
Bergoglio hat Unrecht

FRANCIS IS WRONG (siehe Gloria TV in Englisch von heute)
"We are a civilization that does not give birth to children but nevertheless closes the doors to migrants." Francs is wrong!!!!

1) The fact that a nation is giving much less birth to children does not automatically mean that the nation has to accept migrants to fill the gaps. Social governments have no right to give up cultural and territorial heritage without asking the people.
2) The Pope himself is supporting the trend of less children by telling the Philippines last year they should not produce children like rabbits.
3) The main-reason in western countries for not giving birth to children is abortion. Still the pope and the very major part of the clergy is not or not enough condemning abortion.
4) The whole phrase of Francis is just again another try to brainwash catholics with marxism and liberation theology.

I am tired of Francis. Whenever he says something (may it sound catholic or not), if you boil it down to its essence it is usually non-catholic and/ or marxist / socialist agenda. May God grant us a visibly catholic Pope.
Holy Cannoli
I believe you can do much better.
I hope YOU can do better but I doubt it.
hatred towards others (whether based on their religious ) is not catholic at all. Do you agree?
Ascribing hatred to their opponents, when hatred has nothing to do with the issue, is a classic tactic of leftists. Homosexuals (i.e., lesbians) do this with regularity to anyone who oppose their homo agenda. This brings me to …More
I believe you can do much better.
I hope YOU can do better but I doubt it.

hatred towards others (whether based on their religious ) is not catholic at all. Do you agree?
Ascribing hatred to their opponents, when hatred has nothing to do with the issue, is a classic tactic of leftists. Homosexuals (i.e., lesbians) do this with regularity to anyone who oppose their homo agenda. This brings me to wonder about your “orientation'? Do you agree? 😲 obviously have a problem with Muslims.
You “obviously” have not read the links that I posted (here - herehere and here) or you would never have made that idiotic statement. 🙄

Basically your post is actually a compilation of mealy-mouthed, touchy-freely garbage lacking both common sense and demonstrating a total ignorance of the Islamic wave of terror that is plaguing Europe, the United States and, indeed, the entire world. You post simple minded propaganda made by a clueless do-gooder signifying nothing with the final 'moron indicator' being:

...we can use the rosary to defeat both the enemy and his instruments. 🤦
A pity that in 732 Charles Martel didn't have a gentle sweetheart like you around to tell him that the rosary could defeat both the enemy and his instruments and that he didn't need a military or armaments to defeat the Muslim invasion. 🤦

I am done with you, Kafir and have no intention of wasting any more time with your effeminate, out of touch with reality, nonsense. If you have the guts (which you probably do not), read the links included above. If not, simply go back to reading your “non-violent" holy book of Islam, the Quran which is the central religious text of Islam that your beloved Muzzies believe to be a revelation from their moon god. 😜
By the way: When comparing the Holy Family to migrants you have to consider:
1) Holy Family was one family not millions of people
2) Holy Family was definitely not an economic refugee. The life of Jesus was actually at stake
3) Holy Family returned to its home after the danger was over
Holy Cannoli
A newly minted Muslim apologist has found his way onto How wonderful! 👏
Our Holy Mother and St. Joseph were migrants themselves in Egypt…
That line was your first bone-headed remark corrected by Rafał_Ovile. Now for #2.
It is always very easy to blame someone for your own faults and migrants are an easy target.
They have made themselves an “easy target.” It's a pity you either don't …More
A newly minted Muslim apologist has found his way onto How wonderful! 👏
Our Holy Mother and St. Joseph were migrants themselves in Egypt…
That line was your first bone-headed remark corrected by Rafał_Ovile. Now for #2.

It is always very easy to blame someone for your own faults and migrants are an easy target.
They have made themselves an “easy target.” It's a pity you either don't follow the news or perhaps you deliberately avoid mentioning Muslim atrocities because it blows your Islamic defenses straight to hell?

Fact remains, the influx into Europe and Europe's unwillingness to properly cope with the problem are the result of individualism and indifferent-ism that have been here for ages. Don't blame it all on Islam which is just a result not the root-cause…
Your “fact” is not a fact but simply a justification for the barbarism known as Islam and the actions of its followers/supporters. You are either uninformed and simple minded or you're deliberately trying to deceive. Personally, I believe it's the latter which makes you even more loathsome.

Watch this, kafir.
And this…
The real Islam...
The holiest book of Islam (…) draws the sharpest of distinctions between Muslims (the best of people, 3:110) and non-believers (the worst of creatures, 98:6). Praise is lavished on the former while the latter is condemned with scorching generalization.

Once the Koran is rearranged in the right time order, categorized and Mohammed’s life is woven back into it, another fact leaps from the page. Very little of the Koran is devoted to how to be a Muslim, the religion of Islam. Instead, the majority of the Koran is about kafirs, non-Muslims. Kafirs are the worst of the creation. Allah hates kafirs and plots against them. Kafirs can be tortured, murdered, robbed, raped and enslaved. The Koran is fixated on kafirs, as was Mohammed. Political Islam has subjugated civilizations for 1,400 years 🚬
Corvum You're out of touch with reality. There is no correlation between the two Mother of God and St. Joseph and migration of millions of men, overwhelmingly young islamic males who deserted their own families to advance political islam. While Mary and Joseph gave upmost respect and blessings to their hospitable neighbors, the migrants purposely exploit the socialist welfare system without showing …More
Corvum You're out of touch with reality. There is no correlation between the two Mother of God and St. Joseph and migration of millions of men, overwhelmingly young islamic males who deserted their own families to advance political islam. While Mary and Joseph gave upmost respect and blessings to their hospitable neighbors, the migrants purposely exploit the socialist welfare system without showing work ethics and are often the cause of numerous criminal offences without being charged. The Holy Family was guided by God to Egypt while the barbarians of the foreign civilization are organized by racist and xenophobic freemasons who plan global race extermination by multicultural race mixing and also utilize ISIS to smuggle them to Europe and infiltrate boats themselves. Moreover, it is a popular neomarxist perversion of good and evil to blame the victims and protect the offenders. Lastly, if you want islamic migrants, as Francis, Soros and Merkel, then invite them all to your home and pay for them out of your own pocket...
i thought Pope Francis said that catholics breed like rabbits
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
"Islam is a manifestation of the Antichrist." The Blessed Mother of God to Fr. Stefano Gobbi
666 indicated once, that is to say for the first time, expresses the year 666, six hundred and sixty-six. In this period of history, the Antichrist is manifested through the phenomenon of Islam, which directly denies the mystery of the Divine Trinity and the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Islamism, with …More
"Islam is a manifestation of the Antichrist." The Blessed Mother of God to Fr. Stefano Gobbi
666 indicated once, that is to say for the first time, expresses the year 666, six hundred and sixty-six. In this period of history, the Antichrist is manifested through the phenomenon of Islam, which directly denies the mystery of the Divine Trinity and the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Islamism, with its military force, breaks loose everywhere, destroying all the ancient Christian communities, and invades Europe
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
This is not an immigration but a Muslim invasion.
What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration?…/what-does-saint…
The Catholic Spring that's talked about is much bigger than anybody realizes. It's not just a few communist groups funded by the John Podesta and George Soros. It is the culmination of Hugo Chavez' life work.
Hugo Chavez is the man who resurrected Liberation Theology against the wishes of Pope Benedict. The Bolivarian Revolution was named after Simon Bolivar "The Liberator" because it is the basis …More
The Catholic Spring that's talked about is much bigger than anybody realizes. It's not just a few communist groups funded by the John Podesta and George Soros. It is the culmination of Hugo Chavez' life work.

Hugo Chavez is the man who resurrected Liberation Theology against the wishes of Pope Benedict. The Bolivarian Revolution was named after Simon Bolivar "The Liberator" because it is the basis of the entire Catholic Spring Soviet take-over of the Catholic Church.
This is because Francis was put into power by Barack Obama, Hugo Chavez, and the Russians. I have posted my research on how they are all linked together here on my Facebook page.…/1450493108345129More
This is because Francis was put into power by Barack Obama, Hugo Chavez, and the Russians. I have posted my research on how they are all linked together here on my Facebook page.…/1450493108345129