A Very Interesting Analysis of Pope Francis’ Personality. A Very Interesting Analysis of Pope Francis’ Personality Sandro Magister published interesting remarks of an unnamed Italian reader which went …More
A Very Interesting Analysis of Pope Francis’ Personality.

A Very Interesting Analysis of Pope Francis’ Personality

Sandro Magister published interesting remarks of an unnamed Italian reader which went largely unobserved. The reader points out that in his recent autobiographical remarks when talking in February to Roman diocesan priests, Francis described the period in which he was a superior as an “age of omnipotence”. The reader comments, “This reveals an affective approach to power that turns out to be problematic, to say the least.” On the contrary, the periods of his life that Francis calls “dark” are in practice those in which he had no position of power.

Surface Charisma Proper to Unstable Personalities”

Another unnamed reader wrote to Magister that Bergoglio must be deciphered from a psychological rather than a theological point of view. Quote, “I am convinced that part of his secret lies in his family of origin, of which, on balance, we know very little and about which he himself says little and in an evasive manner.” The reader believes that Bergoglio has a strong, charismatic personality with that surface charisma proper to unstable personalities.

Bergoglio and Maciel

The reader compares Bergoglio with Marcial Maciel, the disgraced founder of the Legionaries of Christ. Quote, “Both are, were allergic to going deeper, to intellectual work. Both are, were masters of the art of dissimulation and with a special intuition in grasping the vulnerable points of interlocutors and bending them to themselves. Both with a mental energy out of the ordinary. Both implacable and vindictive towards the enemies, when these are weaker than they.”

Cardinal Sarah Attracts the Crowds

On Monday, Cardinal Robert Sarah spoke in Toronto, Canada, about silence. The talk was supposed to take place in Saint Basil’s church but had to be relocated to the Cathedral because of the large number of participants. Sarah encouraged the 1200 attendees to a limited use of communication technology and to seek the silence in order to find God. He called the liturgy the place where Christians are silent together. It seemed like he was relating to us like a pope should. The English lecture can be found on Gloria.tv.
Holy Cannoli
Even the office of a 'bad pope' must be given this respect to show our own modesty before God.
Where is that written in scripture? Or is it simply the musings of a christian sheep attempting to make excuses for the inexcusable and despicable actions of a man, a self-absorbed radical leftist man and nothing more than a man. Another thing, who started this insult business anyway? popefrancisbookof…More
Even the office of a 'bad pope' must be given this respect to show our own modesty before God.

Where is that written in scripture? Or is it simply the musings of a christian sheep attempting to make excuses for the inexcusable and despicable actions of a man, a self-absorbed radical leftist man and nothing more than a man. Another thing, who started this insult business anyway? popefrancisbookofinsults.blogspot.ro Of all people, should not the pope be leading by example in “showing his own modesty before God?” Or does “modesty before God” not apply to the Pope or to the rest of the Vatican elite sycophants who overindulge their corpulent bodies in the cafeteria of Casa Santa Marta?
Let's look at a few shining examples that Papa Francisco has given us during his tenure that reflect his “own modesty before God.”

Modernism and globalism have consumed this pontificate. Global warming - Opponents of unfettered mass migration (despite the obvious consequences) are said to Sow ‘Violence, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia’ - Capitalism is criticized (not socialism/communism) and it is responsible for evil in the world - Homosexuality has been raised by the hierarchy to an alternate lifestyle choice so that unrepentant sodomites slobber all over this pope –
On January 10, 2018 a physical and cognitive examination was given to President Donald Trump.The results were given in an hour long Q & A session with the American press corps on January 17, 2018. I am including the cognitive assessment portion of the test here.

Although physical exams are likely given to the hierarchy in the Catholic Church, we never hear about the results of those tests especially in such an open and transparent forum as was President Trump's results were presented to the public.

Without offering my own personal opinion or speculation, what do YOU think would be the results if these homo loving bishops, homo reassigning cardinal electors and, indeed, the “who am I to judge” Pope Francis were to take a physical followed by a cognitive test including a test of the basic tenets of the Catholic faith?

Incidentally, President Trump got all 30 out of 30 correct on his test. MAGA
Reginald Smith
You are talking here about our supreme pontiff. His proper name is Pope Francis. To refer to him otherwise is not giving the Chair of Peter the respect we must give. Even the office of a 'bad pope' must be given this respect to show our own modesty before God.
Católicos Apostólicos
Gloria TV Noticias:
Un análisis muy interesante de la personalidad del Papa Francisco
Sandro Magister publicó comentarios interesantes de un lector italiano anónimo que pasó desapercibido. El lector señala que en sus recientes comentarios autobiográficos al hablar en febrero a los sacerdotes diocesanos romanos, Francisco describió el período en el que era superior como una "era de omnipotencia …More
Gloria TV Noticias:
Un análisis muy interesante de la personalidad del Papa Francisco
Sandro Magister publicó comentarios interesantes de un lector italiano anónimo que pasó desapercibido. El lector señala que en sus recientes comentarios autobiográficos al hablar en febrero a los sacerdotes diocesanos romanos, Francisco describió el período en el que era superior como una "era de omnipotencia". El lector comenta: "Esto revela un enfoque afectivo del poder que resulta problemático, por decir lo menos." Por el contrario, los períodos de su vida que Francisco llama "oscuros" son en la práctica aquellos en los que no tenía posición de poder.

"Carisma superficial propio de personalidades inestables"

Otro lector no identificado le escribió a Magister que Bergoglio debe ser descifrado desde un punto de vista psicológico más que teológico. Cita: "Estoy convencido de que parte de su secreto reside en su familia de origen, de la cual, en general, sabemos muy poco y sobre lo cual él mismo dice poco y de manera evasiva". El lector cree que Bergoglio tiene una fuerte , personalidad carismática con ese carisma superficial propio de personalidades inestables.

Bergoglio y Maciel

El lector compara Bergoglio con Marcial Maciel, el fundador deshonrado de los Legionarios de Cristo. Cita: "Ambos son, eran alérgicos a ir más profundo, al trabajo intelectual. Ambos son, eran maestros del arte de la disimulación y con una intuición especial para captar los puntos vulnerables de los interlocutores y doblarlos para sí mismos. Ambos con una energía mental fuera de lo común. Ambos son implacables y vengativos hacia los enemigos, cuando estos son más débiles que ellos ".

El cardenal Sarah atrae a las multitudes

El lunes, el cardenal Robert Sarah habló en Toronto, Canadá, sobre el silencio. Se suponía que la charla tendría lugar en la iglesia de San Basilio, pero tuvo que ser reubicada en la Catedral debido a la gran cantidad de participantes. Sarah animó a los 1200 asistentes a un uso limitado de la tecnología de la comunicación y a buscar el silencio para encontrar a Dios. Llamó a la liturgia el lugar donde los cristianos guardan silencio juntos. Parecía que se estaba relacionando con nosotros como debería hacerlo un Papa. La conferencia en inglés se puede encontrar en Gloria.tv.