May 25 - Saint Aldhelm - Bishop of Sherborne - 709 Adhelm Aldelmus Memorial 25 May Profile Son of Centa, he was a Saxon and related to the King of Wessex. Lived for a while as a hermit near Wiltshire, …More
May 25 - Saint Aldhelm - Bishop of Sherborne - 709
25 May
Son of Centa, he was a Saxon and related to the King of Wessex. Lived for a while as a hermit near Wiltshire, England. Monk at Malmesbury Abbey in Wiltshire. Spiritual student of Saint Maeldulph and Saint Adrian of Canterbury. Teacher and spiritual director.
Abbot at Malmesbury c.685. Instituted Benedictine reforms, and the house became a model for those around it. Founded monasteries at Frome and Brandford-on-Avon, and built three churches in Malmesbury, one of which survives today. During one of the church constructions, a roof beam was cut too short; Aldhelm prayed over it, and it lengthened. Around the year 700 Aldhelm installed the first church organ in England. He was a tireless preacher – legend says that one sermon lasted so long that his staff took root and became a tree again. Spiritual writer known internationally in his day. One of the founders of Anglo-Latin poetry. A …More
MAY 25 - THE GOSPEL breski1 Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 10,13-16. People were bringing children to Jesus that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus …More
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 10,13-16.
People were bringing children to Jesus that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them.
When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it."
Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them.
Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB Share the Gospel on Facebook Saint Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938) Religious Sister Diary of divine mercy, Para. 1750 An innocent and childlike soul is an adoration that pleases God O universe, humbly glorify your God; Thank your Creator to the best of your powers And praise God’s incomprehensible mercy. Come, O earth, in all your fine greenery; Come, you too, O fathomless sea. Let your gratitude become a loving song And sing the …More
Letture e Vangelo del giorno - Sabato 25 Maggio 2024 Audio letture della Parola Vangelo di oggi Lettera di san Giacomo 5,13-20. Carissimi, chi tra voi è nel dolore, preghi; chi è nella gioia salmeggi. …More
Letture e Vangelo del giorno - Sabato 25 Maggio 2024 Audio letture della Parola Vangelo di oggi
Lettera di san Giacomo 5,13-20.
Carissimi, chi tra voi è nel dolore, preghi; chi è nella gioia salmeggi.
Chi è malato, chiami a sé i presbiteri della Chiesa e preghino su di lui, dopo averlo unto con olio, nel nome del Signore.
E la preghiera fatta con fede salverà il malato: il Signore lo rialzerà e se ha commesso peccati, gli saranno perdonati.
Confessate perciò i vostri peccati gli uni agli altri e pregate gli uni per gli altri per essere guariti. Molto vale la preghiera del giusto fatta con insistenza.
Elia era un uomo della nostra stessa natura: pregò intensamente che non piovesse e non piovve sulla terra per tre anni e sei mesi.
Poi pregò di nuovo e il cielo diede la pioggia e la terra produsse il suo frutto. Fratelli miei, se uno di voi si allontana dalla verità e un altro ve lo riconduce, costui sappia che chi riconduce un peccatore dalla sua via di errore, salverà la sua anima dalla …More
MAY 25 - THE FIRST READING breski1 Letter of James 5,13-20. Beloved : Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone in good spirits? He should sing praise. Is anyone among you sick? He …More
Letter of James 5,13-20.
Beloved : Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone in good spirits? He should sing praise.
Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint (him) with oil in the name of the Lord,
and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven.
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.
Elijah was a human being like us; yet he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain upon the land. Then he prayed again, and the sky gave rain and the earth produced its fruit. My brothers, if anyone among you should stray from the truth and someone bring him back, he should know that whoever brings back a sinner from the error of his way …More
chris griffinMore
chris griffin
Parole et Evangile du jour Samedi 25 mai ACCUEILLIR LE ROYAUME DE DIEU MChrista Lettre de saint Jacques 5,13-20. Bien-aimés, l’un de vous se porte mal ? Qu’il prie. Un autre va bien ? Qu’il chante …More
Parole et Evangile du jour Samedi 25 mai ACCUEILLIR LE ROYAUME DE DIEU
Lettre de saint Jacques 5,13-20.
Bien-aimés, l’un de vous se porte mal ? Qu’il prie. Un autre va bien ? Qu’il chante le Seigneur.
L’un de vous est malade ? Qu’il appelle les Anciens en fonction dans l’Église : ils prieront sur lui après lui avoir fait une onction d’huile au nom du Seigneur.
Cette prière inspirée par la foi sauvera le malade : le Seigneur le relèvera et, s’il a commis des péchés, il recevra le pardon.
Confessez donc vos péchés les uns aux autres, et priez les uns pour les autres afin d’être guéris. La supplication du juste agit avec beaucoup de force.
Le prophète Élie n’était qu’un homme pareil à nous ; pourtant, lorsqu’il a prié avec insistance pour qu’il ne pleuve pas, il n’est pas tombé de pluie sur la terre pendant trois ans et demi ; puis il a prié de nouveau, et le ciel a donné la pluie, et la terre a fait germer son fruit. Mes frères, si l’un de vous s’égare loin de la vérité et qu’un …More
Beda el Venerable en 1 Minuto - El Santo del Día - 25 de Mayo p.josédejesús fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 25 de mayo fecha en el calendario anterior: 27 de mayo n.: c. 672 - †: 735 - país:More
Beda el Venerable en 1 Minuto - El Santo del Día - 25 de Mayo
fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 25 de mayo
fecha en el calendario anterior: 27 de mayo
n.: c. 672 - †: 735 - país: Reino Unido (UK)
canonización: pre-congregación
hagiografía: «Vidas de los santos de A. Butler», Herbert Thurston, SI
San Beda el Venerable, presbítero y doctor de la Iglesia, el cual, servidor de Cristo desde la edad de ocho años, transcurrió toda su vida en el monasterio de Wearmouth, en el territorio de Northum-bría, en Inglaterra, dedicado a la meditación y a la exposición de las Escrituras. Entre la observancia de la disciplina monástica y el ejercicio cotidiano del canto en la iglesia, sus delicias fueron siempre estudiar, enseñar o escribir. refieren a este santo: San Beda el Joven Oración: Señor Dios, que has iluminado a tu Iglesia con la sabiduría de san Beda el Venerable, concede a tus siervos la gracia de ser constantemente orientados por las enseñanzas de tu santo presbítero …More
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San Beda el Venerable, presbítero y doctor de la Iglesia (2 coms.) - Memoria litúrgica San Beda el Venerable, presbítero y doctor de la Iglesia, el …More
San Beda el Venerable, presbítero y doctor de la Iglesia (2 coms.) - Memoria litúrgica
San Beda el Venerable, presbítero y doctor de la Iglesia, el cual, servidor de Cristo desde la edad de ocho años, transcurrió toda su vida en el monasterio de Wearmouth, en el territorio de Northum-bría, en Inglaterra, dedicado a la meditación y a la exposición de las Escrituras. Entre la observancia de la disciplina monástica y el ejercicio cotidiano del canto en la iglesia, sus delicias fueron siempre estudiar, enseñar o escribir. († 735)
San Gregorio VII, papa (1 coms.) - Memoria litúrgica
San Gregorio VII, papa, anteriormente llamado Hildebrando, que primero llevó vida monástica y colaboró en la reforma de la Iglesia en numerosas legaciones pontificias de su tiempo. Una vez elevado a la cátedra de Pedro, reivindicó con gran autoridad y fuerte ánimo la libertad de la Iglesia respecto al poder de los príncipes, defendiendo valientemente la santidad del sacerdocio. Al ser obligado a abandonar Roma …More
MAY 25 - SAINT BEDE THE VENERABLE breski1 Venerable Bede Father of English History Memorial 25 May formerly 27 May Profile Born around the time England was finally completely Christianized, Bede was …More
Venerable Bede
Father of English History
25 May
formerly 27 May
Profile Born around the time England was finally completely Christianized, Bede was raised from age seven in the abbey of Saints Peter and Paul at Wearmouth-Jarrow, and lived there the rest of his life. Benedictine monk. Spiritual student of the founder, Saint Benedict Biscop. Ordained a priest in 702 by Saint John of Beverley. Bede was considered the most learned man of his day. He worked as both teacher and author, writing about history, rhetoric, mathematics, music, astronomy, poetry, grammar, philosophy, hagiography, homiletics, and Bible commentary. His writings began the tradition of dating this era from the incarnation of Christ. The central theme of Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica is of the Church using the power of its spiritual, doctrinal, and cultural unity to stamp out violence and barbarism. Our knowledge of England before the 8th centuryMore
4 TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? Excerpt 4 In this excerpt, Julia Meloni reveals a takeaway message from "The St Gallen Mafia" and what this epoch in the Church's …More
4 TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? Excerpt 4
In this excerpt, Julia Meloni reveals a takeaway message from "The St Gallen Mafia" and what this epoch in the Church's history can teach. Watch the full TAN Talk here: TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? Authors Joseph Pearce and Julia Meloni debate this puzzling question among other topics as well as talking about their new releases: "Benedict XVI" and "The St. Gallen Mafia." Hosted by TAN publicist, Krista Thomas, TAN Talks is a must-see program. Learn about what inspired the authors to write their books, The St. Gallen Mafia's goals and why they wish to halt the Traditional Latin Mass, and why Pope Benedict XVI is a defender of the Faith. TAN TALKS is a new initiative by TAN Books, which airs the second Thursday of every month. In these inspiring talks, you will gain personal access to our authors …More
3 TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? Excerpt 3 In this excerpt, Joseph Pearce offers encouragement on remaining strong and charitable in a time of persecution. Watch …More
3 TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? Excerpt 3
In this excerpt, Joseph Pearce offers encouragement on remaining strong and charitable in a time of persecution. Watch the full TAN Talk here: TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? Authors Joseph Pearce and Julia Meloni debate this puzzling question among other topics as well as talking about their new releases: "Benedict XVI" and "The St. Gallen Mafia." Hosted by TAN publicist, Krista Thomas, TAN Talks is a must-see program. Learn about what inspired the authors to write their books, The St. Gallen Mafia's goals and why they wish to halt the Traditional Latin Mass, and why Pope Benedict XVI is a defender of the Faith. TAN TALKS is a new initiative by TAN Books, which airs the second Thursday of every month. In these inspiring talks, you will gain personal access to our authors concerning the most …More
2 TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict? Excerpt 2 In this excerpt, Julia Meloni shares what compelled her to write her new book, "The St. Gallen Mafia." Watch the full TAN …More
2 TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict? Excerpt 2
In this excerpt, Julia Meloni shares what compelled her to write her new book, "The St. Gallen Mafia." Watch the full TAN Talk here: TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? Authors Joseph Pearce and Julia Meloni debate this puzzling question among other topics as well as talking about their new releases: "Benedict XVI" and "The St. Gallen Mafia." Hosted by TAN publicist, Krista Thomas, TAN Talks is a must-see program. Learn about what inspired the authors to write their books, The St. Gallen Mafia's goals and why they wish to halt the Traditional Latin Mass, and why Pope Benedict XVI is a defender of the Faith. TAN TALKS is a new initiative by TAN Books, which airs the second Thursday of every month. In these inspiring talks, you will gain personal access to our authors concerning the most pressing topics …More
TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? Excerpt 1 In this excerpt, Joseph Pearce discusses how decentralization, especially with regard to the Traditional Latin Mass, was …More
TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? Excerpt 1
In this excerpt, Joseph Pearce discusses how decentralization, especially with regard to the Traditional Latin Mass, was a defining moment of Pope Benedict XVI's papacy. Watch the full TAN Talk here: TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? TAN Talks: Did the St. Gallen Mafia Impact the Papacy of Benedict XVI? Authors Joseph Pearce and Julia Meloni debate this puzzling question among other topics as well as talking about their new releases: "Benedict XVI" and "The St. Gallen Mafia." Hosted by TAN publicist, Krista Thomas, TAN Talks is a must-see program. Learn about what inspired the authors to write their books, The St. Gallen Mafia's goals and why they wish to halt the Traditional Latin Mass, and why Pope Benedict XVI is a defender of the Faith. TAN TALKS is a new initiative by TAN Books, which airs the second Thursday of every month. In these inspiring talks, you will gain …More
10 Jahre Bischof Oster - ein Rückblick In diesem Video wirft die Medienabteilung zusammen mit Bischof Stefan einen Blick zurück auf die letzten zehn Jahre seiner Amtszeit als Bischof von Passau.More
10 Jahre Bischof Oster - ein Rückblick
In diesem Video wirft die Medienabteilung zusammen mit Bischof Stefan einen Blick zurück auf die letzten zehn Jahre seiner Amtszeit als Bischof von Passau.
Coenobium alfredusMore
Coenobium alfredus
Ja, Bischof Oster ist einer der wenigen noch katholischen Hirten und steht auf Distanz zu dem synodalen Weg und den Modernisten ... ! Man kann nur hoffen …More
Ja, Bischof Oster ist einer der wenigen noch katholischen Hirten und steht auf Distanz zu dem synodalen Weg und den Modernisten ... ! Man kann nur hoffen, dass er seiner katholischen Linie treu bleibt ... !
685. La foi ne peut se développer que si on la met en œuvre / Pierre Desroches - 26 mai 2024 Commentaire des textes liturgiques du 26 mai 2024 : « LA SAINTE TRINITÉ » / Visitez le site de l’organisme …More
685. La foi ne peut se développer que si on la met en œuvre / Pierre Desroches - 26 mai 2024
Commentaire des textes liturgiques du 26 mai 2024 : « LA SAINTE TRINITÉ » / Visitez le site de l’organisme Qéhélata (Québec) :
PIERRE DESROCHES a été ordonné prêtre en 1977 dans le diocèse de Montréal. Il est vicaire des paroisses du Bon-Pasteur et de Saint Claude (Ville de Laval au Québec). / GINO FILLION : composition et orchestration, caméra et montage pour le site « » et l’organisme d’évangélisation par les arts « Qéhélata
Supplica e benedizione delle Rose Il momento più attesto da tutti i devoti di Santa Rita in Italia e nel mondo, la supplica e benedizione delle rose sul sagrato della Basilica, presieduta dal Cardinale …More
Supplica e benedizione delle Rose
Il momento più attesto da tutti i devoti di Santa Rita in Italia e nel mondo, la supplica e benedizione delle rose sul sagrato della Basilica, presieduta dal Cardinale Robert F. Prevost osa, Prefetto del Dicastero per i Vescovi.
saint rita of cascia
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Nonno Atac, festa speciale su tram storico per ex conducente che compie 100 anni Giornata speciale per i 100 anni di Emilio Polidori, ex autista dell’Atac, l’azienda di trasporti capitolina. Ecco …More
Nonno Atac, festa speciale su tram storico per ex conducente che compie 100 anni
Giornata speciale per i 100 anni di Emilio Polidori, ex autista dell’Atac, l’azienda di trasporti capitolina. Ecco l’originale modo con cui è stato festeggiato.
Chiesa, Carlo Acutis e Don Giuseppe Allamano proclamati santi Il giovane Carlo Acutis e Don Giuseppe Allamano, fondatore dell’istituto delle missione della consolata, verranno proclamati santi. Tg2000More
Chiesa, Carlo Acutis e Don Giuseppe Allamano proclamati santi
Il giovane Carlo Acutis e Don Giuseppe Allamano, fondatore dell’istituto delle missione della consolata, verranno proclamati santi.
Morto a Milano Franco Anelli, il rettore dell'Università Cattolica È morto nella tarda serata di ieri a Milano il rettore dell'Università Cattolica, Franco Anelli, 60 anni. a novembre avrebbe concluso …More
Morto a Milano Franco Anelli, il rettore dell'Università Cattolica
È morto nella tarda serata di ieri a Milano il rettore dell'Università Cattolica, Franco Anelli, 60 anni. a novembre avrebbe concluso il suo terzo mandato alla guida dell'ateneo.
A Tréguier, les avocats célèbrent le Pardon de la Saint-Yves ktotv En ce 19 mai et week-end de Pentecôte, alors que les avocats du Barreau de Saint-Brieuc organisent leur colloque à Tréguier dans …More
A Tréguier, les avocats célèbrent le Pardon de la Saint-Yves
En ce 19 mai et week-end de Pentecôte, alors que les avocats du Barreau de Saint-Brieuc organisent leur colloque à Tréguier dans les Côtes d'Armor, sur le thème « Quelle Justice demain ? », le Pardon de la Saint-Yves, patron des avocats, rassemble le lendemain du colloque de nombreux membres de barreaux. Le Pardon du grand patron des Bretons est marqué traditionnellement par une grande procession à la suite du reliquaire contenant le chef de saint Yves. Chaque année, des milliers de pèlerins se rendent à la cathédrale de Tréguier pour vivre cet événement historique et spirituel.
La Biblia del Niño se ha impreso 51 millones de veces. En el marco de la primera Jornada Mundial del Niño, el 25 y el 26 de mayo, la fundación pontificia Ayuda a la Iglesia Necesitada resaltó la gran …More
La Biblia del Niño se ha impreso 51 millones de veces.
En el marco de la primera Jornada Mundial del Niño, el 25 y el 26 de mayo, la fundación pontificia Ayuda a la Iglesia Necesitada resaltó la gran importancia de su Biblia del Niño para apoyar la labor evangelizadora de la Iglesia Católica.
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EUCHARISTIC PILGRIMAGE PROCEEDS FROM FOLSOM PRISON, SACRAMENT SWNews St. Junipero Serra Route of the Eucharistic pilgrimage is currently passing through the Diocese from Sacramento. On Thursday 23 May …More
St. Junipero Serra Route of the Eucharistic pilgrimage is currently passing through the Diocese from Sacramento. On Thursday 23 May, the pilgrimage began with a Holy Mass at Folsom Prison, which was followed by a Eucharistic procession to St John the Baptist, Folsom, where a solemn Eucharistic adoration was held.