Fred Alan Medforth

UK Trans Activist Charged With Murder Being Held in Women’s Prison – Allah's Willing Executioners

A trans-identified male from Brighton is being held in a women’s prison while on trial for the murder …
Father Karl A Claver
Guess what IT will do in the woman's prison.

Survivors Are Still Recovering – Allah's Willing Executioners

Photo: @MichaelStuerzi on X, 24 July 2024 It’s been almost two months since an Afghan failed asylum seeker killed 29-year-old police officer …

Islamic Sectarianism & the Growing Power of the “Muslim Vote” Risks Destabilising Britain – Allah's …

Islamic Sectarianism & the Growing Power of the “Muslim Vote” Risks Destabilising Britain NCF Director …

Sectarian Islamic politics – the future of the Western world? – Allah's Willing Executioners

by Giulio Meotti Looking at England today, Paul Verlaine would rewrite: “Je suis l’Empire à la fin de la …

Three drag queens help carry Olympic torch to Paris – Allah's Willing Executioners

In what one observer described as a “truly humiliating moment for the Olympics,” three drag queens have been among…

As Olympics due to start, French high-speed train system ‘under massive attack’ – Allah's Willing …

Just hours before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in France, the TGV network, the country’s …

The most criminal migrant in Germany? One asylum seeker terrorizes small town – Allah's Willing …

CC-BY-SA-3.0 Even as German authorities shut down press outlets critical of mass immigration, the …

Die neue tragbare Selbstmordkapsel der Schweiz wird bald ihr erstes Opfer fordern – Jihad Watch …

Firstpost / YouTube Wie in einem dystopischen Film wird die neue tragbare „Todeskapsel“ der Schweiz …
Klaus Heid
Wozu der ganze Aufwand? Ein einem Strick gehts einfacher..

Junge Migrantenbande terrorisiert Kölner Viertel – Jihad Watch Deutschland

Sie terrorisieren die Bevölkerung, nehmen Drogen und ziehen raubend durch die Kölner Innenstadt. Selbst vor Blinden machen sie …

Switzerland’s new portable suicide ‘pod’ set to claim its first life ‘soon’ – Allah's Willing …

In what feels like a dystopian movie, Switzerland’s new portable death “pod” to allow people to kill …
Right out of some dystopia science fiction movie. Soylent Green anyone?

No Matter How Often Leftism Fails, True Believers Never Face The Consequences – Allah's Willing …

By Jonathan Gault Perhaps the most significant factor contributing to the Soviet Union’s collapse …

Klima-Extremisten legen Flughafen für drei Stunden lahm – Jihad Watch Deutschland

Annullierte Flüge, lange Warteschlangen, verunsicherte Reisende: Mitten in der Urlaubssaison haben Klima-Extremisten …
In islamischen Ländern hätte man diesen Klimaverrückten einfach die Hände abgetrennt.
Mit Klima hat das gar nichts zu tun, denn durch das Chaos das die verursachen wird das Klima um ein Vieles mehr belastet.
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Lächerliche Ernährungsempfehlungen vom Gesundheitsminister – Jihad Watch Deutschland

Foto: TheDigitalArtist / Vor eineinhalb Jahren hatte Finanzminister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) appelliert: „Wir …

Japan spricht Reisewarnung für NRW aus: Drogen- und Migrantenkriminalität – Jihad Watch Deutschland

Foto: Bwag / Wikimedia / (CC BY-SA 4.0) Das fernöstliche Japan, eines der sichersten Länder der Welt,…
Sven Christian Köhler
CDU-Wüsts NRW… Wenn wunderts noch? War da nicht was?Wer immer noch CDU wählt… Shame on you!

Another Fake Attack Claimed By Muslims – Allah's Willing Executioners

It should be borne in mind that the story about the faked hate crime in Germany that Robert Spencer reported on here was not singular …

Archaeology breakthrough after lost alter at location of Jesus’s empty tomb discovered – Allah's …

Teams of researches have discovered a lost crusader altar in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, supposedly …

“We Must Democratize Reform UK”. Mass Immigration is an Existential Threat to Britain – Allah's …

Mass immigration is an existential threat to indigenous Britain. Are the Leeds riots Britain’s future …

Former Teen Trans Activist Accused Of Administering Fatal Dose Of Fentanyl To Boyfriend – Allah's …

A former teen trans activist is under investigation in relation to the death of a man in Lake Township …

German government splurged €531,000 on plane tickets for Euro Football Championships – Allah's Willing …

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and various ministers are facing fierce backlash after it was revealed …
All Saints
@Malki Tzedek Apparently, the only person late for this party is you.
Malki Tzedek
Climate change only affects the 'peasants'. " Have you no eyes to see, nor ears to hear!" When will we wake up!

Ein österreichischer Arzt muss nicht Medizin, sondern gendern können. Die Zeitgeistprostitution tobt …

Ein österreichischer Arzt muss nicht Medizin, sondern gendern können. Ein Arzt muss nicht mehr Leben …
Solch ein Bullenmist!