Dr. John Smythe
I Challenge Thee, Mr. Voris - A Challenge to Micheal Voris, Fr. Paul Nicholson and CMTV. In light of the continued calumnies of Michael Voris and Fr. Paul Nicholson (otherwise known as Mr. Carroll’s …More
I Challenge Thee, Mr. Voris - A Challenge to Micheal Voris, Fr. Paul Nicholson and CMTV.
In light of the continued calumnies of Michael Voris and Fr. Paul Nicholson (otherwise known as Mr. Carroll’s Merry Band of Pusillanimous Puppets), I offer here the following video from several months back. It tells you all you need to know about their character.
Look, if there’s any sure sign that one is a false prophet who is laboring for something other than the propagation of truth, it is when that individual steadfastly refuses to directly engage the very people who’s alleged positions they attack. That describes the cowards mentioned above perfectly. At least as of this writing…
So at this, please allow me add this public challenge to the mix yet again:
Michael Voris (prior to his not-so-mysterious about face) had me on air a number of times as what he called “an expert” on Vatican II. (I make no such claim.) Since unwillingness to “accept” Vatican II is central to so much of his case against …More
Joao Machado
Louie, if you are ever on the West Coast of Missouri, call me, I will buy you a beer! Fr. Paul and CMTV I think are actually tied somehow... At any rate …More
Louie, if you are ever on the West Coast of Missouri, call me, I will buy you a beer! Fr. Paul and CMTV I think are actually tied somehow... At any rate, The actions and comments of CMTV, which I used to respect, seem to point to Michael Voris being a Catholic shill...just saying!
Thank you, Comedy Central: 😀 😀 😀 . You are unbeatable!
The Vortex - Weapons of Mass Destruction - Michael Voris condemns Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Missae. "Our Catholic Investigative Agency Team devoted 500 hours of research to come up with a riveting …More
The Vortex - Weapons of Mass Destruction - Michael Voris condemns Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Missae.
"Our Catholic Investigative Agency Team devoted 500 hours of research to come up with a riveting account of what happened to the Mass following Vatican II." - ChurchMilitant.com
This video exposes the contradictions between the way ChurchMilitant used to openly support the stance of the SSPX and of how now they have apparently been forced to change their message due to "Terry Carroll – his self-appointed “Executive Producer” – the same guy that bought Mike and CMTV a building at a time when they were about to find themselves without a studio and precious little resources for securing a new one." - Louie Verrecchio (harvestingthefruit.com/folly/)
Dr. John Smythe
@Dr Stuart Reiss -YES! Now you are starting to get it! Your personal attacks are unfounded with which you try to win an argument! So please stop it. …More
@Dr Stuart Reiss -YES! Now you are starting to get it! Your personal attacks are unfounded with which you try to win an argument! So please stop it. Try to use logic and reason as opposed to emotion.
I have had various people PM me on this site and tell me of how you have messaged them using horrible language and attacks without ever talking with them. Sounds like a pattern. It also sounds like they are wanting to make sure you get the boot from here.
Dr. John Smythe
@michael newman - While Michael Voris' statements are unfounded and have been proven wrong, I would not go so far as to state he cannot "recognize sin …More
@michael newman - While Michael Voris' statements are unfounded and have been proven wrong, I would not go so far as to state he cannot "recognize sin anywhere".
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Michael Voris and ChurchMilitant TV Episode against Novus Ordo Missae - Open Support of SSPX Position on the New Mass. This is a segment from Michael Voris and ChurchMilitant condemning the Novus Ordo …More
Michael Voris and ChurchMilitant TV Episode against Novus Ordo Missae - Open Support of SSPX Position on the New Mass.
This is a segment from Michael Voris and ChurchMilitant condemning the Novus Ordo Missae from their program series 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'. Note the content that Michael teaches is the same that his most recent episodes have been trying, unsuccessfully, to paint a false picture of the FSSPX as "schismatics" and "heretics" because they do not openly favour the Novus Ordo Missae, but the Tridentine Mass.
This video segment shows the contradictory nature of the current Michael Voris obsession with the FSSPX and shows the clear contradictions of his current stance.
Very enlightening work that many of his followers would be, I am sure, shocked to see.
Dr. John Smythe
@michael newman - I am sorry to hear that you cannot be bothered to admit reading any posts that clearly and definitely prove you wrong. Yet, you call …More
@michael newman - I am sorry to hear that you cannot be bothered to admit reading any posts that clearly and definitely prove you wrong.
Yet, you call me a "nut" (a personal attack) instead of trying to defend your (false) opinion. That's sad.
(*Note to anyone reading this for posterity purposes: "michael newman" (which may be another "nom de plume" for a "Dr Stuart Reiss") cannot defend his positions using logic and reason - just personal attacks (i.e. slander/liable/calumny)
Caminandocon Jesus y la madre Maria shares this
Noticias de la Iglesia. Noticias de la Iglesia.More
Noticias de la Iglesia.
Noticias de la Iglesia.
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Voris and the SSPX: An unholy obsession. Louie Verrecchio exposes and explains how Michael Voris and CMTV, are positively obsessed with the Society of St. Pius X. Enough already.More
Voris and the SSPX: An unholy obsession.
Louie Verrecchio exposes and explains how Michael Voris and CMTV, are positively obsessed with the Society of St. Pius X. Enough already.
Dr. John Smythe
BOMBSHELL: Bishop Morlino Apologizes to SSPX - I wonder if Michael Voris and the rest at CMTV will clarify their constant parading of Bp. Morlino's …More
BOMBSHELL: Bishop Morlino Apologizes to SSPX - I wonder if Michael Voris and the rest at CMTV will clarify their constant parading of Bp. Morlino's supposed statement on the SSPX which he, in the previously posted linked video, admits he never actually wrote and openly and publicly apologizes to the SSPX! I wonder if @michael newman and @Dr Stuart Reiss want to maybe apologize to? Are they man enough, like this Bishop?
I go away for a week to a conference and find you cannot leave well enough alone and certainly do not seem to realize when you are beaten because you lose all ground to stand on and just make personal attacks. I guess it takes all kinds ...
@Dr Stuart Reiss, I kept it simple for you but since you are only one person on this site who posts and when we count in all the others who just happen along to read and never post and never join you really are insignificant and I do not have dumb it all down for the rest of the world.
@michael newman - maybe you can clarify for us …More
Dr. John Smythe
@Dr Stuart Reiss - I am sorry (for you) that you could not control your emotions more. You claim your "doctorate" is in medicine, I believe, if I remember …More
@Dr Stuart Reiss - I am sorry (for you) that you could not control your emotions more. You claim your "doctorate" is in medicine, I believe, if I remember your previous outburst correctly. My post graduate work was/is in psychology. I would guess I have taken more academic classes than you and in them we have to present our arguments and defend them as well as effectively counter another's. However, you seem to merely start to "go off your rocker" when it comes to dialogue, for some reason. Still, one's major is not an excuse for not being able to follow the Socratic Method when it comes to philosophical/theological discussions.
You start with a claim, but cannot defend it and merely resort to name-calling and other abusive methods. How many of your posts have been removed by the moderators on this site? How many warnings have you gotten? How close are you to being banned?
Personally, I kind of like seeing your psychotic comments on here - it shows the rest of the readers on this blog …More
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