
Rector At Seminary Drinks Party: “Am I Gay?” – “Ask My Boyfriend!”

Father Dwight Longenecker mentioned on Twitter (June 9) the report of a seminarian in the United States. During the first evening at the seminary there was a party with drinks. The rector of the seminary …More
Father Dwight Longenecker mentioned on Twitter (June 9) the report of a seminarian in the United States.
During the first evening at the seminary there was a party with drinks.
The rector of the seminary came in shorts and T-shirt.
The T-shirt had emblazoned on the front, "Am I gay?" and on the back, "Ask my boyfriend."
Picture: © Mazur, catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsPzdznyzsri
Don't forget the other tweets and retweet by Fr. Longenecker that "the inmates (i.e., the sodomites and liberals) are still running the asylum (i.e., the seminaries)":
Report from a former seminarian, "I was rejected by three dioceses, a monastery, a religious order and seminary because I was 'too rigid'.
Report from a seminarian, "When some of us asked to use the chapel at night to pray the rosary …More
Don't forget the other tweets and retweet by Fr. Longenecker that "the inmates (i.e., the sodomites and liberals) are still running the asylum (i.e., the seminaries)":

Report from a former seminarian, "I was rejected by three dioceses, a monastery, a religious order and seminary because I was 'too rigid'.

Report from a seminarian, "When some of us asked to use the chapel at night to pray the rosary together we were forbidden because 'no one does that kind of stuff anymore.' "

Retweeted from Edward Adamus: And the elephant in the room of poor formation next to the mammoth in the room of some staff in seminaries as homophilic as the guys they are malforming will go on unchecked.
The infestation of the seminaries continues. Nothing has really changed.
@asdlljsadf they certainly are!
"Am I stupid?"