
Pope’s high praise for Cardinal Sean O’Malley

Too many prelates behave in this type of way, their ego's must be very enlarged. This lady conferred nothing on this "prelate". So why did he go along with this pretend sacrament ( which does not exist: as there is one baptism) what is his real agenda? Is he man enough to tell the truth? Or will he continue to hide behind his outfits, title and the money.
Fakes make me vomit.

Vatican First Denied 400 Priests Defrocked, Then Lombardi Agreed

How many priests have been "defrocked" since then?
Or are we not to judge?

Pope in Overdrive, Vatican in Turmoil, SSPX in Schism?

The Pope is not wise, let's hope he is not a heretic.
God protect and bless Your Vicar. Amen.

The Pope’s Thursday Homily Against Giving Scandal

It is to his great shame that the Holy Father has appointed Fr Rossico(not sure of his spelling) to the Vatican's communications office while that same priest invites heretics to his Canadian "Catholic" Salt & Light tv show to promolgate his drivel.
And the Holy Fathers Curial appointment of HE Cardinal Marx ( of pornograhy business - German bishops fame) to the group of his 8 advisors.
Does the …More
It is to his great shame that the Holy Father has appointed Fr Rossico(not sure of his spelling) to the Vatican's communications office while that same priest invites heretics to his Canadian "Catholic" Salt & Light tv show to promolgate his drivel.
And the Holy Fathers Curial appointment of HE Cardinal Marx ( of pornograhy business - German bishops fame) to the group of his 8 advisors.
Does the Pope understand the saying, "pot, kettle"????

The Pope’s Thursday Homily Against Giving Scandal

The Pope's homily was in Italian. The Cardinal would not have understood it.
The serious question here is why is the Pope inviting this Cardinal to celebrate mass with him in St Peter's?????

Doctor Who Treated Abusive Priests Speaks

Priests found guilty of these crimes should be (at the very least) be supported to leave ministry without question.
The idea of sending them for treatment and then returning them as pastors appears naive in the extreme.
I have friends who ( are now married fathers) were "helped out" of seminary by what now I clearly understand was the clergy who hold sway in the Church - the unbelievers.
The seventies …More
Priests found guilty of these crimes should be (at the very least) be supported to leave ministry without question.
The idea of sending them for treatment and then returning them as pastors appears naive in the extreme.
I have friends who ( are now married fathers) were "helped out" of seminary by what now I clearly understand was the clergy who hold sway in the Church - the unbelievers.
The seventies and eighties have produced wooly priests with wooly ideas in all too many cases. They do not appear to understand their priestly ministry any more than your average teenager does.

Ecumenism Gone Wild

Baptism reaffirmation ritual indeed! What garbage! Toy town theology by cowboys!
St John the Baptist intercede at the throne of heaven for the Church. Amen.

Ecumenism Gone Wild

cardinals behaving like teenagers - goodess what next? the laugh of it is they actually think they have something of worth to impart! He's just another "humble" windbag.

Dominikanie i parafianie - Jarmark św. Dominika 2013

Who is their bishop? Another fool no doubt.

German Cardinal Reinhard Marx: Says Capitalism Should Not Serve as a Model For Society

HE Marx omitted to confess the truth behind the German Bishops capitalist agenda in them making millions of Euros every year from the German Bishops pornography business.
I wonder why that was?
And this fake in dress up is an adviser to Christs Vicar?
Do not make me laugh! Bunch of vipers is all that could describe them.

Pope: "The Earth is NOT a Valley of Tears"

Say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no.
What a foolish Pope we have!

Gloria.TV News on the 16th of December

At last! The Pope sounds Catholic! That is much clearer, Thank you Holy Father.

Cardinal Burke on Pope Francis: ‘we can never talk enough’ about abortion (Video)

I just wish the Cardinals would just man up and say yes when they mean yes and no when they mean no ...and go tell the pope to speak clearly or step aside for a Catholic who knows God and His Heaven are Catholic and stop talking from behind a cloak.
Almighty God send us bishops who actually believe in the One Holy and Apostolic Church that the world is crying in their hearts for. Amen.

Associated Press picks up Rorate Franciscan Friar Crackdown Story

How come there is no crack down on the German pornography producing and selling bishops, Oh! of course, I forgot, they bring in millions to the Vatican.
How come there is no crackdown on the Scottish bishops, with the scandals we have endured here under their "leadership"?
And what about the priests who offer the "banal" novus ordo Mass, are they going to swear an oath that the Mass of all Saints …More
How come there is no crack down on the German pornography producing and selling bishops, Oh! of course, I forgot, they bring in millions to the Vatican.
How come there is no crackdown on the Scottish bishops, with the scandals we have endured here under their "leadership"?

And what about the priests who offer the "banal" novus ordo Mass, are they going to swear an oath that the Mass of all Saints is not only valid , but sacred? Don't make me laugh!
Almighty God, rid us of these fake "prelates" with their (less and less) secretive agendas and send us real men of faith as our bishops. Amen.

“Catholic” Professor: No Difference Between a Chimp and My 4-year-Old Son

What is he a "professor" of? - being a twat I guess.
Masturbation is the result of the twaddlers who talk garbage and spread non-sense.
A lovely (and wise) childrens story....the emperor has no clothes.
What a fool he is.

Kasper the Friendly Cardinal

Conservative vs liberal lines my eye!
The German "prelates" are pornographers and their private lives are in sin, so we will do without what the German " bishops" have to blether about, thank you very much.
Gaggle of liars and fakes. Resign at once! You are a disgrace. Not working for the Lord but for yourselves. You love the dress up and the money.
What a joke.

Mandela received Communion from a Catholic priest while imprisoned

So another priest is exposed, he administers the Blessed Sacrament to a methodist. What a fool and an arrogant fool at that.
Maybe if he had followed the Lord Jesus and instructed and converted this methodist - 1 million babies would not now be dead, cut into pieces following Mandelas legislation - which is the work of the devil himself.
The Jesuits are a joke.

Oath to be administered to Franciscans of the Immaculate?

Are the current clergy offering the banal liturgy going to have to swear an oath that they understand that the liturgy of all the Saints is not only valid but sacred?
Don't make me laugh!!
There are large groups of "bishops" who have agendas, that are not Catholic and the expose themselves daily. These prelates are fakes, they operate behind a cloak, they are not doing Gods work - but their own. …More
Are the current clergy offering the banal liturgy going to have to swear an oath that they understand that the liturgy of all the Saints is not only valid but sacred?
Don't make me laugh!!
There are large groups of "bishops" who have agendas, that are not Catholic and the expose themselves daily. These prelates are fakes, they operate behind a cloak, they are not doing Gods work - but their own.
Almighty God help us, give us real men of faith and rid us of these "community" ideology fakes. Amen.

Gloria.TV News on the 10th of December

The gift of wisdom is a gift from the Holy Spirit.
What a wise priest!
God, please protect him from the evil wolves. Amen.

The Head of the SSPX: It's Like Starting Over With Pope Francis

A bishop with a spine! There are not many of them. The Pope thinks there are fruits??? Is he having a laugh, the Church is in free fall all over Europe and the people left are led, in the main , by priests who's formation is seriously questionable - from the garbage taught in their seminaries. Scotland has none left, Ireland has the fame of the bishop who's diocese the biggest Irish seminary once …More
A bishop with a spine! There are not many of them. The Pope thinks there are fruits??? Is he having a laugh, the Church is in free fall all over Europe and the people left are led, in the main , by priests who's formation is seriously questionable - from the garbage taught in their seminaries. Scotland has none left, Ireland has the fame of the bishop who's diocese the biggest Irish seminary once was - and he admitted on Irish National television that he hasn't believed in God for years!!!
You couldn't make it up.
The German bishops are pornographers , Our Lady's words are all proving true - diabolical disorientation decends from the top!

Almighty God, save us from this current clergy and their apostasy, Amen.