"Can Catholics celebrate Pride Month? Yes, and here’s why" - Father James Martin S.J. - In 2017, Pope Francis (Francis promotes the LGBT agenda) appointed Fr. Martin as a consultor to the Vatican's …More
"Can Catholics celebrate Pride Month? Yes, and here’s why" - Father James Martin S.J. - In 2017, Pope Francis (Francis promotes the LGBT agenda) appointed Fr. Martin as a consultor to the Vatican's Dicastery for Communication (Father James Martin appointed by Pope Francis to Vatican department for communications).
Related: 1. POPE’S SYNOD LABELS GAY ADOPTION ‘PRO-LIFE’ - 2. "Pope Francis speaks to LGBTQ Catholics" - 3. SOFT PORN STAR TO SING IN ST. PETER’S SQUARE - 4. Pope Francis backs “Nun of the Trans” - 5. "THE SYNODAL WAY: Is Francis Church Officially Going Gay?" - Related: 1. "2013-2022: Nine Years … - 6. "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 7. "2013-2022: Nueve años con Francisco"
On August 23, 2018, Fr. Martin delivered an address at the Vatican's World Meeting of Families in Dublin, Ireland (Father James Martin to speak on welcoming L.G.B.T. Catholics at World Meeting of Families).
In Spanish: "El Padre James Martin celebra el mes del Orgullo Gay"
His talk focused on how …More
Miles - Christi
In 2017, Pope Francis (Francis promotes the LGBT agenda) appointed Fr. Martin as a consultor to the Vatican's Dicastery for Communication (Father James Martin appointed by Pope Francis to Vatican department for communications).
On August 23, 2018, Fr. Martin delivered an address at the Vatican's World Meeting of Families in Dublin, Ireland (Father James Martin to speak on welcoming L.G.B.T. …More
In 2017, Pope Francis (Francis promotes the LGBT agenda) appointed Fr. Martin as a consultor to the Vatican's Dicastery for Communication (Father James Martin appointed by Pope Francis to Vatican department for communications).

On August 23, 2018, Fr. Martin delivered an address at the Vatican's World Meeting of Families in Dublin, Ireland (Father James Martin to speak on welcoming L.G.B.T. Catholics at World Meeting of Families).

His talk focused on how Catholics can more effectively engage with LGBT members of their communities, using biblical examples of Jesus interacting with the Samaritan woman and Zacchaeus to illustrate the call to inclusive community (Fr. James Martin critiques 'homophobic' pastors at WMOF).

In Spanish: "El Padre James Martin celebra el mes del Orgullo Gay"

On September 30, 2019, Fr. Martin was received by Pope Francis in a private audience in the papal library of the Vatican's Apostolic Palace (Pope Francis meets with Father James Martin in private audience).

In June 2021 Martin received a handwritten letter in which Pope Francis praised Martin, writing how, "Thinking about your pastoral work, I see that you are continually seeking to imitate this style of God" (Pope Francis: God draws near to all with the heart of a Father - Vatican News).

In May 2022 Martin send three questions to the Pope about the relation of the LGTB community with the Church. The Pope answered the three questions with an inclusive point of view (Pope praises James Martin's ministry to gay Catholics - Pope to LGBT Catholics: 'God is Father who does not disown any of his children' - Vatican News).

In 2019, Martin criticized the public denials of Holy Communion to several politicians, including Joe Biden, based on their support for abortion, and to a woman who had contracted a same-sex civil marriage in the Diocese of Grand Rapids (Fr. James Martin critiques 'homophobic' pastors at WMOF).

Martin wrote in a tweet that denying Communion to politicians was a "bad idea" because in this case one "must also deny it to those who support the death penalty" (twitter.com/jamesmartinsj/status/1189240004100448257).

In 2017 Martin published a book in favor of LGBT's ideology: Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity (Amazon.com).

Pro-LGBT priest Fr. James Martin, S.J. has openly criticized the U.S. bishops, accusing them of concentrating too much on the abortion issue. Martin made the comment during an interview the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera published yesterday. During the discussion, Martin, the editor of Jesuit magazine America, argued that American bishops’ stance on refusing Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians like U.S. President Joseph Biden is “politically motivated”.

“…They think about one issue only, abortion, over all others,” he said. This accusation comes just a few days after a controversial meeting between Pope Francis and President Biden in Rome. Immediately after their private conversation, Biden told reporters that Francis had called him “a good Catholic” and advised him to “keep receiving Communion” despite his public support of abortion.

During his interview with Corriere della Sera, Martin supported Francis’s alleged decision to allow Biden to receive Holy Communion and later spoke in favor of the COVID vaccines, arguing that Catholics “should not seek religious exemptions” (Fr. James Martin accuses US bishops of focusing too much on abortion following Biden’s meeting with Pope Francis - LifeSite).

Related: 1. POPE’S SYNOD LABELS GAY ADOPTION ‘PRO-LIFE’ - 2. "Pope Francis speaks to LGBTQ Catholics" - 3. SOFT PORN STAR TO SING IN ST. PETER’S SQUARE - 4. Pope Francis backs “Nun of the Trans” - 5. "THE SYNODAL WAY: Is Francis Church Officially Going Gay?" - Related: 1. "2013-2022: Nine Years … - 6. Francis promotes the LGBT agenda - 7. "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis"

Sources: twitter.com/outrchcatholic/status/1532346175952719872 - Can Catholics celebrate Pride Month? Yes, and here's why. - Can Catholics celebrate Pride Month? Yes, and here’s why.
The pied piper of sodomy James Martin LGBTQWXYZSJ continues to try and lead all souls to hell especially those in most need of God's mercy.
Martin appears to be planning on spending eternity in hell singing "I did it my way!"More
The pied piper of sodomy James Martin LGBTQWXYZSJ continues to try and lead all souls to hell especially those in most need of God's mercy.

Martin appears to be planning on spending eternity in hell singing "I did it my way!"
Yes they can, if they want to go to hell, Fr. Martin.
Dr Bobus
Does that mean that heterosexuals should be proud of the homosexual gift to mankind--AIDS?
Fr Martin is incompetent--and proud of itMore
Does that mean that heterosexuals should be proud of the homosexual gift to mankind--AIDS?

Fr Martin is incompetent--and proud of it
no they cant celebrate pride month specially the clergy
What this fellow seems to not see is that the disordered state of same-sex proclivity detracts from human dignity.
He is not supporting human dignity, he is taking pride in support of openly harming human dignity.More
What this fellow seems to not see is that the disordered state of same-sex proclivity detracts from human dignity.

He is not supporting human dignity, he is taking pride in support of openly harming human dignity.
Hireling! Wolf!
Ave Crux
This man is absolutely sick and speaks with the tongue of satan....insisting that the people celebrating and institutionalizing their sexual aberrations deserve dignity by virtue of -- and in the name of -- that same aberration, is one of the most perverse renunciations and impostures of truth one could possibly witness.
Societies are far gone in depravity when toleration is considered a good in itself, without regard the thing tolerated. G. K. Chesterton
Sadly, this bloke is sick in the head.
Miles - Christi
For instance, Martin's chief, his public admirer and promoter: Francis promotes the LGBT agenda - Pope praises James Martin's ministry to gay Catholics