Can the pope abolish the Old Latin Mass? Bishop Schneider in April for the Fatima Community
Oh, thank you so much, Bishop Schneider. You are such a comfort to me! Thank you for defending once again Our Holy Catholic Church, and our right to the Traditional Mass.
May God Bless you.
That isn't what the Council Of Trent wrote @Defeat Modernism and they don't need you falsifying their decisions with your "summary". You won't dare quote the Council verbatim because they didn't say anything of the sort. In fact, I'll quote them right now since you're too dishonest. The Council of Trent forbade changes to "by the ministers" or "every pastor of the churches". The Pope outranks …More
That isn't what the Council Of Trent wrote @Defeat Modernism and they don't need you falsifying their decisions with your "summary". You won't dare quote the Council verbatim because they didn't say anything of the sort. In fact, I'll quote them right now since you're too dishonest. The Council of Trent forbade changes to "by the ministers" or "every pastor of the churches". The Pope outranks both groups mentioned, something you stubbornly insist on ignoring every time you mention this.
Defeat Modernism
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, you faithless modernist heretic. The Council of Trent condemns ANYONE including the POPE. That is why ALL popes before the homosexual Paul VI, whenever they made accidental changes always explained exactly what and why but that they WERE NOT substantially changing the RITE. You have no idea about Church history, theology or tradition. @UltravioletMore
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, you faithless modernist heretic. The Council of Trent condemns ANYONE including the POPE. That is why ALL popes before the homosexual Paul VI, whenever they made accidental changes always explained exactly what and why but that they WERE NOT substantially changing the RITE. You have no idea about Church history, theology or tradition. @Ultraviolet I question your morality, honesty and knowledge.
"The Council of Trent condemns ANYONE including the POPE."
That's not what The Council said. You also just contradicted yourself. :D
Your words: "That is why ALL popes before the homosexual Paul VI, whenever they made accidental changes ..."
...and that's wrong, too. Pope Pius XII made substantial changes to the Holy Week Liturgy.
Those changes weren't "accidental" at all, you clown.
He could …More
"The Council of Trent condemns ANYONE including the POPE."

That's not what The Council said. You also just contradicted yourself. :D

Your words: "That is why ALL popes before the homosexual Paul VI, whenever they made accidental changes ..."

...and that's wrong, too. Pope Pius XII made substantial changes to the Holy Week Liturgy.

Those changes weren't "accidental" at all, you clown.

He could authorize changes because Session 7 Canon 13 didn't mention the Pope. All you're trying to do now is explain that away with excuses like "accidental changes" or the popes weren't "substantially" changing the Church's rites, which is flat-out wrong.

All your back-pedalling isn't going to "change" that. :D

The reason a pope could make changes is because.... (drumroll) your citation doesn't mention the Pope.

You're like every other hypocrite pretend-"traditionalist." It isn't the changes that bother you, it's the pope who changes them. When Pope Francis does something. Oh Noes! "Da Council Of Trent"... But once you start panicking, you're forced to admit other popes have lawfully change rites already! Then you do what you always do: add your own spin, never found in the Council Of Trent... they were "accidental" changes, they weren't "substantially" changing the rite.

...which proves Pope Francis can do so as well, just as licitly according to the Council of Trent, Session 7 Canon 13.

Next time, before you "question" my honesty, try getting your stories straight. :D

As we found out with Papal infallibility on canonizations, it is you who set yourself above St. Thomas Aquinas and the Pope himself.

Your accusations are as mindless as your irrelevant citation. "Da Council Of Trent!" "Modernist!" "Heretic!" .From you, it's all just religious-sounding babble from a little boy in a grown man's body.
Defeat Modernism
The Pope cannot abolish the True Mass. Session 7 Canon 13 of the Council of Trent condemns dogmatically the creation of any NEW rites of the Sacraments. Pope St. Pius V in Quo Primum also condemned anyone (including a future pope) of altering the Roman Missal. The Pope is to defend and teach the Faith, not invent a new one.