
Francis: Jesus’ Authority Comes From "Tenderness"

Pope Francis claimed in his September 18 homily that Christ’s authority came from his compassion expressed in meekness, tenderness, and closeness to the people.

According to VaticanNews.va Francis concluded that this gave Jesus authority to “spent most of his time on the road”, touching, embracing and listening to people.

In reality, Jesus’ authority originated in his being the Almighty God from God. Those who read the Gospel know that he was not particularly "tender" but direct and without compromise when he preached the Truth. For this reason he was crucified.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicchurch.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsXjpetyeipp
I'm sure you know REALLY Mr "Pope" but Jesus's real personality was completely at odds to your own. When He SPOKE (a truer Gospel than YOU are willing to preach) vast crowds flocked to listen to it, knowing full well that what He said - IS TRUE!
Your views of Christians are hippy-fied. You flee the company of the worthy Prelates feeling unworthy. The evil prelates are carnal and predatory yet you …More
I'm sure you know REALLY Mr "Pope" but Jesus's real personality was completely at odds to your own. When He SPOKE (a truer Gospel than YOU are willing to preach) vast crowds flocked to listen to it, knowing full well that what He said - IS TRUE!

Your views of Christians are hippy-fied. You flee the company of the worthy Prelates feeling unworthy. The evil prelates are carnal and predatory yet you seek them out finding pleasure in their company. May God rebuke you.

Don't preach such bosh! Tenderness, kissing and being friendly is not a sign of virtue. Any of your "gay" "predatory" Cardinals, Priests and Bishops " will tell you that.

" "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within." The idea was for these men to be ordained and progress to positions of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. A dozen years before Vatican II she stated that: "Right now they are in the highest places in the Church"—where they were working to change the Church. She said that these changes would be so drastic that "you will not recognize the Catholic Church." Bella Dodd, former employee of Stalin - speaking after her conversion to the Roman Catholic Church.


alex j
Clearly Francis does not know scripture. Christ spent most of life subjected to his parents.
Silly me, I thought it came from the fact that he was God.
Jesus' openess