
Fr Fryar (Los Angeles) FSSP: "Bishops Are Better Catholics Than We Are"

Out of touch with the reality of this face mask mandate and the much larger designs behind it that have nothing to do with actually protecting anyone's health? Well, I think this further demonstrates why so many Catholic faithful feel abandoned by their shepherds to Marxist revolutionaries whose agendas come right out of hell. Many of these "holy" bishops in the United States are signaling or outright …More
Out of touch with the reality of this face mask mandate and the much larger designs behind it that have nothing to do with actually protecting anyone's health? Well, I think this further demonstrates why so many Catholic faithful feel abandoned by their shepherds to Marxist revolutionaries whose agendas come right out of hell. Many of these "holy" bishops in the United States are signaling or outright telling Catholics that it is A-OK to vote for the baby-killing anti-God demoncratic party this November. All while they swiftly crush faithful priests, who actually care about the salvation of souls, that are preaching the TRUTH from the housetops! Father's admonition seems out of place in the time that we now live and the corruption that has engulfed the Catholic clergy to the highest levels in the Church. Lord have mercy!

Lima's Pachamama Archbishop: “No One Converts At The Tabernacle”

The Archbishop's words are patently false. I am a convert to the Catholic faith. It was my chance encounter with the living presence of Christ in the Tabernacle on a tour of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan on a cold December day in the 1980s that touched my heart and soul in such a profound way, later leading me to embrace the True Church that Christ Himself founded. It was a brief encounter …More
The Archbishop's words are patently false. I am a convert to the Catholic faith. It was my chance encounter with the living presence of Christ in the Tabernacle on a tour of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan on a cold December day in the 1980s that touched my heart and soul in such a profound way, later leading me to embrace the True Church that Christ Himself founded. It was a brief encounter with the Presence in the tabernacle that first set my heart ablaze. One truly wonders what many of these bishops believe nowadays and if they have any sense of the supernatural left in them. But I suppose that sadly since some of them, including Archbishop Mattasoglio, are now defiling Our Lord's Sanctuary with false idols, it is no surprise that they are blind to Our Lord present in the Tabernacle waiting there patiently to nourish and draw errant hearts to Himself.

If you hold to the doctrine of the Catholic faith, you are mentally ill. This, according to the ever …

Blah, Blah, Blah. The same tiresome drivel over and over again. The revolution is over. The restoration has begun. Give it up. No one is listening.

Cardinal attacks SSPX, identifies Pachamama-Synod with Second Vatican Council

What an honor for the SSPX to be attacked by a man such as this.

Throwing the Pachamama idols in the River Tiber part 2

Viva Cristo Rey!

Jakub Baryła, a 15-year-old boy, attempted to block LGBT march

God bless and reward you Jakub! You bear the standard of your King with great strength and honor!

Devout Catholic 'who used wrong pronoun to describe transgender girl' to be interviewed by police

From oligarchy to tyranny. History repeats itself.

Apple CEO Tim Cook suggests it's "a sin" to not ban certain people from social media

Well, the ones who feel they have the 'right' to stifle what they term "hate speech" on their public platforms are the very ones who also get to define the term. It is all very convenient.

Napier Doubles Down Against Raymond Arroyo

Bravo Raymond! I am sure Mother A. is proud of your efforts to speak Veritas regardless of consequences.

Benedict XVI: Evangelising the Jews Is "Not Necessary"

It is a shame these post conciliar popes were not around 2000 years ago. They could have corrected St. Peter and St. James and saved them a lot of trouble.

Mark Hart Dances with Nuns and Taylor Swift

Behold the 'spirit' of Vatican II. Are we with Christ or are we with the world? Choose one or the other and save the rest of us from the ridiculous spectacle!

Cringe Factor: Cardinal Tagle Dancing

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things." -St. Paul (Apostle of Our Lord Jesus Christ)

Paul VI Was Pope of "Renewal” - Cardinal Sarah

Very disheartening hearing this from Cardinal Sarah. What is it about this Smoke of Satan that is preventing even those prelates who are friendly toward Tradition from connecting the dots?

Empty Seats At Francis’ Entertainment Show

Fiddling Fools

Archbishop Lefebvre speaks frankly about the Pope (1976)

If only his sons in the Society leadership today continued to speak as frankly. Sadly, it seems that when the Society does finally say something about the abominations that are multiplying in the Church, what is said is so carefully worded as not to offend that their force is effectively neutered. This coming from a parishioner in the pews at SSPX chapels that wonders what has happened in recent …More
If only his sons in the Society leadership today continued to speak as frankly. Sadly, it seems that when the Society does finally say something about the abominations that are multiplying in the Church, what is said is so carefully worded as not to offend that their force is effectively neutered. This coming from a parishioner in the pews at SSPX chapels that wonders what has happened in recent years to the vanguard of the Traditional movement. We need to stop mincing words. We need strong Catholic Action!

How humble, Francis official portrait

They forgot the pitchfork and horns

Pope Benedict XVI the Brave

And in the end, he left us to the wolves. I don't see the bravery there and the shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.

The Apostasy Continues: Two More German Dioceses Introduce Protestant Communion

Will the REAL bishops please stand up!!