Thors Catholic Hammer

Vatican Lenten Preacher: Idolatry Is Rules, Rigidity, Ritualism

Like antipope bergoglio this "bovati" is another heretical Jesuit talking the usual nonsense.
Until the antipope is removed this tripe will continue to be preached.
Thors Catholic Hammer

Communion in the Hand at Old Rite Masses? Never

You are a Pharisee filled with inward hatred toward anything that departs from your medievalist narrowminded conception of catholicism and ignorant to the last that the mass you cling to was itself invented nearly 500 years ago.
I have sadly met your type many times hissing and spitting at …More
You are a Pharisee filled with inward hatred toward anything that departs from your medievalist narrowminded conception of catholicism and ignorant to the last that the mass you cling to was itself invented nearly 500 years ago.
I have sadly met your type many times hissing and spitting at catholics who attend the NO mass.
I have attended many traditional latin masses and most of the people who used go to such masses were actually kind hearted catholics.
Hard cold haters like you poster Ultraviolet are the very very opposite of everything catholicism stands for.
Thors Catholic Hammer

Latin Mass Society: Coronavirus, the Traditional Latin Mass and receiving Communion

Pharisees like yourself attach more importence to the outward manner in which people receive Holy Communion than whether they receive it at all.
You then adopt some spiritually superior manner that only your method is permissable.
The foul and anti Christian anti catholic so called Latin mass Society of England and Wales then refuse Holy Communion to people who desire to receive in …More
Pharisees like yourself attach more importence to the outward manner in which people receive Holy Communion than whether they receive it at all.
You then adopt some spiritually superior manner that only your method is permissable.
The foul and anti Christian anti catholic so called Latin mass Society of England and Wales then refuse Holy Communion to people who desire to receive in the hand.
Go away the lot of you.
You are all haters of Christ and everything He stands for
Thors Catholic Hammer

Communion in the Hand at Old Rite Masses? Never

This shows how truly superficial the Latin Mas Society of England and Wales
They will , for the sake of outward appearances, deny the Eucharist to Catholics.
These abominable fiends do not care about the souls of ordinary Catholics and like the Whited Sepulchres excoriated by Christ in the gospels have set thems selves up as the new Pharisees of the 3rd millennium.
Thors Catholic Hammer

Latin Mass Society: Coronavirus, the Traditional Latin Mass and receiving Communion

English Latin Mass society?
Just who are these schismatics denying Catholics the right to receive communion in the hand?
How dare they.
I have noticed these arrogant self righteous medievalists spitting bile and vomit at everybody who doesn’t follow their narrow and superficial practices that rely on outward appearances only.
Christ had them well summed up when He described them as Whited Sepulchres.
Thors Catholic Hammer

Latin Mass Society: Coronavirus, the Traditional Latin Mass and receiving Communion

In denying Catholics the right to receive communion in the hand these Latin mass fanatics reject the church and display their schismatic dogmatism along with their medieval ignorance concerning basic hygiene.
Thors Catholic Hammer

Latin Mass Society: Coronavirus, the Traditional Latin Mass and receiving Communion

The physical action of feeding bread to a human mouth by hand is almost identical to the physical action of dispensing the Eucharist on the tongue.
Only complete fools will claim that those doing the feeding will always avoid contact with the tongue or lip.
Thors Catholic Hammer

Latin Mass Society: Coronavirus, the Traditional Latin Mass and receiving Communion

Oh dear .
Again time after time you fail to see the issue here.
Obviously you don’t know what the word accidentally means.
Then you confuse my secular description of feeding someone with the act of receiving communion.
Objectively it is the same thing in terms of the purely physical actions involved.
And fwiw I have received on the tongue where the Host was jammed into my mouth by a …More

Oh dear .
Again time after time you fail to see the issue here.
Obviously you don’t know what the word accidentally means.
Then you confuse my secular description of feeding someone with the act of receiving communion.
Objectively it is the same thing in terms of the purely physical actions involved.
And fwiw I have received on the tongue where the Host was jammed into my mouth by a clumsy priest.
You want to live in some cloud cuckoo world of perfect priests who administer the sacraments without the slightest error.
Then you vomit bile at anybody who might point out that errors do occur when communion is administered orally.
Religious mania is clearly just part of your problem.
Thors Catholic Hammer

Why Did Francis Create Such a Disaster with the Amazon Synod?

Well Christ Himself approved of St. Peter who was married.
It is also suggested that some of the other apostles were also married.
Indeed the ban on priests getting married was not in existence for around the first millennium of the catholic church’s history.
So yeah, maybe the AntiChrist approves of married clergy but so what when we know that Christ Himself selected a married man to be His first …More
Well Christ Himself approved of St. Peter who was married.
It is also suggested that some of the other apostles were also married.
Indeed the ban on priests getting married was not in existence for around the first millennium of the catholic church’s history.
So yeah, maybe the AntiChrist approves of married clergy but so what when we know that Christ Himself selected a married man to be His first Vicar on Earth.
Thors Catholic Hammer

2009 Flue: Vatican Reaffirmed Right To Receive Communion On The Tongue

It is obvious to the most obtuse but not to .you
indeed the sheer ignorance you spout would suggest that you have never received the Host on your tongue in your entire life.

When the priest holds the host in his fingers he must place it on the tongue of the communicant.
At all times his fingers are in very close proximity to the communicants tongue and lips.
Only people who have never …More
It is obvious to the most obtuse but not to .you
indeed the sheer ignorance you spout would suggest that you have never received the Host on your tongue in your entire life.

When the priest holds the host in his fingers he must place it on the tongue of the communicant.
At all times his fingers are in very close proximity to the communicants tongue and lips.
Only people who have never received on the tongue like you would make the profoundly idiotic claim that the priests fingers never accidentally touch the communicants tongue or lip.
All Catholics who receive on the tongue know this can happen.

But you Ultraviolet are not a catholic and the levels of hatred and abuse you vomit at those who disagree with you support that conviction.
Thors Catholic Hammer

2009 Flue: Vatican Reaffirmed Right To Receive Communion On The Tongue

Catholics are required to exercise prudence during times of pestilence.
Therefore communion on the hand being more hygienic should be adopted.
Thors Catholic Hammer

2009 Flue: Vatican Reaffirmed Right To Receive Communion On The Tongue

@Ultraviolet denies that saliva is transferred by clumsy priests when giving communion orally.
Then she admits it happens and claims that Christ will kill any viruses in that saliva.
Then she claims against all logic that Communion in the hand is also as unhygienic.
The poor wretch is all over the place and left without an argument resorts to the usual foul abuse of everybody who disagrees with her …More
@Ultraviolet denies that saliva is transferred by clumsy priests when giving communion orally.
Then she admits it happens and claims that Christ will kill any viruses in that saliva.
Then she claims against all logic that Communion in the hand is also as unhygienic.
The poor wretch is all over the place and left without an argument resorts to the usual foul abuse of everybody who disagrees with her religious hysteria .
Thors Catholic Hammer

Latin Mass Society: Coronavirus, the Traditional Latin Mass and receiving Communion

Only a thorough 100% fool sees placing food in another persons mouth by hand as on the same hygienic level as placing food in their hand by hand .
Thors Catholic Hammer

Latin Mass Society: Coronavirus, the Traditional Latin Mass and receiving Communion

There are indeed some clumsy priests whose fingers transfer saliva from other communicants when giving communion orally.
I have personally experienced this ugly phenomenon
Your view is that Christ in the Eucharist will kill any viruses in that saliva.
You then the seek to force that view on everybody.
I say why take the risk when it’s obviously safer to receive on the hand.
Many catholic …More

There are indeed some clumsy priests whose fingers transfer saliva from other communicants when giving communion orally.
I have personally experienced this ugly phenomenon
Your view is that Christ in the Eucharist will kill any viruses in that saliva.
You then the seek to force that view on everybody.
I say why take the risk when it’s obviously safer to receive on the hand.
Many catholic bishops agree with me.
You are contemptuous of normal hygiene and health safety precautions.
This is clearly connected to your religious fanaticism which rejects all God given reason and logic.
Thors Catholic Hammer

Latin Mass Society: Coronavirus, the Traditional Latin Mass and receiving Communion

Instead of argument all you offer are perpetual insults.
Your judgemental attitude to the faith of others is truly odious in the extreme.
Your lies, superstitions and abuse are contaminating the forum .
All in all you typify the very very worst sort of ultra self righteous so called trad Latin catholic believer who repulses everybody.
Thors Catholic Hammer

Latin Mass Society: Coronavirus, the Traditional Latin Mass and receiving Communion

The clown poster @Ultraviolet fails totally to understand that airborne respiratory viruses are airborne in tiny microscopic droplets of fluid.
The fluid resides in the oral and nasal cavities of persons suffering an infection they are,e expelled when that person coughs sneezes and sometimes even when they breath.
Anybody receiving communion on the tongue needs their head examined as the possibility …
The clown poster @Ultraviolet fails totally to understand that airborne respiratory viruses are airborne in tiny microscopic droplets of fluid.
The fluid resides in the oral and nasal cavities of persons suffering an infection they are,e expelled when that person coughs sneezes and sometimes even when they breath.
Anybody receiving communion on the tongue needs their head examined as the possibility of saliva transference from communicants to communicants via a clumsy priests fingers is high.
Communion in the hand is the most hygienic method.
Many bishops now understand this but sadly. It all.
Poster @Ultraviolet is fanatically opposed to communion in the hand and therefore must want everybody to be infected.
Thors Catholic Hammer

Coronavirus: Virologist Calls Closing Churches, Suspending Masses “Foolish”

Astounding the number of lunatics on this forum who think it’s fine when saliva is transferred from mouth to mouth by clumsy priests administering Holy Communion on the tongue.
One of them claims to be a microbiologist yet remains clueless about the superior methods of viral transference via saliva.
Thors Catholic Hammer

Vatican Protects Francis and Benedict XVI from Coronavirus

As I said “There is only one antiChrist ie.the schismatic antipope Bergoglio “
Thors Catholic Hammer

2009 Flue: Vatican Reaffirmed Right To Receive Communion On The Tongue

Communion in the hand is a more hygienic method of reception.
Lunatic fanatical Catholics , mostly of the Latin mass variety, seem to believe that a priests fingers never get wet from touching the tongue/ lip area of a communicant.
It happens and especially with clumsy priests.
Thors Catholic Hammer

2009 Flue: Vatican Reaffirmed Right To Receive Communion On The Tongue

Fr.Blake seems oblivious to contact with a wet mouth and tongue containing saliva with germs.
(Having experienced the revolting sensation of getting Holy Communion on my tongue from a priests wet fingers from previous communicants mouths I now opt for communion in the hand.)