
Francis: "God Does Not Reject Homosexuals"

"God doesn't reject homosexuals," Francis used his usual doublespeak talking to the Italian psychologist Salvo Noé for another interview book ("La paura come dono" - Fear as a Gift), reports Ansa.it. …More
"God doesn't reject homosexuals," Francis used his usual doublespeak talking to the Italian psychologist Salvo Noé for another interview book ("La paura come dono" - Fear as a Gift), reports Ansa.it.
“God's style is closeness, mercy and tenderness," Francis repeated his mantra, "His heart is open to each and every one. He is Father. Love does not divide, but unites.”
Hypocrisy is for Francis “the fear of the truth” - while a more brilliant mind called it "the bowing of vice before virtue."
For Francis who ratters down words like "closeness, mercy and tenderness" in order to do the opposite, "hypocrisy in the Church is particularly detestable.”
Obviously with himself in mind, he stressed that there are "many" hypocritical Christians and clergy.
Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsYxjybwetsc
Live Mike
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God." - 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Koza Nutria
God reject sin not people, how difficult is to understand that?
not sure what you are 'getting at' ....review the posting of Caroline03
Koza Nutria
I think you didn't understand me.No to worry,we are on the same page anyway.
English Catholic
What he should have said is that God doesn't reject those who are same-sex attracted, if they keep God's commandments in relation to their disordered inclination. If they don't, then it is they who reject God, not the other way round. "He who loves me, keeps my commandments".
Bonnie Louise
Best post of the day.
Francis didn't say God doesn't reject repentant homosexuals. That would make them ex-homosexuals to a certain degree.
Francis' claim that God accepts homosexuals without any distinguishing factor sparks this doubt in my mind:
Does Francis really believe in God?
Does he mention God or the name of Jesus with an inner chuckle?More
Francis didn't say God doesn't reject repentant homosexuals. That would make them ex-homosexuals to a certain degree.

Francis' claim that God accepts homosexuals without any distinguishing factor sparks this doubt in my mind:

Does Francis really believe in God?
Does he mention God or the name of Jesus with an inner chuckle?
Lol, thanks for the pics they are a perfect!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The cartoon is the best, comparing a great Pope (Pius XII), to the filth we have today! As much as I hate to admit it, because they were still 100% better than Bergoglio, but John XXIII and PaulVI and also JPII opened the door to all of this garbage in the Church today. Benedict XVI tried to close it alittle, and he was persecuted and rejected for it.