Phroggal shares from Mary 17
May this wonderful, faithful Dominican rest in eternal peace.
"The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church" by Fr. John O'Connor, O.P. (1988) The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church: "Freemasonry, Communism, Modernism, Gnosticism, Evolution and other "isms" by …More
"The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church" by Fr. John O'Connor, O.P. (1988)
The Plot to Take Over the Catholic Church: "Freemasonry, Communism, Modernism, Gnosticism, Evolution and other "isms" by Fr. John O'Connor, O.P. (1988)
In Loving Memory of Father John F. O'Connor, O.P.
(July 18, 1929 —December 14, 2006)
Fr. John F. O'Connor, O.P. was an American Catholic priest, who belonged to the Order of Preachers, also known as the Dominicans. He was notable for opposing and foreseeing the future pedophile crisis in the Post Vatican II Church and fought openly against the Freemasonic plots against the Catholic Church. He was severely persecuted for his bravery right up to his death.
On Ash Wednesday, February 28, 1990, O'Connor wrote:
"When I made my vow of obedience 40 years ago, it was first and foremost to Jesus Christ, His Mother and St. Dominic and in obedience to them only death will silence my witnessing to the Truth."
Phroggal shares from J King
HE +Williamson
Bishop Williamson sermon for 19th Sunday after Pentecost, 8th October 2023.
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Joe Biden's visit to the Vatican. By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

On the occasion of his visit to the Vatican on 29 October, the press agencies reported that Joe Biden had spoken about the content of the meeting, and that Francis had described him as "a good Catholic …More
On the occasion of his visit to the Vatican on 29 October, the press agencies reported that Joe Biden had spoken about the content of the meeting, and that Francis had described him as "a good Catholic", inviting him to "continue to receive Communion". It is puzzling that, to date, no clarifying comment has come from the Vatican Press Office. This suggests that Joe Biden's words are true, and that Bergoglio did indeed say them.
Even if Biden's remarks correspond perfectly to the inappropriate outbursts of Jorge Mario Bergoglio - who called [Emma Bonino] a notorious radical abortionist a "great Italian" - it is clear that such statements are an unprecedented scandal, because they do not condemn the positions of a political figure in favour of abortion. They disavow the unchanging position of the Church's Magisterium and sound like a blatant invitation to commit sacrilege and to profane the Most Holy Eucharist by receiving it in a state of public and manifest sin.
Every Catholic knows what …More

Pius X claimed that muslims believe in the true God (similar to Pius XI and Pius XII)

Pius X: 12 Q. Who are infidels? A. Infidels are those who have not been baptised and do not believe in Jesus Christ, because they either believe in and worship false gods as idolaters do, or though …More
Pius X:
12 Q. Who are infidels?
A. Infidels are those who have not been baptised and do not believe in Jesus Christ, because they either believe in and worship false gods as idolaters do, or though admitting one true God, they do not believe in the Messiah, neither as already come in the Person of Jesus Christ, nor as to come; for instance, Mohammedans and the like.

Source of text: CATECHISM OF SAINT PIUS X: The Ninth Article of the Creed, Those Outside the Communion of Saints, 12 Q. Who are infidels?;…/the-ninth-artic…
Pius XI:
72. But in this battle joined by the powers of darkness against the very idea of Divinity, it is Our fond hope that, besides the host which glories in the name of Christ, all those - and they comprise the overwhelming majority of mankind, - who still believe in God and pay Him homage may take a decisive part.
Source of text: Encyclical "Divini Redemtoris" 72;…/hf_p-xi_enc_193…
Pius XII: 16. Nor can We pass over in silence …More
Phroggal shares from Lisi Sterndorfer
Chronological breakdown of the Notre-Dame fire. The beams were separated from the interior by the stone arches, and the beams were burning over them and on them, turning Notre-Dame into an over-sized …More
Chronological breakdown of the Notre-Dame fire.
The beams were separated from the interior by the stone arches, and the beams were burning over them and on them, turning Notre-Dame into an over-sized grill. The interior of the cathedral remained mostly untouched. The domes caved in a few places, most notably under the spire, up here is a picture taken inside the cathedral, with the fire still raging on the top of it.