Bishop Destroys Thriving Parish, Then Offers Consolation Prize

Bishop John Iffert of Covington, Kentucky suspended on 17 January the pastor, Father Shannon Collins, and the assistant priest, Father Sean Kopczynski, of the Latin Mass Parish Our Lady of Lourdes in …More
Bishop John Iffert of Covington, Kentucky suspended on 17 January the pastor, Father Shannon Collins, and the assistant priest, Father Sean Kopczynski, of the Latin Mass Parish Our Lady of Lourdes in Park Hills.
Both belong to the Missionaries of St John the Baptist, a Roman Rite group recognised in the Diocese of Covington which was founded by two former members of the Fathers of Mercy, a French clerical association that has survived only in the United States.
Monsignor Iffert punished the two priests for criticising the failed Novus Ordo. They stated that the Novus Ordo Eucharist "literally preserves nothing of the old" and that the 1969 liturgical changes were "motivated by hatred of traditional Catholics and the ancient liturgies of Rome".
The bishop looked for the quotes he could best take out of context without confronting their truthfulness to get rid of the priests. Here is the sermon that led to their dismissal. Monsignor Iffert called the quotes "errors".
After a huge backlash …More
Satan's goal is to get Catholics to "jump Ship." He does not care if you jump to the "Right" or "Left." Many on the Left have already jumped. Some on the Right have already jumped (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI etc etc). Now, sadly, good willed traditionally oriented priests are disposing good willed souls(currently in the Bark) to Jump Ship on the Right flank, if they are denied the 1962 Missal. Pope Benedict's …More
Satan's goal is to get Catholics to "jump Ship." He does not care if you jump to the "Right" or "Left." Many on the Left have already jumped. Some on the Right have already jumped (SSPX, SSPV, CMRI etc etc). Now, sadly, good willed traditionally oriented priests are disposing good willed souls(currently in the Bark) to Jump Ship on the Right flank, if they are denied the 1962 Missal. Pope Benedict's prophecy will be fulfilled that the Bark of Peter will become smaller and smaller, and this from Left and Right overboards. 🙏
The left never jumped ship, they just took over the majority of administration positions at the Parish levels, Diocean bureaucracies, religious orders, seminaries, schools and colleges. Even Archbishop Marcel Lafebvre initially when he started the SSPX offered the Novus Ordo in Latin as well as the Roman Rite and again initially wasn't against it if it was said in Latin, ad orientum with the Roman …More
The left never jumped ship, they just took over the majority of administration positions at the Parish levels, Diocean bureaucracies, religious orders, seminaries, schools and colleges. Even Archbishop Marcel Lafebvre initially when he started the SSPX offered the Novus Ordo in Latin as well as the Roman Rite and again initially wasn't against it if it was said in Latin, ad orientum with the Roman Rite prayers of concecration and traditional elements were used i.e. recieving Holy Communion kneeling on the tongue. It was only later after reports of continuous abuses that were normalized that he turned against it. If the Novus Order would have been maintained as he had celebrated it, as well as orthodoxy in the Church's institutions, there may have not been the reaction from the conservatives and orthodox-Catholics that we see today.
Alexander Ghost
@philosopher. Correction: Archbishop Lefebvre never said the Novus Ordo Mass.
Alexander is correct. Archbishop Lefebvre never offered the Novus Ordo Missae.
When the changes in the Roman Mass started, the archbishop adopted them up to the revisions of 1967.
However, he was convinced by some seminarians, among whom was Fr. Cekada, if I recall correctly, to return to the earlier missal of 1962.
Although the Missa Normativa had debuted in Rome by 1967, it was not …More

Alexander is correct. Archbishop Lefebvre never offered the Novus Ordo Missae.

When the changes in the Roman Mass started, the archbishop adopted them up to the revisions of 1967.

However, he was convinced by some seminarians, among whom was Fr. Cekada, if I recall correctly, to return to the earlier missal of 1962.

Although the Missa Normativa had debuted in Rome by 1967, it was not the missal used by the SSPX.

When the New Mass was promulgated, Archbishop Lefebvre was using the 1962 missal. He never adopted the missal that Pope Paul VI issued in 1969/70.
@Alexander Ghost and @DJRESQ Respectfully, according to Fr. Michel Simoulin in 2017, who gave a talk, which was transcribed, "Or when I was a young subdeacon, I went with Archbishop Lefebvre to his sister in law's funeral. The Archbishop hesitated, then chose to assist at the new Mass before blessing the casket." From a SSPX website: On the Seeking Cooperation Within the Church, Le Seignadou, …More
@Alexander Ghost and @DJRESQ Respectfully, according to Fr. Michel Simoulin in 2017, who gave a talk, which was transcribed, "Or when I was a young subdeacon, I went with Archbishop Lefebvre to his sister in law's funeral. The Archbishop hesitated, then chose to assist at the new Mass before blessing the casket." From a SSPX website: On the Seeking Cooperation Within the Church, Le Seignadou,

He also, in the early days at Escone allowed seminarians to attend Mass at a nearby monastery where a pius father and monk was saying the Novus Ordo in Latin ad orientum.

I actually admire Archbishop Lafebvre and think he will one day be cannonized. I also attend a nearby SSPX chapel for Mass and are greatful for their great work in keeping Catholic tradition. However, the SSPX was never formed in opposition to the Novus Ordo but was centered on orthodox preistly formation for the good and salvation of souls. The archbishop did eventually after some time of evaluation no longer allow or recommend attending the Novus Ordo due to its abuses and bad fruit it was producing.
Naomi Arai
Jump ship? The one that already sank? I’m a fan of the SSPX. They are not schismatic. Do some research.
At the same time, I don’t judge the sedevacantists and SSPXresistance. Vatican II turned the Catholic Mass into Protestant Mass. “Catholic” pope after “pope” have put other religions on an equal footing as the Church.More
Jump ship? The one that already sank? I’m a fan of the SSPX. They are not schismatic. Do some research.

At the same time, I don’t judge the sedevacantists and SSPXresistance. Vatican II turned the Catholic Mass into Protestant Mass. “Catholic” pope after “pope” have put other religions on an equal footing as the Church.
@philospher Respectfully, according to Fr. Michel Simoulin in 2017, who gave a talk, which was transcribed, "Or when I was a young subdeacon, I went with Archbishop Lefebvre to his sister in law's funeral. The Archbishop hesitated, then chose to assist at the new Mass before blessing the casket."
Correct. But please understand what is being stated there.
That priest, who left the SSPX due to his …More
@philospher Respectfully, according to Fr. Michel Simoulin in 2017, who gave a talk, which was transcribed, "Or when I was a young subdeacon, I went with Archbishop Lefebvre to his sister in law's funeral. The Archbishop hesitated, then chose to assist at the new Mass before blessing the casket."

Correct. But please understand what is being stated there.

That priest, who left the SSPX due to his sedevacantist position, does not state, nor did he imply, that Archbishop Lefebvre offered that funeral Mass for his sister-in-law. He didn't. The Mass was offered by a different priest.

Fr. Simoulin was complaining that the archbishop attended the Mass (that's the meaning of "assisting" at Mass), and the archbishop blessed the casket. That's what Fr. Simoulin meant by "participating actively."

You'll notice that he never said that the archbishop actually offered that Mass. Again, he didn't. Being present for a Mass and offering a Mass are two totally separate concepts. You can be present for a Mass, but if you are not a priest, you cannot offer one.

Some early seminarians who became SVs were adamant that no one should ever attend a new Mass under any circumstances, and that is why they later left the SSPX.

While it is true that, for a short while, Archbishop Lefebvre allowed seminarians to attend the new Mass when there was no alternative, he never offered the new Mass himself. This fact has been reiterated many times over the years by the archbishop himself while he was alive and is also found in his biography written by Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais.

I believe what the archbishop stated and what is contained in the biography of his life: He never offered the Novus Ordo Missae. No one has ever come up with evidence to contradict that, and Father Simoulin's statement does not do so.
@DJRESQ Good point, well taken!
Fr. Simoulin attempted to imply that Lafebvre offered the NO Mass by assisting but you're right they are not the same and he never said that he actually celebrated it.
Still I think if the Novus Ordo would have have been made mandatory in a traditional mode- in Latin, ad orientum and within a traditional orthodox theological structure there may have not been the …More
@DJRESQ Good point, well taken!
Fr. Simoulin attempted to imply that Lafebvre offered the NO Mass by assisting but you're right they are not the same and he never said that he actually celebrated it.

Still I think if the Novus Ordo would have have been made mandatory in a traditional mode- in Latin, ad orientum and within a traditional orthodox theological structure there may have not been the reactionary response that we see in the traditional Catholic movement. There are very traditional mode Novus Ordo Masses available, mostly offered by conservative O.P. orders but there are a few. While i mostly attend the TLM, I have on occasion attended a Dominican Latin Novus Ordo, which still allows me to practice traditional Catholicism. I can't say this about the typical modern N.O. suburban Catholic parishes.
Live Mike
'Pirates' disguised as Catholics have secretly boarded and commandeered the visible ship (institutional organization of the Catholic Church).
Pirates have taken possession of the visible ship, raised the skull and crossbones and are now behind the tiller steering the visible ship.
The Catholic captain & helmsman lost their positions and were replaced with pirates.
Catholics still on board the visible …More
'Pirates' disguised as Catholics have secretly boarded and commandeered the visible ship (institutional organization of the Catholic Church).
Pirates have taken possession of the visible ship, raised the skull and crossbones and are now behind the tiller steering the visible ship.
The Catholic captain & helmsman lost their positions and were replaced with pirates.
Catholics still on board the visible ship & 'invisible ship' (Mystical Body of Christ) are being held captive.
Catholics do not recognize the pirates currently in charge of the visible ship as being members of the Faithful.
Catholics haven't jumped overboard, but have always remained on board the 'invisible ship'.
John A Cassani
What he said about “preserving nothing of the old” referred to the liturgical reform as a whole. It is absolutely true that every official liturgical Rite was altered. Nothing was unscathed, including the Missal, Pontifical, Breviary, and the entire Roman Ritual, including the Rite of Exorcism. Of course there were parts of each that were preserved, but not a single Rite was preserved exactly as …More
What he said about “preserving nothing of the old” referred to the liturgical reform as a whole. It is absolutely true that every official liturgical Rite was altered. Nothing was unscathed, including the Missal, Pontifical, Breviary, and the entire Roman Ritual, including the Rite of Exorcism. Of course there were parts of each that were preserved, but not a single Rite was preserved exactly as it was before. If the bishop is charging that he said that no part of the Mass survived the reform, he is either terribly misinformed, or terribly dishonest.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This sounds like a backdown/capitulation by the Bishop in favor of the Roman Mass and these priests. The backlash against his original vindictive and tyranical actions similar to Francis probably caused him to offer a new Church to these two good priests who spoke the Truth about the Novus Ordo.
The Fathers of Mercy are the usuall neo-Con group, professing fedility to the Church. They are a "yes …More
This sounds like a backdown/capitulation by the Bishop in favor of the Roman Mass and these priests. The backlash against his original vindictive and tyranical actions similar to Francis probably caused him to offer a new Church to these two good priests who spoke the Truth about the Novus Ordo.
The Fathers of Mercy are the usuall neo-Con group, professing fedility to the Church. They are a "yes Holy Father, whatever you say, Holy Father" group. They have about 26 members total. For some reason, the Order never took off in France whenre it was founded, and also has not done well in the USA. THey had about 100 members in the USA right before VAtican II, then collapsed down to about 6-7 members by the 1970's. THen, they tried to present themselves as more "conservative", and slowly grew to about 25-30 members, where they have hovered around till today.