
Sermons For Everyday Living: Holy Matrimony is Natural Marriage - Sermons 01/21/24

Do not believe the "equality lie."
"And on your part, wives, do you love the husbands God has given you tenderly, heartily, but with a reverential, confiding love, for God has made the man to have the predominance, and to be the stronger; and He wills the woman to depend upon him,--bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh,--taking her from out the ribs of the man, to show that she must be subject to …More
Do not believe the "equality lie."

"And on your part, wives, do you love the husbands God has given you tenderly, heartily, but with a reverential, confiding love, for God has made the man to have the predominance, and to be the stronger; and He wills the woman to depend upon him,--bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh,--taking her from out the ribs of the man, to show that she must be subject to his guidance. All Holy Scripture enjoins this subjection, which nevertheless is not grievous; and the same Holy Scripture, while it bids you accept it lovingly, bids your husband to use his superiority with great tenderness, lovingkindness, and gentleness. "Husbands, dwell with your wives according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel."
St. Francis de Sales
Introduction to The Devout Life

Bishop Destroys Thriving Parish, Then Offers Consolation Prize

Satan's goal is to get Catholics to "jump Ship." He does not care if you jump to the "Right" or "Left." Many on the Left have already jumped. Some on the Right have already jumped (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI etc etc). Now, sadly, good willed traditionally oriented priests are disposing good willed souls(currently in the Bark) to Jump Ship on the Right flank, if they are denied the 1962 Missal. Pope Benedict's …More
Satan's goal is to get Catholics to "jump Ship." He does not care if you jump to the "Right" or "Left." Many on the Left have already jumped. Some on the Right have already jumped (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI etc etc). Now, sadly, good willed traditionally oriented priests are disposing good willed souls(currently in the Bark) to Jump Ship on the Right flank, if they are denied the 1962 Missal. Pope Benedict's prophecy will be fulfilled that the Bark of Peter will become smaller and smaller, and this from Left and Right overboards. 🙏

'Conscience First!' Priests in San Fran refuse to bless same-sex couples

@chris griffin I agree with the San Francisco priests' decision to refrain from these blessings. Obviously, no priest is commanded to bless sodomite unions (or unions of fornication or adultery- divorce and remarriage etc,). But I believe it is a mistake to make it appear they they are "conscience rebelling" as this gives credence to the rebellion to which you refer.

'Conscience First!' Priests in San Fran refuse to bless same-sex couples

@chris griffin Amen sir. But I believe that the Catechism's wording of "Certain Judgment" is the key phrase. I do not believe that Catechism is teaching that one is permitted to rebel against the Faith or Morals of the Church if their conscience allows. Every baptized Catholic is required to know the Faith and the Moral teachings of the Church. There is especially no excuse for a Priest(ie: my …More
@chris griffin Amen sir. But I believe that the Catechism's wording of "Certain Judgment" is the key phrase. I do not believe that Catechism is teaching that one is permitted to rebel against the Faith or Morals of the Church if their conscience allows. Every baptized Catholic is required to know the Faith and the Moral teachings of the Church. There is especially no excuse for a Priest(ie: my initial comments). Souls Outside the Church are a different scenario. If an ignorant soul commits sin without violating their conscience, they will still be punished, but lighter than the Catholic.St.

Luke 12:47 “The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows." Now, with this said, you are 100% correct in that many today, even those holding high positions in the Church, have twisted the true traditional doctrine of conscience allowing for diabolic acts in the name of "conscience.",

The true Catholic doctrine regarding conscience is the reverse of the perverted proposed today. The true doctrine requires a soul to follow their conscience even if the acts is not truly sinful. This was dealt with in the early Church when some souls believed it was sinful to eat meat. St. Paul exhorts the brethren to refrain from serving or eating meat with these "mistaken" souls as to not violate their "mistaken" conscience. Romans 14:23 "But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin." This is the doctrine that the Catechism is teaching, although perverted by many.

'Conscience First!' Priests in San Fran refuse to bless same-sex couples

Of course, the problem with this is that the same "conscience first" principle is used to justify disobeying Church doctrine ie: contraception, divorce & remarriage etc.

Bishop of Cordoba: There Is No "Traditional Family"

He makes excellent points, but I would not necessarily describe the family as the "Christian family," but the "Natural family" seems better. Why? The true family is based on Natural Law, not necessarily "Christian Revelation." For example, The Country of India is one of the most Conservative Countries in the world with a very low divorce rate, but only a very small Christian minority. "Conservative …More
He makes excellent points, but I would not necessarily describe the family as the "Christian family," but the "Natural family" seems better. Why? The true family is based on Natural Law, not necessarily "Christian Revelation." For example, The Country of India is one of the most Conservative Countries in the world with a very low divorce rate, but only a very small Christian minority. "Conservative" generally equates to adherence to "Natural Law."

FSSPX prepares for the consecration of new bishops

In a sense, true, as modernists(Sadducees)and traditionalists(Pharisees) are kissing cousins.

FSSPX prepares for the consecration of new bishops

Sadly, Deeper & deeper into the pit...


@Defeat Modernism
Neither King Cyrus, Constantine nor Charlemagne were necessarily "godly men." It is ungodly to limit God's Holy Providence.

Making Sin ""Regular." Notice careful the word used to describe the vile Sodomite unions, "IRREGULAR …

Adultery and schism, both grave public sins.

Michael Knowles didn’t make that claim. PornHub’s senior writers admitted it on video

Self abuse was traditionally referred to as the sin of "effeminacy." The ancients understood the vital connection.

Francis: Membership In Freemason Sects "Forbidden"

My guess is that the only reason the Vatican made this affirmation is because Freemasonry is a "fraternal" organization, considering that "sexism" is the new sin that "cries to heaven for vengeance."If women were admitted it would likely be fully embraced.

Ohio Ballot Proposition Live Election Results 2023: Abortion rights, marijuana legalization measures …

Yes, the white liberal elite is the black community's worst enemy. Their lives were safer on the plantations.

Ohio Ballot Proposition Live Election Results 2023: Abortion rights, marijuana legalization measures …

Race is definitely an issue, but gender is the greatest factor. The black vote was only 10% of total votes.

Ohio Ballot Proposition Live Election Results 2023: Abortion rights, marijuana legalization measures …

Take all women out of the voting equation and likely there is instantly little , if any, legal abortion (greatly reduced legal divorce as well).

DIVINE WILL Fr. Chad Ripperger & St. Thomas Aquinas Summarize EVERYTHING In One Simple Line

Does not get any more fundamental. Fiat!

Well, Ohio is the 7th State to Constitutionally enshrine the right to murder unborn children. Expect …

Dream on. Signs are no indication of anything. Without a miracle, women and effeminate men will vote to enshrine abortion in most, if not all, fifty States.

When people campaign for death

I am praying for a miracle. The fact is that the enemy will continue to use these State Constitutional Amendments to advance his diabolic agenda. These Constitutional Amendment requirements were likely written prior to women's suffrage. With the "weaker vessel" voting, it will be difficult to stop the enemy's agenda. His method has not changed since Eve in the Garden.

Another Cardinal Ignores Traditionis Custodes

Traditionis does not apply to former "Ecclesia Dei" communities.

A bit late - happy reformation day

Oh yes, the Jezebel church. Some(if not most) are praying this for Catholicism.