional Republic is falling apart, fragmenting, and our once mighty military..... BUT, this administration is imprisoning patriots for the "crimes" of free assembly, free association, and free speech.....under cruel, unusual, and harsh conditions.....
John A Cassani
It will be interesting to see what happens, if this indeed takes place. I could see it having a devastating effect on vocations to the diocesan priesthood, both among those yet to be ordained, and those ordained since Summorum pontificum. There will, hopefully, be a surge in priests desiring to join the FSSP and ICKSP. There may be am increase in men following Frs. Nix and Hannon into the life of …More
It will be interesting to see what happens, if this indeed takes place. I could see it having a devastating effect on vocations to the diocesan priesthood, both among those yet to be ordained, and those ordained since Summorum pontificum. There will, hopefully, be a surge in priests desiring to join the FSSP and ICKSP. There may be am increase in men following Frs. Nix and Hannon into the life of diocesan hermit. There will be no place in many dioceses for young, traditional priests. Some may have the holiness to be true white martyrs like Padre Pio was during the years when the authorities thought him a dangerous charlatan. Others will go against their conscience and play the game and be phonies. Sadly, others will leave ministry. Seminarians should certainly leave their dioceses and seek a better place to pursue their vocations. It will be a bad scene.
Let's hope so! If not the SSPX will get even bigger.
You say that like it is a bad thing. ;)
It is for me because they are more than an hour away.