
Father Küng About Pope Benedict XVI: “The Scumbag Made It”

My translation of "Sausiech" yields "Sausage" with its connotation as a term of endearment - not "Scumbag" or "Bastard"!

Irish Government (!) FORBIDS Receiving Communion, Concelebration

Presumably on orders of the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Michael Martin): Will he become known as "Michael the Sacristan"? - in imitation of the 18th century Austrian Emperor Joseph II who dictated the specifics for Church services even to the number of candles allowed on an altar; some of his fellow monarchs dubbed him "Joseph the Sacristan"!

Rector At Seminary Drinks Party: “Am I Gay?” – “Ask My Boyfriend!”

Don't forget the other tweets and retweet by Fr. Longenecker that "the inmates (i.e., the sodomites and liberals) are still running the asylum (i.e., the seminaries)":
Report from a former seminarian, "I was rejected by three dioceses, a monastery, a religious order and seminary because I was 'too rigid'.
Report from a seminarian, "When some of us asked to use the chapel at night to pray the rosary …More
Don't forget the other tweets and retweet by Fr. Longenecker that "the inmates (i.e., the sodomites and liberals) are still running the asylum (i.e., the seminaries)":

Report from a former seminarian, "I was rejected by three dioceses, a monastery, a religious order and seminary because I was 'too rigid'.

Report from a seminarian, "When some of us asked to use the chapel at night to pray the rosary together we were forbidden because 'no one does that kind of stuff anymore.' "

Retweeted from Edward Adamus: And the elephant in the room of poor formation next to the mammoth in the room of some staff in seminaries as homophilic as the guys they are malforming will go on unchecked.

Francis’ Bad Example Finds First Followers

It's already being done in at least one AmChurch diocese (Helena, Montana) where on more than one occasion the bishop has allowed a Catholic couple to marry outside a Catholic (or other Church-authorized) church or chapel - in a garden or other outdoor setting - with no nuptial Mass but only the wedding ceremony!
Mike and Jovlyn Satterthwaite walk down the aisle after being married by Rev. Patrick …More
It's already being done in at least one AmChurch diocese (Helena, Montana) where on more than one occasion the bishop has allowed a Catholic couple to marry outside a Catholic (or other Church-authorized) church or chapel - in a garden or other outdoor setting - with no nuptial Mass but only the wedding ceremony!

Mike and Jovlyn Satterthwaite walk down the aisle after being married by Rev. Patrick Berretta in a Catholic ceremony at the Basin Creek Reservoir Saturday afternoon in the Catholic Diocese of Helena.

German Old-Rite Trappist Abbey Will Be Closed Down

A November 2016 item from ( Abtei Mariawald: Unruhe nach dem Rücktritt von Joseph Vollberg : Abbey Mariawald: unrest after the resignation of Joseph Vollberg) provides the context and basis for such a decision: A “revolt” of the “old guard” (the monks who “grew up” with the post-Vatican 2 changes) against the “new regimen” (the unmitigated Rule of St. Benedict)!