
Irish Government (!) FORBIDS Receiving Communion, Concelebration

Ahead of "allowing" again Masses on May 10, the Irish government issued rubrics for religious services. In modern states which recognise religious freedom, it is an exclusive matter of the Church to …More
Ahead of "allowing" again Masses on May 10, the Irish government issued rubrics for religious services.
In modern states which recognise religious freedom, it is an exclusive matter of the Church to decide how to worship - not so in Ireland where politicians believe they are entitled to decide over the liturgy. Thus, they imposed the following liturgical rubrics:
• Those handing out Holy Communion must wear face masks or must stand behind a screen. Further they must disinfect their hands.
• The faithful must use disinfects before receiving Communion.
• The state suggests that “Communion could be placed in individual disposable cups or containers and left separated on a tray or table for collection.”
• Communion must be "distributed into the hands and NOT onto the tongue.”
Not surprisingly, the government is following the example of the Novus Ordo Church and treating Holy Communion like a snack.
The government also asks to suspend concelebration - while Francis, who styles himself as an …More
If they forbid the Novus Ordo that's a good thing. It has destroyed the faith of countless Catholics
Defeat Modernism
Amen, Pope St. Pius V and the Council of Trent already forbid that cursed Masonic-Protestant abomination!
No it doesn't. @Defeat Modernism You repeating the same nonsensical claim every other day won't make it true, either. Your claim has already been discredited using the Council's own words. Stay classy, PR. :D
Defeat Modernism
@Ultraviolet Yes, of course it does. Anyone who has basic reading comprehension can read that the 'received and approved rites' cannot be changed by ANY of the pastors of the Church. Period. That is why no pope dared to create an entirely NEW rite (hence the Novus Ordo - new order of mass) created by the homosexual, modernist, freemasonic Pig Paul VI.
"Anyone who has basic reading comprehension" can recognize you're re-writing The Council Of Trent once again. The Council of Trent forbade changes "by the ministers" or "every pastor of the churches". It did not say "ANY pastors of the church." That's what YOU say, not the Counicl of Trent. Further, "anyone who has basic reading comprehension" will notice a Pope outranks "every pastor of the …More
"Anyone who has basic reading comprehension" can recognize you're re-writing The Council Of Trent once again. The Council of Trent forbade changes "by the ministers" or "every pastor of the churches". It did not say "ANY pastors of the church." That's what YOU say, not the Counicl of Trent. Further, "anyone who has basic reading comprehension" will notice a Pope outranks "every pastor of the churches.".

The Council of Trent forbade changes at the parish level. The Novus Ordo Mass, regardless of its failings, was not created by some pastor operating at the parish level.

"That is why no pope dared to create an entirely NEW rite (hence the Novus Ordo - new order of mass)"

Thus you betray your inability to read and understand Latin, beyond just parroting the terms. "Anyone with basic reading comprhenesion" (the irony of you taking that line of attack) can recognize a "new order of mass" is not a "new rite of mass". You need to learn Latin before you can argue from Latin. :D

It's also just as likely that no pope perceived a need to modernize the Mass. We both know that changes to the rite of Mass were made long before Vatican Council II.

"created by the homosexual, modernist, freemasonic Pig Paul VI."

Zero evidence supplied for any of your sewage. You're insulting a Catholic Pope and I caution you that's a bannable offense on GTV.

Mind you, I could (and probably should) just let you hang yourself but let's just say I'm feeling unusually charitable today. :D
Even now these requirements are a joke. The celebrant isn't masked, zero "social distancing" and that guy's wearing his mask on his chin. :P
John A Cassani
Under these circumstances, civil disobedience is certainly warranted. Short of that, Holy Communion should only be distributed as Viaticum. As far as concelebration goes, it is unfortunate that it took a diktat from an evil government to enact what bishops should have, long ago.
So much for Irish self rule,they were better off under the English
Presumably on orders of the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Michael Martin): Will he become known as "Michael the Sacristan"? - in imitation of the 18th century Austrian Emperor Joseph II who dictated the specifics for Church services even to the number of candles allowed on an altar; some of his fellow monarchs dubbed him "Joseph the Sacristan"!
Defeat Modernism
Jeffrey Ade
Thank you for the link! God bless you!