EXCLUSIVE From the Nephew of the Cardinal Who Made Bergoglio a Bishop. The McCarrick case has exploded in Pope Francis’ hands and into his face as Francis did not take the case seriously, the Argentinean …More
EXCLUSIVE From the Nephew of the Cardinal Who Made Bergoglio a Bishop.

The McCarrick case has exploded in Pope Francis’ hands and into his face as Francis did not take the case seriously, the Argentinean author José Arturo Quarracino writes in an article published on Spanish Gloria.tv. Quarracino is a nephew of late Buenos Aires Cardinal Antonio Quarracino to whom Pope Francis owes his career. An already disabled Quarracino went personally in a wheelchair to Pope John Paul II in order to convince him that Bergoglio should succeed as Buenos Aires archbishop. There was a strong opposition against Bergoglio in the Roman Curia. The nephew is more critical of Bergoglio than his uncle.

Quarracino comments that Pope Francis, on one hand, organized a big show trial against Cardinal McCarrick but at the same time green-lighted McCarricks “predatory policy” by naming his former auxiliary bishop, Cardinal Farrell as the new Camerlengo. Quarracino calls this a typical – quote – “bipolar” maneuver of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as he condemned a totally reprehensible action, and at the same time promoted characters that are in line with the condemned action.

For Quarracino, the inversion of the old pastoral principle according to which “the Church condemns sin, but not the sinner” is striking. He notices that there has not been the slightest mercy for Cardinal McCarrick. Quote, “He was thrown on the street at a very advanced age.” Quarracino suggests that McCarrick could have been asked to live a life of prayer and penance as it has been done in similar cases. But – quote: “It seems that when there is a danger of tarnishing the papal cassock, there is no mercy.”

According to Quarracino, now an Argentinean McCarrick case is unfolding. Prosecutors have started looking into the case of the former bishop of Oran, Gustavo Zanchetta, a friend and protégé of Pope Francis who is accused of homosexual abuses. Quarracino notices that Francis inherited the McCarrick case, although he later covered it up. Quote, “But Zanchetta is a ‘creation’ of Francis himself” and he was one of Francis’ first episcopal appointments.
Holy Cannoli
The McCarrick case
The Vatican was aware of McCarrick's perverse behavior as early as 2000, and the disciplinary process was opened only after the reports hit the headlines. Even before his call for McCarrick's repentance, Archbishop Viganò charged that Pope Francis protected and even advanced the now-disgraced prelate.
Regretably, Pope Francis will continue to protect his friends and allies in …More
The McCarrick case
The Vatican was aware of McCarrick's perverse behavior as early as 2000, and the disciplinary process was opened only after the reports hit the headlines. Even before his call for McCarrick's repentance, Archbishop Viganò charged that Pope Francis protected and even advanced the now-disgraced prelate.

Regretably, Pope Francis will continue to protect his friends and allies in the hierarchy, while denouncing their critics as Pharisees.

McCarrick, however, is yesterday’s news. Today’s headline is “The Rome Sham Meeting.”

This is a link to the actual program for the Rome meeting beginning Today. www.pbc2019.org/meeting/program
Speaking of the topics, there is something noticeable about what is there:
“Smell of the sheep.”
“Church as field hospital.”

Looking at the title of the program, and the titles of each day one would ask is the conference about “priestly sexual abuse.” or are these the main themes of Pope Francis’ pontificate. It appears that in reality Pope Francis, or his coterie of sycophants and toadies, have managed to make this all about him.

Unlike the McCarrick saga, the laity is on this and there will be a lot of unhappy people in Rome and throughout the world if this meeting turns out to be a nothingburger by ignoring the elephants in the room…homosexuality - its cousin - predatory behavior and Episcopal accountability. The Catholic Church, which was was once a symbol of hope to a fallen world, has become the subject of mockery and part of the world’s moral depravity.
Don Reto Nay
@Holy Cannoli: I knew about the McCarrick outings since the late 80s and early 90s. If I knew, everybody knew.