Closing Liturgy. Closing Eucharistic Liturgy | Los Angeles Religious Education Congress 2010More
Closing Liturgy.
Closing Eucharistic Liturgy | Los Angeles Religious Education Congress 2010
Great Outfits! Right after that they attack the death star with general Akbar!
Friends, after this video really want to think about church affiliation: Orthodox or Catholic.And if this was the first drop ..but it is not so, more reason to think that Vatican 2 was wrong.And if he is wrong, there is no confidence in Western Christianity as succumbed to the spirit of the times and change its ecclesiastical same, because that's what I see in this video can not be reconciled with …More
Friends, after this video really want to think about church affiliation: Orthodox or Catholic.And if this was the first drop ..but it is not so, more reason to think that Vatican 2 was wrong.And if he is wrong, there is no confidence in Western Christianity as succumbed to the spirit of the times and change its ecclesiastical same, because that's what I see in this video can not be reconciled with the teachings and practices of the Church since ancient times ..
Hi Woody,Do you own a Catechism? It would help if I knew that you had one.
Thank You rhemes!I just don't have a lot of patience with the Radical Traditionalist. Some of them a lurking here. I'm 60 years old and grew up with the Latin Mass, I love it, but prefer the Novus Ordo. I attend Mass at The Fathers of Mercy in Kentucky. It's beautiful! You said: "That is the perfect litmus test to see if you are talking with a Catholic in communion with Rome". I am so happy for you …More
Thank You rhemes!I just don't have a lot of patience with the Radical Traditionalist. Some of them a lurking here. I'm 60 years old and grew up with the Latin Mass, I love it, but prefer the Novus Ordo. I attend Mass at The Fathers of Mercy in Kentucky. It's beautiful! You said: "That is the perfect litmus test to see if you are talking with a Catholic in communion with Rome". I am so happy for you and your family! If you only knew how horrible it was putting up with the liberals in California. At this point I don't have time to start "Dialogging" with Neo-protestant, ultra-traditionalist who question the authority of Vatican II.

God Bless You Too!
2 more comments from thebedards
Rhemes,I can see how you could have misunderstood my post. Please read it again. I'm sorry for the confusion. Do you think that the Novus Ordo Mass is valid? I'm not talking about the one in the above video. Again, that kind of liturgical abuse is one of the big reasons I left Ca. Same question to you holyrope.
God Bless You,
Rhemes,I can see how you could have misunderstood my post. Please read it again. I'm sorry for the confusion. Do you think that the Novus Ordo Mass is valid? I'm not talking about the one in the above video. Again, that kind of liturgical abuse is one of the big reasons I left Ca. Same question to you holyrope.

God Bless You,
holyrope & rhemes: "Anyone who has a problem with tradition has a problem with the Church" and "I wish you would not use the blanket statement traditionals". Exactly, no one can be an obedient Catholic without accepting the traditions of the Church and no one should make a blanket statement. Please dont "Spin" my words. I said ULTR-conservatives. Those Catholics "may" be the ones who spin the …More
holyrope & rhemes: "Anyone who has a problem with tradition has a problem with the Church" and "I wish you would not use the blanket statement traditionals". Exactly, no one can be an obedient Catholic without accepting the traditions of the Church and no one should make a blanket statement. Please dont "Spin" my words. I said ULTR-conservatives. Those Catholics "may" be the ones who spin the documents on Vatican II. Reality: Anyone who doesn't accept the teachings of the Catholic Church is a protesting Christian/Protestant.

........... the ultra conservatives are truly Protestant.........
Can you please explain your statement?!More

........... the ultra conservatives are truly Protestant.........

Can you please explain your statement?!
Bobby, die Redaktion löscht da gar nichts, das macht Frau Lisi Sterndorfer, sie hat dazu das Recht und auch die Möglichkeit.
Bitte GTV Spielregeln beachten!!!! 😇
.......können sich davon eine Scheibe abschneiden, ja, Bobby, und auch gleich essen...es ist ja schon geschnittenes Brot vorhanden ...bei diesen Massen(m)essen... 😁
Wer löscht hier dauernd meinen Kommentar? Was soll das? 🤒 Ich bleibe dabei: Bitte mehr von diesen "Liturgieskandalen" auch bei uns!!! 😇 😇 😇
How many litugical abuses can you find? 🤦
Anyone who has a problem with tradition has a problem with the Church.
I lived about a mile from where this takes place in Ca. for 45 years. It is one of the big reasons I left Ca. The Church is in BIG TROUBLE in America. I often thank Jesus that I didn't get involved with the "Traditional Movement" as they tried to get their hooks in me. They are the other side of the coin, just more insidious. The ultra liberals and the ultra conservatives are truly Protestant! This …More
I lived about a mile from where this takes place in Ca. for 45 years. It is one of the big reasons I left Ca. The Church is in BIG TROUBLE in America. I often thank Jesus that I didn't get involved with the "Traditional Movement" as they tried to get their hooks in me. They are the other side of the coin, just more insidious. The ultra liberals and the ultra conservatives are truly Protestant! This thread has examples of that. Keep yours eyes on Jesus and obey the Pope! 🤗

okay, okay, ich bin überzeugt, das hier hat mir den Rest gegeben:
Liturgical Abuses in front of 40 000....
Die "Tempeltänzerinnen".... 🤨
wenns nicht so traurig wäre, wäre es zum Lachen.More
okay, okay, ich bin überzeugt, das hier hat mir den Rest gegeben:

Liturgical Abuses in front of 40 000....

Die "Tempeltänzerinnen".... 🤨

wenns nicht so traurig wäre, wäre es zum Lachen.
Ich finde es grundsätzlich toll, dass so viele Menschen diese heilige Messe mitfeiern. Klar ist die Atmosphäre an einer solchen Massenmesse anders als in einer Pfarrkirche. Dort sind die Priester manchmal ziemlich einsam...
Wenn unser Papst auf Reisen geht, werden auch jeweils Messen mit Tausenden Gläubigen gefeiert. Organisatorisch muss das irgendwie bewältigt werden, so dass halt liebgewordene …More
Ich finde es grundsätzlich toll, dass so viele Menschen diese heilige Messe mitfeiern. Klar ist die Atmosphäre an einer solchen Massenmesse anders als in einer Pfarrkirche. Dort sind die Priester manchmal ziemlich einsam...
Wenn unser Papst auf Reisen geht, werden auch jeweils Messen mit Tausenden Gläubigen gefeiert. Organisatorisch muss das irgendwie bewältigt werden, so dass halt liebgewordene Details ausser Betracht fallen. So viele Menschen kann man nicht über Stunden festhalten, weil beispielsweise die Kommunion nicht zügig ausgeteilt wird.
Auch Jesus hat an die Menschen gedacht, die sein Wort hören wollten, er hat ihnen Brot und Fische gegeben.
Skandalös finde ich, dass gewisse "oberfrömmelnde" Mitmenschen überall immer das Haar in der Suppe suchen.
Gehet hin und macht es zuerst besser!
Kann man da auch Himbeersaft nehmen?...Ich meine nur, falls doch auch einige Kinder anwesend sein sollten...könnte man ihnen auch ein wenig "Saft Christi" verabreichen.... 😁
Was ist da skandalös ?
Monika Schr.
Hier ist ein Positivbeispiel für eine Form würdiger Kommunionspendung bei einer Hl.Messe (sogar im Freien, in einem Waldstück) mit mehreren tausend Teilnehmern. (ab ca Minutre 3): Mit Maria auf dem Weg zu Christus (2)
Es geht, wenn man will! (beide "Seiten": Priester und Gläubige) 🤗