Vatican pumps out pro-homosexual 'seamless garment' propaganda.
Pope Francis' synodal process is routinely promoting LGBTQ+ propaganda on its official website, even commending homosexuals who adopt babies as "pro-life" champions.

On Saturday, the Vatican's General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops published three "testimonies of homosexual couples," hailing them as stories of "a sexuality that gives life."

Three Testimonies

In the first story, a woman driving to an abortion mill stops at a red light to find a Facebook ad for a baby. The appeal is from fellow parishioner "Karl" — a homosexual living with his partner.

"Why can't someone just give us a baby?" asks Karl in his ad. The woman contacts Karl, who shares his frustration "because he wanted so much to have a child, but his marriage had not been blessed and all avenues had been explored and blocked."

"I'm going to the abortion clinic. If you had this child, would you adopt it?" the woman asks. "Of course, I'll have to ask at home, but I think I can say yes," Karl replies. The story climaxes with the revelation that "Parker" is now an 8-year-old boy "with two loving parents, Karl and Diego, whose relationship saved this child from abortion."

Related: 1. "Pope Francis speaks to LGBTQ Catholics" - 2. Francis promotes the LGBT agenda - 3. El Vaticano promueve la ideología LGBT - 4. Francisco promueve la agenda LGBT

About Pope Francis: 1. "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 2. "2013-2022: Nueve años con Francisco" - 3. "2013-2022: Neuf ans avec François" - 4. "2013-2022: Nove anni con Francesco"

The second testimony commends homosexuals "Nick" and "Josh" from the diocese of Charlotte, who moved to Canada after they were "offended" by members of their local Catholic parish.

The same-sex couple was "married" in Canada, and, after 15 years of marriage, adopted local teenagers with mental disabilities because "they wanted their sexuality to be truly life-giving," the synod's website trumpets, explaining how the couple is fulfilling "God's call."

In the third story, "Matthew," a popular teacher at a Catholic high school in the United States, marries his male partner in secret to keep his job. The same-sex couple makes a "pro-life" decision to adopt children from poor countries and save them from extreme poverty.

The testimonies were collected by Noelle Therese Thompson, synod leader of the Immaculate Conception parish in Hendersonville, North Carolina, during synod conversations with same-sex couples in person and online.

Martin's "Seamless Garment"

Saturday's newsletter touts pro-LGBTQ+ Fr. James Martin in the documentary Building a Bridge produced by Martin Scorsese — a film that also features Michael Voris, founder and senior executive producer of Church Militant.

The documentary "shows the great faith" of LGBTQ+ faithful "as they persevere in the Church despite years of rejection," Martin claims, arguing that "there is perhaps no other group on the peripheries of our Church than LGBT people."

"The life of an LGBT teenager in a family that rejects them [sic] is precious, just as the life of a child in the womb is precious," writes Martin in an article titled "Why I am Pro-Life."

Pro-sodomy Jesuit Fr. Martin says he is using the "seamless garment" approach to value all life — an approach, critics say, is now being adopted by the Synod on Synodality to push the LGBTQ+ agenda.

The synod's newsletter also celebrates the "Gay Emancipation Foundation" of the Netherlands, founded by Fr. Jan Veldt, which aims at promoting "gay empowerment in the Church" by "talking about it as much as possible, in the media and especially in the Church itself."

"Go with the times: Abolish celibacy, open the priesthood to women and make room for gay pastors," Fr. Veldt's manifesto announces, explicitly stating that it sees "these preparatory consultation meetings as a good opportunity to further adjust the position of the Roman Catholic Church on homosexuality."

The manifesto stresses the positive steps taken by Pope Francis, who reiterated twice in his talks and in the documentary "Francesco" the need for recognizing registered partnerships for same-sex couples. The manifesto added, "In mid-2021, Pope Francis encouraged American Jesuit James Martin to continue his pastoral commitment to LGBT people."

A video testimony included in the Vatican's communiqué features consultant psychiatrist Dr. Obeney-Williams, who unapologetically states she is a parishioner at the Jesuit-led Farm Street Church in London and has been with her "woman partner for 34 years."

"I absolutely know the Holy Spirit is in this [synodal] process," says the lesbian, who used to sing in her church's "LGBT choir," expressing her delight at being appointed the parish's synod coordinator by pro-sodomy vicar Fr. Dominic Robinson.

The psychiatrist also names ex-priest Martin Pendergast as the leader of the LGBT group. Pendergast has been in a homosexual civil partnership with Julian Filochowski, the former head of Catholic International Development Charity (CAFOD), since 2006, Church Militant earlier reported.

"Pope Francis has transformed the Catholic Church already. I'm only a Catholic because of him," Obeney-Williams testifies, noting that she joined the Church only after the pontiff "reached out" to LGBT people.

Child Sacrifice

In 2016, researchers Robert Oscar Lopez and Brittany Klein published an authoritative study drawing on the testimony of children adopted by homosexual couples. Titled Jephthah's Children: The Innocent Casualties of Same-Sex Parenting, the book warned of gay adoption as "systematic child abuse."

Jephthah is a judge in the Old Testament who sacrifices his only daughter as a consequence of making a rash vow to God.

Lopez, an ex-homosexual now married to a woman, narrates his upbringing by two lesbians, explaining how kids adopted by gays are raised in a culture "highly specific and fraught with problems."

In same-sex relationships, "adults have higher rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, sexual assault and suicidal ideation," he observes.

Klein, who was also brought up by a lesbian couple, laments the surrogate slave trade: "This is not about what goes on between two adults. This is a whole country becoming complicit in making women breeder livestock to meet the whims of a group of men, and then denying children created as saleable goods the basic right to a mother and father."

"A child deserves a mother and a father. This is a basic human right. Parenthood is not a right. ... No homophobia in the world even competes with this socially accepted dehumanization of children," she concludes.

In his apostolic exhortation Christifideles Laici (1988), Pope John Paul II slammed the "seamless garment" error, noting that "the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture — is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination."

Cardinal Gerhard Müller, then-prefect for the Congregation of Doctrine of Faith, warned in 2013 that the "seamless garment" metaphor was being used "in an intellectually dishonest manner, to allow or at least to justify turning a blind eye to instances of abortion, contraception or public funding for embryonic stem cell research."

Source: Pope's Synod Labels Gay Adoption 'Pro-life'

See also: In Message to 'LGBTQ Catholics', Francis confirms Aberrosexuals in their 'Identity'
Super Omnia Veritas and 2 more users link to this post
Miles - Christi
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio apoya el activismo gay del apostata James Martin promotor de la sodomía:
Bergoglio apoya el activismo gay del apostata James Martin promotor de la sodomía:

la verdad prevalece
As Father Paul Kramer said in reference to the third secret of Fatima: “The antipope and his apostate collaborators will be as sister Lucy said, supporters of the devil, those who work for evil without being afraid of anything.”
The church of gay is at it again
Miles - Christi
Thank you Miles- Christi
la verdad prevalece
11 Q. Who are they who are outside the true Church?
A. Outside the true Church are: Infidels, Jews, heretics, apostates, schismatics, and the excommunicated. Catechism of St. Pius X | EWTN
la verdad prevalece
The logic of the Bergoglians to accept an apostate who did not profess the Catholic faith in Argentina where he was already a schismatic and stubborn public heretic, is the same reason why the apostate angels preferred to obey their superior (their apostate pope) Lucifer and not God. In Argentina, Bergoglio supported and promoted gay adoptions and sacrilegious communion for gay couples..
Sally Dorman
The biggest enemy of the pro-abortion and pro-gay activists is [still] the Catholic Church!
la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's apostasy began in Argentina. The question for those who resist seeing is how they explain that an apostate who does not profess the Catholic faith can become a pope, when the Magisterium of the Church has decreed that the election of a heretic is invalid and null. RORATE CÆLI: Leonardo Boff: "Pope Francis is much more liberal than what is supposed." (rorate-caeli.blogspot.com)
la verdad prevalece
In Message to ‘LGBTQ Catholics’, Francis confirms Aberrosexuals in their (pseudo) ‘Identity’ – Novus Ordo Watch “[The vice of sodomy] mobilizes him in the militia of the evil spirit and force him to fight unspeakable wars against God . She detaches the unhappy soul from the company of the angels and , depriving it of it excellence, take it captive under her domineering yoke” (...)Once this …More
In Message to ‘LGBTQ Catholics’, Francis confirms Aberrosexuals in their (pseudo) ‘Identity’ – Novus Ordo Watch “[The vice of sodomy] mobilizes him in the militia of the evil spirit and force him to fight unspeakable wars against God . She detaches the unhappy soul from the company of the angels and , depriving it of it excellence, take it captive under her domineering yoke” (...)Once this poisonous serpent has sunk its fangs into this unfortunate man, he is deprived of all moral sense, his memory fails , and the mind's vision is darkened. Unmindful of God , he also forgets his own identity. St. Peter Damian -Liber Gomorrhianus ad Leonem IX Romanum Pontificem
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio se reúne con un grupo transgénero en el Vaticano (infovaticana.com) Bergoglio maliciosamente confirmó a los travestis en su perversión. No os dejéis engañar: ni los inmorales, ni los idólatras, ni los adúlteros, ni los afeminados, ni los homosexuales, heredarán el reino de Dios (1 Corintios 6:9)
Ave Crux
Further to this claim about this being art on the Synod website; I searched all menu options and did not find these images. They look like doctored images using same-sex clip art and imposing it over the Synod's logo. I think Church Militant fell for a scam. I couldn't imagine the Vatican being this brazen and wanted to confirm it firsthand.
I would be happy for someone to prove me wrong. Nevertheless …More
Further to this claim about this being art on the Synod website; I searched all menu options and did not find these images. They look like doctored images using same-sex clip art and imposing it over the Synod's logo. I think Church Militant fell for a scam. I couldn't imagine the Vatican being this brazen and wanted to confirm it firsthand.

I would be happy for someone to prove me wrong. Nevertheless, what I said below about the Search function returning "homosexual" for every Search term I tried is true. Bizarre.....!
Ave Crux
Absolutely bizarre....as of 3:15 EDT, if you go to the Synodal website and type "prolife" into the "Search " box, the following absolutely incongruous search reply comes up saying "Your search - homosexual did not match any documents" -- even though I searched at least 5 times on the term "prolife" and kept getting that.. Same thing if I put in other terms, like "gay", "Sacraments".
What's that …
Absolutely bizarre....as of 3:15 EDT, if you go to the Synodal website and type "prolife" into the "Search " box, the following absolutely incongruous search reply comes up saying "Your search - homosexual did not match any documents" -- even though I searched at least 5 times on the term "prolife" and kept getting that.. Same thing if I put in other terms, like "gay", "Sacraments".

What's that all about? Is it a preloaded default response they intend to feed back to anyone searching on homosexuality and it's mistakenly being fed back for other terms?

Try it and let us know what happens for you.

It's absolutely diabolical what's going on in the Church and Synod.
John A Cassani
Same thing for me.
Ave Crux
Wow...! Of all the terms to return on a failed search, that seems really diabolical and creepy.
Sancte Teotónio
The web page returned by the search request has the word "homosexual" hardcoded in the html. Someone was playing and forgot to make a variable.
So since the status of the request is 200 OK, its not a failed search, but a search with the keyword "homosexual" by default, instead of searching the input keyword.More
The web page returned by the search request has the word "homosexual" hardcoded in the html. Someone was playing and forgot to make a variable.

So since the status of the request is 200 OK, its not a failed search, but a search with the keyword "homosexual" by default, instead of searching the input keyword.
Ave Crux
@Sancte Teotónio Thanks for investigating. Never thought to look at the html! Brilliant! So, essentially, it's performing no search at all since the code doesn't pass the variable to the function. Bizarre choice of terms to hard-code in. What were they thinking...?
Sancte Teotónio
Bizarre indeed, maybe some jokster programmer who then forgot to fix before sending to production. That's my guess.
Ave Crux
What an embarrassment....! This would make great commentary.