
New Superior of the SSPX - Father Davide Pagliarini

Italian Father Davide Pagliarani, 47, was elected for a 12-year-mandate as the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) on July 11.

Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta was elected as the first and Father Christian Bouchacourt as the second assistant.

Pagliarani was ordained a priest in 1996. He worked in Italy and Singapore, was then appointed Superior of the District of Italy and has been the rector of the Argentinean seminary since 2012.

The blog RadTradThomist.Chojnowski.me predicted on June 24th, that Pagliarani is the leading candidate for the election and called him favoured by the more "conservative" of the SSPX priests.

In a 2011 interview, Pagliarani defended the theological talks with the Vatican. According to him their aim was never to reach an agreement but to compile a complete dossier in order to crave out the positions of both sides.

He said the Society “intends to cooperate so that the Church can reclaim her Tradition” and therefore needs to be “a stumbling block and a sign of contradiction: with or without a canonical regularization”.

Pagliarani stated that a regularisation would not abolish the state of necessity which continues to exist in the Church "and which until now has justified the action of the Society”.

De Profundis
He has a 12-year term, so a long time to shape the direction.
'Co-operate' with pope Benedict XVI or Francis?
"He said the Society “intends to cooperate so that the Church can reclaim her Tradition..."
De Profundis
With this new man in charge, Father Davide Pagliarani, it is the side opposed to a rapprochement with Rome that has now has the upper hand.
Hope this priest does not get sucked into the vortex of modernism otherwise known as the Vatican.