
Francis’ Bad Example Finds First Followers

Limerick Bishop Brendan Leahy believes that Pope Francis’ inflight marriage should cause the Church to consider marrying couples outside of church buildings. Talking to The Irish Catholic (January …More
Limerick Bishop Brendan Leahy believes that Pope Francis’ inflight marriage should cause the Church to consider marrying couples outside of church buildings.
Talking to The Irish Catholic (January 25), Leahy said that Francis has opened up “new perspectives”. Leahy also wants laypeople to celebrate marriages, “It doesn’t have to be a priest you see, so who knows the future?”
This bishop seems to be little aware of the tendency in the West to celebrate the few Catholic marriages that are still contracted, everywhere but in a regular parish church. In face of their dwindling numbers his proposal for lay-marriages sounds like a mediocre joke.
Gwaredd Thomas
This blighter makes me ashamed to be a Celt.
It's already being done in at least one AmChurch diocese (Helena, Montana) where on more than one occasion the bishop has allowed a Catholic couple to marry outside a Catholic (or other Church-authorized) church or chapel - in a garden or other outdoor setting - with no nuptial Mass but only the wedding ceremony!
Mike and Jovlyn Satterthwaite walk down the aisle after being married by Rev. Patrick …More
It's already being done in at least one AmChurch diocese (Helena, Montana) where on more than one occasion the bishop has allowed a Catholic couple to marry outside a Catholic (or other Church-authorized) church or chapel - in a garden or other outdoor setting - with no nuptial Mass but only the wedding ceremony!

Mike and Jovlyn Satterthwaite walk down the aisle after being married by Rev. Patrick Berretta in a Catholic ceremony at the Basin Creek Reservoir Saturday afternoon in the Catholic Diocese of Helena.
It didn't take long for Patrick Coffin to be proven right.
sounds like protestamtism